Wednesday, December 24, 2014

uji mushi uji mushi

Yesterday i had brooke come over and we got all kawaii!

trying to do that japanese street fashion 

omg its been forever since me n her dressed up. i missed those days

i showed her all that otome merch my mom got me lol! shes my only friend that understands that stuff TvT

double date jk.
my fav is kazama and hers is okita so its perfect that my only figures are of those 2.

we took lots of pics but i don't like uploading photos idk why. and she dressed like a school girl and asked if she can borrow the outfit so she can show the boy she likes lol.

and my gel nail machine arrived and works perfectly! and only $10!!!!!! this is why i love ebay~

and heres a really dumb pic but i love it.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

really short post

yesterday i finally saw big hero 6 and it was SO good!!! i cried at the end too >_<

also, i bought 2 nintama mangas and since its for kids it really easy to read(well i only read like 2 pages so..)

omg and yesterday i wore my sailor moon sweater out, and like 5 ppl said they liked it and asked where i got it!!!

and im trying to exercise more, but who knows how long that will last

thats all!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


so ive been with my friends lately just chillin.

anyways i did christmas nails!

but, they remind me of christmas nails i did 2 years ago. idk i srsly had no idea what i should do with my nails. usually when i do designs i draw it on paper first, but i just stared at the paper for like 20 minutes lol and was like wat the heck i'll just do something generic.

i was tempted to do anime nails but i did hakuouki nails last year so didnt have christmas nails...and i didnt want to do that again.

btw on ebay i bought a gel nail machine! so i can do gels at home ^_^ i only have like 2 colours but i can buy more. ebay is my go-to for cheap stuff. also bought a pink choker too!

so a few days ago rebekah came over cuz i wanted to play this scary game with her! its called seven mysteries. of course its an rpg maker game, theyre the only scary games i can handle(besides fnaf) and it was really good. witchs house is still the scariest though, cuz we actually SCREAMED in that game. in seven mysteries, we just had heart attacks every now n then. but we made it to ch 7 on our first try!! i guess a lot of ppl don't cuz its hard or something. oh yea we good.

speaking of games ive been playing twewy again and omg i forgot some of this dialogue though lol

yesterday i made another make up tutorial. a picture one, and a video one on youtube.
dude i can make bank off youtube, but i don't really know how n stuff. one of my videos has almost 200k views o__O who would've thought...

and ugguuu i want to apply for my japanese skool but my mom says to wait so i'll do it next month for sure!! i don't want to wait too long cuz i wanna get a spot(and brag about it to ppl)

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

new lens n stuff

So i actually got sponsored lens!! I was so happy!! ^_^

its fairy princess violet from pinkicon. they are one day lens and are purple, both which ive never had before.

and its diameter is 14.2 which is small compared to lens i get now a days which are usually 14.8 or bigger lol.

I don't like how dark these are. its REALLY hard to tell they are purple if youre standing 5 feet away from the mirror. its hard to tell even up close.

looks more black in my opinion and im not a fan of black or dark lens. i like having lens that make my eyes lighter and sparkle. but its only 5 pairs i got, and for free, so i cant really complain.

anyways on black friday went to the mall w/ julian and omg we were there for like 4 hours i was so exhausted when i got back home. i bought 3 shirts and 1 pants.

and also on saturday rebekah came over and we gave eachother facials and just talked about life n played video games

and im applying to japanese school!!!!!!! i'll prob get accepted i dont see why i wouldnt unless theres no more room.

and the other day i was bored n dressed up cuz i wanted to try on the loose socks but theyre really short so idk but i guess its ok.

Monday, November 24, 2014

mommy's back!!!!

its nice seeing her again, but i was mostly excited for my stuff lol!!!


