Thursday, September 27, 2012

sushi & stuff

yesterday my uncle, his wife and my cousin came over again and we went out and ate ate a sushi restraunt. its a conveyor belt sushi place again so heres pics of food i got cuz i feel like showing the world

i ordered tuna rolls first
theyre my fav

and heres a shrimp platter. the first 2 shrimps had this weird slime thing so i didnt really like it...

i didnt eat this my mom did, but this is wat california rolls look like in japan
 not even close to what they look like in america!

random pic of me holding sushi. i look weird
 i finally got some internet access so i edited picz XD and i download a free trial of photoshop so now my pics will look more vibrant and stuff

idk why, but for some reason mosquito's just LOVE my skin. i cannot tell u how many bug bites i have gotten since ive arrived in japan

and just earlier this week, idk what happened, but i got some really itchy bug bite or hives or some food allergic reaction but my armpit started itching like CRAAAAAZZYYYY so i put medicine but that gives this tingly burning feeling so made it worse and then all these bumps appeared and formed on huuuuuugggeeeeee bump and omg it was sooooooo groooossssss. i shouldve taken a pic. it was NASTY. then i tried showering to 'calm' my skin but that didnt work so i put an ice pack then it finally stopped itching, but then the part of ur arm that bends(idk the name....other side of the elbow?) started burning up for some reason and ugh such a big mess. my whole body felt itchy like that feeling after you've rolled in grass so i put on a different medicine and my skin wasnt red anymore. i swear it was this one fish i ate for dinner. i was fine before then

i dyed my hair on tuesday. this is the colour it used to be. like a yellowy orange
it doesnt look that bad in the pic. but in person, idk it just looked so unnatural so now my hair is a pinkish brown(well, some parts) i like this colour except its like...streaks of it but at least my hair isnt all brassy looking anymore. it doesnt look all that different from my old hair before i bleached it....

and the weather is finally getting cooler. its not really humid anymore. the first few weeks in japan were sooo humid. like right after u shower u get all sticky blehg. but not anymore. its been raining more too. i can now wear all the long sleeve shirts and sweaters i bought!

till next time!

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