k first of all its been like FOREVER since i actually edited pics so chyea it was fun
i went to the beach again with my best friend rebekah <3 p="">
it was PERFECT beach weather today! it was idk the temp but over 100 outside and the sky was pretty clear. it was just pretty crowded cuz its the weekend
of course at first we were just walking around taking pictures XD
bekah if ur reading this i tried fixing ur one eyelid
just lots of pics but i dont wear makeup to the beach so i look all gross and have to wear glasses and idk only a few pictures turned out good
we asked some guy to take a picture of us
omg and after we took enough pictures we went in the ocean and the waves were pretty big today and we were just slowly walking deeper and deeper and letting the waves hit us and i got knocked over by a big one lol
idk i was screaming when big ones came so my throat kinda hurts now :/
but it was soooo much fun!! and our bikini bottoms would feel like they were gonna come off with the waves lol
afterwards we built 'sand castles'. mines the cooler one
this is prob the best sand castle ive built. got a tower n wall and i tried making a mote. and rebekah made idk some swirly thing lol.
then we just sun bathed. dude for the past few months ive been living indoors so never really got sun and even just standing outside for 10 minutes id get a bit tanner so i needed to sun bath BADLY.
and got some tan lines ;P
no sun burns..at least i dont think so? not sore or anything.
and whie we were tanning i guess some girl passed out idk we were sleeping but i heard ppl say stuff and the life guards were gathering and idk i didnt see anything.
then parents picked us up and ate at tacobell then bekah went home.
aaahhh im so tired now~
so fun today
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