HAKUOUKI STUFF, TOKI NO KIZUNA GAME, LOOSE SOCKS, MAKE UP, BENTO BOX, KERA MAG and not pictured but TONS of pocky and other goodies like chips/rice crackers/ramen ect and she brought back a takoyaki uh...maker? the stuff so its circle and u can make it at home!

a hakuouki anime fanbook!!!
its a bit old but idc! ok dude hakuouki has srsly like taken over my life(or just otome stuff in general) whenever i like an anime or something i get over it when the next thing comes out but ive been in love with this series for 2 years now thats the longest obsession ive had. but still..NANA will always be my #1 fav anime/manga

anyways the girls style mag came with 2 extras. a quick guide to some new snow white?? or something game that i dont know about, and then a rejet drama CD guide

and i got kera too. i would get more fashion magazines but gyaru is dying out big time. i lost so much respect to the magazines i used to LOVE cuz that natural the makeup tutorials are literally light brown eyeshadow and a little brown eyeliner thats it. and if they do wear eyelashes, its so natural looking it doesnt even look like ur wearing any. whats the point of that? all the good gal mags got shut down so only the boring ones are left. but at least since kera isnt gyaru, ppl are still creative and different looking so i still like it.

but anyways

ok i made sure to have my mom buy the okita figure. its only like 800 yen in japan while in america(or not japan) its around $30. so much cheaper there. i was thinking of getting the rasetsu version so he has white hair cuz its more 'unique' but meehh maybe next time i go to japan. and OOMmmGgGgGG i was looking up amazon japan and there was a used kazama figure for like 3500 yen but with shipping itd be like $40 here!!!!! dude if i wanted to buy that off ebay or something it would be AT LEAST $150 so i begged my mom to buy it cuz hes my fav character ever. and im so happy!!! theres a few really small scratches on his chair but nothing really noticeable unless u really examine it. i love it!!!!! and then a little chibi kazama. i didnt think itd be that small.

i also hot a heisuke keychain and hakuouki pouch  which are in the first pic

here are some gashapon prize hakuouki stamps of hijikata and harada aww its so cute
it says 'you can do it' and 'you did it'(i think)

and eyelashes n eyetape n stuff. i also got more clear band aids for that too cuz it lasts forever

omg and i was playing toki no kizuna(the first one) and waaah you cant choose which guy u want at the beginning like the second game. the main reason i bought the second game first was cuz senkimaru is a main guy. in the first one hes more of the 'secret route' charcter and i think hes a kid most of the time(but idk). well guess reimeiroku is gonna be on hold again!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


k i havent really posted a pic of pudgy recently so here
aaawww my widdle babyyyy on the blankets

ok so i had another interview again today at macys this time. can i please just get the job so i can stop searching??

omg but afterwards i was just chillin at the mall and lots of ppl complemented how pretty my hair is ^_^ cuz i straightened it so its nice and pretty~ long hair is a pain in the butt but lots of ppl are jealous of my hair and its hard to find blonde hair thats long AND healthy. im prob gonna try to grow it to my butt then cut it to under my boob like it used to be

i also bought a leather skirt for only $5 wheeee. you gotta look around for good deals

anyways i painted this like 2 years ago but never finished the background and ive been bored so i was like 'i gueessss i can finish this' and i tried doing the galaxy/space looking thing and i think for my first time this came out good. then i touched the pic up a bit to make it look nicer

and heres just some random painting cuz i was bored

i have NO INSPIRATION anymore. i WANT to draw but i just dont know what. so sad :(

oh and idk why but hakuouki reimeiroku is like SO much harder to understand that toki no kizuna o__O its so weird!!!! like i already know the basics of reimeiroku and knew nothing about toki no kizuna. plus toki no kizuna has harder kanji(or so my mom says idk its all the same to me but she had trouble reading it) but i feel like i breezed through that game compared to hakuouki. im trying to finish hakuouki but im literally reading at the same pace than before...maybe like 5% faster. i think cuz its a historical game with lots of real events/places/people i cant look that stuff up so it makes it harder and i cant understand as much. ugguu yeah my goal was to try to fnish the route before my mom came back but i dont think thats gonna happen...

Sunday, November 16, 2014


so basically ive just been sleeping over friends house.

on..thursday i think? i went to brookes house to dye her hair. i didnt know i could sleepover so i didnt have pajamas or anything but oh well. they were just being weird saying my name in these demon voices and took videos of it. i dont want ppl seeing it so im not posting it.

ohhh and also some circle lense company messaged me saying they want me to sponsor lens OMG im finally cool enough to get free stuff
so i repled right away with all the info they need but that was on my side tumblr where i only have like 100 followers n they never responded back(even though i know theyve been on) so i guess im not cool enough after all T_T 

anyways on saturday went to sleep over sarahs house n brooke was there too. we took pics in old town

me n brooke. i dont look good in the ones with sarah sorry

anyways brooke eft for a bit so i was just watchin tv n sarah is editing pics. we pick up her sister at 11:30 then when we get home i pretty much go to bed. idk. like i feel bad now a days if i stay up late...its really weird. like i have no trouble staying up til 2 am, but once its like midnight i feel like i should go to bed. prob cuz my alarm clock is still an hour ahead so i feel the need to go to bed earlier idk but i think its better cuz i get up around 9 now instead of 11 like i used to.

i went home around lunch time. i couldve spent the night again cuz her parents are out for the weekend but i was just so pooped out even though i got the most sleep out of everyone.

and last night got to skype with my mom in japaaann its her last week. shes getting so much stuff omg i cant wait to see everything she bought me!!!!!!

oh and now i decided to attempt to finish reimeiroku before my mom gets back and ugguuu this game is just so long i like wanna cry when i play this cuz i just want to get this over with.

we'll see how this goes....

and omg i WANT to draw, but i have no inspiration AT ALL. so sad. but i finally decided to finish this one painting i did 2 years ago lol!

Saturday, November 8, 2014


ppl reading this will prob be loosing a lot of respect of me but idc

so omg today i finished senkimarus route yyyaaaaaayyyy!!!!

i'm honestly so proud of myself to finish this in japanese without any help from my mom(but i looked up words but you DIRECT translations) and i was actually able to understand/get the general idea of whats going on for like 70% of the game.

plus it didnt take as long as i thought. it took 12-15 hours for 10 chapters. but hey, for hakuouki ive been playing frigging 20+ hours and am still on ch3 im prob juuuuussttt halfway through(if im lucky). i wanna cry cuz that game T_T but i guess i should go back n try to finish that route(i think im on souji's) then play toki no kizuna again

i love you, cindy

ERMAGERD ok idk about the other guys routes but his was so cute omg i knew he'd be my hubby the moment i laid my eyes on him. like he blushes all the time n has this hand thing where if some guy touches my hand he gets really upset n aaawwww bbbbyyyyyy♥

omg and my mom in japan is buying me stuff aaaaaahhh im so excited shes bought hakuouki stuff and makeup n whatnot cant wait to see her and my presents omg i doubt i'll get anything for christmas cuz this will prob be my presents but thats ok im cool with it

k so im really bored these days so i decided to draw. i drew something pretty for once. sorta realistic not really. i was trying to go for that 'alichino' art style but idk. the shading is prob incorrect but w/e
and the boy idk i just wanted to draw something weird but ok ew. the longer i look at it the more i hate it. dont like the hair. i'm not good at thinking of boy hair styles cuz i usually just draw long pretty boy hair, i suck at short hair n idk i looked at an anime mag for a hair style n picked a random one. and the hands are too little/feminine. i really gotta work on manly hands.

anyways today i hung out with rebekah and i gave her a pedi and we did our makeup n looked all hot but idk i hate the pictures of me so im not uploading lol. dude idk i just srsly dont take good pics anymore. i need to frame my face again but im prob gonna mess up again hmm...

yeah just living the boring life

oh and also since im bored i took this quiz and LOL
i feel like this would be me to be honest, except i dont bully people

Friday, October 31, 2014


before i write about halloween ill talk about some other stuff from this week

earlier this week i had isabel do my roots, and i did her nails

i did kawaii sailor moon nails on her ^_^

and she missed some spots in my hair uguu. plus i forgot to bring my toner to her house so i had to do that by myself at home.

anyways the next day i hung out with sarah and had her take pics of me but it was getting dark out by the time i got to her house so the lighting wasnt that great.

but i like this pic of me sitting not seeing my face lol.

ok so today its halloween but im a loser spending it alone cuz no one invited me to do cool stuff and wat not. but watever i dont care for trick or treating i just like dressing up, so i did that despite not doing anything.

k totally edited this pic to make my eyes cooler and my skin green.

like i tried making my skin green with makeup but it didnt really look that green in pictures, i just looked more greyish and this is more how i imagined my makeup to be so you know.

im suppose to be a frankenstein/zombie...thing. idk i just put together a little something.

but it wasnt a total waste. at chipotle if u go in ur costume u get $3 burritos so thats exactly what i did. see? i got to go out dressed and eat good food too.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

this post is actually kinda long

yay lots of pictures~ 

anyways sunday night me n julian went to del mar for this halloween thing he got free tickets for.

yeah heres me in front of this demon thing idk. i dont look great in far away pics just ignore ze face

the tickets were for this haunted hayride thing
ok im a TOTAL BABY when it comes to scary things(which is weird cuz i like drawing creepy things) so i cant watch scary movies or gory stuff cuz then i'll scream and just cover my face the whole time(but i can read scary/gory mangas fine, but if its an anime i cant watch it). so i had to try n find videos to see 'what i was getting into' and it didnt seem that bad so i was like ok i'll go

we couldve gone to the haunted house instead but i nearly died in the one in japan so noooooopppeee.

anyways it wasnt even that scary. the scariest part was these loud gunshot sounds but its basically a hayride and ppl in costumes just come to the wagon and growl at u n stuff. and i made sure to sit in the middle not the edge so im safe n nobody can touch me. and some guy kept getting all up in julians grill it was so funny. the ride was funny. this tribal -ish guy was holding a simba plushie like r u for real?

heres us. theres some photobooth thing there and i was like 'omg its just like purikura!' but not as cool of course. it was touch screen but if only u can write on it!!!

then after we were done we went to mcdonalds at like 9 lol i ate some ice cream n an apple pie and julian just ate chicken sandwiches or something. then as we were driving home i wanted the windows down cuz i like the night air then i remember seeing that big time rush song 'windows down' on his ipod and was like 'LETS PLAY THAT' so he blasted it and all the windows were down and idk it was just SO FUN!

anyways fangirl time again

ok so im finally getting back into toki no kizuna. like ive had this game since july and im now sfinally playing it for real. before i played for like 5 minutes then got bored cuz i felt like i need to play the first game first(which i still feel that way even thoug i kinda know what happens) but i srsly have nothing better to do im so bored but yeah this satisfies my needs

and ommggggfhgddyujhjhg my bby senkimaru i knew from the moment i saw him he would be my fav(i mean i havent played the other guys routes yet but you know) and waaaahhh he blushes all the time n is so cute and gets embarrassed easily n stuff.

i like how i can actually spell my name in this.

ok i literally bought this whole game just for this scene then they make out n stuff ♥

its worth it.

but AURGH why did i decide to play this once my mom is gone??? this isnt like hakuouki reimeiroku where i already know the basics of the plot and can just assume what ppl be talking about. this is a new thing and idk the story or anything but i'm following along ok i think. after each chapter i read a summary online to make sure i correct.

 but those lovey dovey cutesy scenes i dont wanna just GUESS whats happening. i wanna know exactly what everyone is saying so its annoying that my mom just cant translate it for me. instead i have to get my japanese ds game out, replay the audio a couple times and figure what the kanji or word is pronounced, then try to look it up and hope to find it, then gotta piece everything together until it makes sense

its a lot of time...
but im learning new kanji again so thats good i guess.

idk if im just reading faster now, or if this game is short(its prob just short) but im on chapter 3 already and ive only been playing maybe 5 hours tops, whie reimeiroku i think im on chapter 3 and ive been play at least 20 hours. but thats when i did just start learning so idk..

omggg so ive been really BORED lately. i need to get a job.

but anyways idk i started picking my belly btton(this is gonna be gross btw) and i havent cleaned it in foreverrrr!!! and omgggg i wanted to like barf while doing this. i got my tweezers and picked all this...idk what it even is!!! just junk out of my belly button and omg it was in there DEEP. and was attached to my skin and stuff and the last piece was the biggest chunk ever and im just like....'that was in my belly button?!'

yes i did take a pic. i put the tweezer in so u can see the size. SO GROSS

my belly button is so clean now. the cleanest its been in years probably.

also did mah nails too!

i wanted a halloween theme but didnt feel like doing typical orange/black.

so i did some based on one of my scary ppl characters and i love it ^_^

yup yup i think thats all i have to say bye!

Thursday, October 16, 2014


yesterday my mom went to japan DX shes gonna be gone for over a month thats the longest ive been away from her. i wanna go to japan toooo!!!! hopefully next year. omg i made her a huge list of things to buy lol mostly hakuouki merch n stuff. i look forward to the gifts when she returns

and i didnt get the forever21 job T_T wwaaaaaaaahhhhh (┳Д┳)

Friday, October 10, 2014

lots of things

yay i have things to talk about!!!!!!

ok so as i think i mentioned before, i bought a sailor moon sweater and i loooooovvveeee it heres a pic

only $13. i only wore it once so far cuz its still pretty hot but hopefully i can wear it more maybe next month(doubt it)

idk why but the past month ive been in some weird cleaning mode.
like i cleaned out my closet(got rid of my toys finally lol), and cleaned up my dresser and ths other little dresser and my other dresser in the closet. i spent like 3 hours cleaning that up maybe almost 2 weeks ago. threw away lots of trash and oh boy everything was so dusty!!

heres my new nails btw!!
its suppose to be betty boop theme. i WAS going to draw betty boop on my thumbs but got lazy so its just plain red and white so i didnt put them in the pics

so glad i can have cool nails again ^_^

so last week i had an interview for party city, but i didnt get it. but idk i dont really want to work there cuz its for seasonal and id only work til halloween so one month isnt long enough.

but it was funny i saw isabel just shopping there at the same time. dude it was kinda dumb. like there were 10 ppl maybe there all for an interview and i was the last one called so i had to wait 2 hours before i finally got interviewed...

and forever21 had some job fair thing so you just go n get a quick interview. i went right when it started at 10 and i was suprised that there were like 15 other ppl too. but it was a really quick interview with the workers only like 3 minutes. buuuuttttt i got called back!!!!!!!! and i just had the interview earlier today!!!! it was weird the lady didnt really ask questions just mostly talking about wat we'd do in the store.
but i REALLY REALLY hope i get the job!!!! the way she put it made it sound like so much fun!!!!

anyways so while i was still working i was always like 'im gonna draw this n thaat' but since i quit LOL i havent drawn anything. idk i just have no inspiration. theres one thing i want to draw but i need a pose refrence cuz its like perspective-y.

but anyways i was like i guessss i could draw fan art. dude i havent drawn fan art since 6th grade which was just nights into dreams mostly. idk why draw fan art when i can just draw my own characters???

yeah its suppose to be a 2 part thing.
its look a lot nicer if coloured in photoshop or something but dont got any. so i just edit them to make the colour pop out more n stuff.
my fav anime~

omg so my mom is going to japan next week for over a month to take care of my grandma. waaaahhh i wanna go and i have my passport too but its just her this time. darn it my brother isnt going i thought i can actually be home alone for once.....
she better buy me a crapload of hakuouki merch.

lol idk i felt like posting this
my weeb villager

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


on saturday i went to isabels house and i did her acrylics and gave her litchi hikari club themed nails!!!!

i feel like when i do acrylics on friends its quicker than on clients. idk i like doing them wayyy better on friends cuz they wont be all mean and in a hurry and stuff. omg the art took hmm idk i didnt keep time but at least 2 hours for sure. friggin zera omg.
if ppl are actually reading this PLEASE READ THE MANGA omg it DESTROYED me!!!
really gory and disturbing and messed up but its a good story with lots of feels at the same time

anyways been applying to more jobs sighhh

ohhhh my sailor moon sweater finally came in the mail the other day! thats the final thing i bought online! i dont have a pic yet cuz its too hot to wear it but one day!!! it loooovveee it and only $13 totally worth having to get up at 8 in the morning just to place a bid then go back to sleep.

i finally playing wadanohara and the great blue sea but ughh no one told me itd take like 9 hours to finish. usually rpg maker games are 2-3 hours tops. but everyone on tumblr loves it and it seems pretty good

omg (fangirling time) kamijos new music video is out and hnnnggg omg he is just unhuman ok? normal ppl don't look that good but auughh my husband too bad hes like twice as old as me. if i go to japan and hes doing a meet and greet i MUST GO

rather than that nothing special going on. i need to study japanese more! i wanna live in japan!!

Friday, September 19, 2014


not lots going on but w/e

things i bought online are finally starting to come in

i got these tights that ive wanted for a while ^_^ buuuuuut its weird. only where the hearts are its really tight. its a different material in the part only. the legs and my butt and stuff fit perfectly fine but just where the hearts are its tight then my fat thighs bulge out n looks gross. idk i need to loose weight anyways

and my new contacts came!

its barbie sasha 3 tones green
 i'm not sure about the size on the bottle it said 16 point something mm but i doubt it. these look maybe 14.8 or so.
i needed new green lens but idk. there werent lots of pictures or reviews on these, but from what i saw they seemed good. similar to my last lens(max misty green) and the princess mimi ones but seem more on the 'natural' side. the green still shows up good in normal lighting which is all i really care about, but if it was more 'fake' looking i can prob do better kawaii looking makeups.
i feel like these lens arent really good for super cutesy makeup. but idkkkk. i give it 7/10

yesterday i hung out with julian n i cut his hair then we just talked about w/e. he beat the final 2 bosses for aqua in BBS so now i can get on with that game :)

today i just dressed up all kawaii to take pics lol. but idk my pics dont come out that good anymore
 bloop blap idk im probs gonna nerd out big time with isabel tomorrow so i shall write then~

Saturday, September 13, 2014


k first of all its been like FOREVER since i actually edited pics so chyea it was fun

i went to the beach again with my best friend rebekah <3 p="">

it was PERFECT beach weather today! it was idk the temp but over 100 outside and the sky was pretty clear. it was just pretty crowded cuz its the weekend

of course at first we were just walking around taking pictures XD

bekah if ur reading this i tried fixing ur one eyelid

just lots of pics but i dont wear makeup to the beach so i look all gross and have to wear glasses and idk only a few pictures turned out good

we asked some guy to take a picture of us


omg and after we took enough pictures we went in the ocean and the waves were pretty big today and we were just slowly walking deeper and deeper and letting the waves hit us and i got knocked over by a big one lol

idk i was screaming when big ones came so my throat kinda hurts now :/

but it was soooo much fun!! and our bikini bottoms would feel like they were gonna come off with the waves lol

afterwards we built 'sand castles'. mines the cooler one

this is prob the best sand castle ive built. got a tower n wall and i tried making a mote. and rebekah made idk some swirly thing lol.

then we just sun bathed. dude for the past few months ive been living indoors so never really got sun and even just standing outside for 10 minutes id get a bit tanner so i needed to sun bath BADLY.

and got some tan lines ;P

no sun least i dont think so? not sore or anything.

and whie we were tanning i guess some girl passed out idk we were sleeping but i heard ppl say stuff and the life guards were gathering and idk i didnt see anything.

then parents picked us up and ate at tacobell then bekah went home.

aaahhh im so tired now~

so fun today

its 1 in da morning

wooo i never got to stay up this late for work

but no srsy. now im looking for jobs again cuz im getting bored. i applied for olive garden. but i'll prob apply for other stuff too.

i was looking up japanesee language skools and theres one in shibuya that im interested in and from what ive read its really good if you want to get a job or something in japan. i want to take either the 6 month or year course. and ill stay in japan~ but idk gotta do more research about that stuff. i just want to speak enough to be able to actually have conversatons with ppl, not just i like this. my name is. its hot. just phrases you know?

anyways my computer is about to die so gotta write fast cuz too lazy to get the charger

i was playing reimeiroku again today for the first time in like 2 months n i forgot wats going on and the kanjis of the ppl and stuff. and i have to look at my cheat sheet i made more cuz im ike i should know wat this means but i forgot ahhhh. aand dude im like giving up on toki no kizuna cuz theres WAY too much kanji. even my mom has a hard time translating it cuz its complex kanji. and i feel i need to play the first game first cuz that only makes sense. yeah idk i just need to study japanese again cuz basically i forgot lots while i was working.

yeah ok thats all!

Sunday, September 7, 2014


ok i have a life n so happy wheeeeee!! but now im starting to get kinda bored so gotta look for jobs now!!!!!

anyways on friday was my moms birthday so we ate out then i went to brookes house to sleepover and rebekah was there too!! we got all dressed up n walked around the mall a bit then went back home to take pics.

i took pics with brookes hakuouki game camera thing lol

but i wasnt wearing contacts so idk not as kawaii. now all the pics i take i wear contacts so its weird taking them not wearing it.

and we watched the anime kamigami no asobi. idk i couldve watched it when it first came out cuz i wasnt doing anything but idk i just kept putting it aside and was lazy. but everyone said it was really good n stuff and ahhh it is!!! me n brooke watched some eps til 2:30 then went to sleep. then in the morning all of us watched more episodes til 3;00 pm lol i have like 3 episodes left i can prob finish that today. idk its weird i dont really have a fav guy in this series hmmm...

idk then i went home. i havent really been moving around since i quit so my knees are like really bad and sore all the time now. i would take walks but its to hot for that. so i played some ddr last night for the first time in months but i still got it ;P and that kinda helped my legs.

anyways then at night me n paul sorta had a skype sleppover. we were just talking about watever then got off at 1:30 i wanted to talk longer but he was being lame.

thats all!

Sunday, August 31, 2014


dang in just a week ive done stuff that i'd never have time for for a couple weeks at least


got to hang out with my bestie bekah~ 
went to the mall together and kinda looked for jobs. forever21 is hiring i hope i can work there cuz i love the clothes

and the stuff i ordered online came!!!

dude i couldve got it when it first came out but that was when i just started working n gave up my life
but so far its the same story but it'll get better ;P

so glad i can play my video games so much i need to catch up on this is ridiculous

and my CREEPERS~
 ok im kinda worried cuz the sole material is kinda...plasticy?? idk its not rubber so i hope it doesnt crack in half. cuz i got the real tuks from the thrift store before but they were cracked in half and i had to throw them away. but hopefully this is durable..

omg so i watched this japanese movie called kamikaze girls and i was unsure if i should cuz japanese comedies seem kinda cheesey looking to me but omg this was such a good movie!!!! im so glad i watched it!

and yesterday i went to san diego n ate some ramen ahh so good!!

then last night i finalllyy saw the movie gravity and omg by the time it was over my heart was beating so fast cuz she almost died like 5 times n i was like omg is she gonna make it? and everytime air ran out id hold my breathe with her lol. it was good but i can see how some ppl would get motion sickness or something

annnddd i finally did cool nails cuz i dont need to worry about them getting ruined


rouge's face. ugh i just could not get it right but i guess its ok since it ws done with my left hand. honestly im impresssed how well i am able to use my left hand. its like same quality from both hands :P

and i get to study japanese again waahhhh so happy ^_^