Saturday, September 22, 2012

in da city

on friday went to tokyo for my dead grandpas memorial service

just washed his grave and watched some buddist(or something) monk ceremony thing which i guess was kinda interesting yet boring at the same time cuz it was like 2 hours and i didnt understand any of it but i didnt wanna seem rude by playing my DS or drawing or something.

 saw a random code geass poster thing and had to take a picture.....i guess i still have my obsession.....i thought i was over this anime but apparently not

anyways after that ceremony stuff my grandma goes back home so me n my mom are in shinjuku looking around town and we go in this city hall tower or something to the top floor and take pics

mt fuji is on the opposite side but you cant see it anyways cuz the sun/clouds were in the way
 didnt do much after that cuz it was getting sorta late and i wanted to sit down on the trains so decided to go home before the rush hour starts

when we get to our town, on the way back we stop at this rental book/CD/DVD store and auughh found so much stuff i wanna read/watch cuz either it looks like a good shojo or has hot anime guys O.O

prob on monday gonna go back and rent stuff!!!! even though i cant really understand whats being said, visuals help with getting it all together

i also saw american movies/shows and saw one of my favs
 pretty little liars! lol ppl actually watch this there cuz some of the DVDs were gone(but maybe white ppl living there got them who knows?)

and now todaaaayyy went to tokyo area again cuz me n my mom are visiting these friends who came to america a couple of times before and went to meet them at the tokyo temple but took forever til we actually found them

so met up with naomi and amane and amane really likes me idk why but prob cuz im her 'oneechan' LOL
and i met her dad too. then we all ate ramen together and it was DELICIOUS
 its shio(salt) ramen. for those who have only ate top ramen or cup noodles instead of the REAL thing......ur missing'l NEVER understand what real ramen is until u try it. too bad i cant edit my pics to make it look tastier. next time i have internet i think i'll download photoshop(just to edit all that contrast/exposure stuff cuz idk how to do anything else)

right after we ate they had to go on his bus to go back to osaka where they live(and osaka is like, the slums least the area i was at)

so then, me n my mom go to harajuku!!!!!

last time i went to japan, this was my fav spot, i still really like it! but i think i'll like the shibuya 109 tower better

anyways here the takeshita street in harajuku where all the stores and ppl are

there were sOoooOoOoo many ppl, prob cuz its the weekend, and i WANTED to take purikura pictures but it was waaaaaaay too crowded so i'll just do it in some arcade nearby or something

annnd likee i dressed up like a school girl(sorta) and so i didnt feel outta place cuz lots of ppl doing all that street fashion was there. oh crap.....i shouldve secretly taken pictures of ppl.....ah weelll. 

but ugh it srsly such a pain going to places like this with my mom cuz she gets bored/tired too easily and wants to go  and sit down and stuff. i need japanese friends DX

here pic of crepe displays
i had me a strawberry/choco crepe. it was delish but as i was eating it some weird lady kept staring at me...tried not to make eye contact...

most of the stores there had the same merchandise, just slightly different prices. i wanted to buy this one cat purse but it was like i think 2100 yen an was running low on dough so decided it can wait

after we got out that street we went on this other street(forgot the name) but it had like, american stuff like forever21, H&M, american eagle, ect so i didnt pay much attention to those
heres crappy video of the sights
yeah i didnt really take much pics of the scenery in harajuku(its pronounced ha-ra-ju-ku not hara-juku....just an fyi) which is sorta[sorta] regret, but its really just stores..and a ton of ppl, thats all u need to know. too busy looking at the stores XD

heres some stuff i bought

 the first shop i went to i bought this pin/brooch idk wat to call it but it looks like itd be on a uniform so i got it. it was i think 350 yen
 i have this obsession with uniform stuff btw

and i bought another pair of tatoo tights. they had lots of designs so i couldnt choose so decided to get this one. it was 777 yen
 it is originally like 1800 yen but was on sale so lots of ppl were buying these things

then at claires(i like claires in japan better, less kiddy justin beiber stuff, more stuff you'd actually wear) i bought this choker cuz i kinda want on after reading all my mags
 it was 1200 yen

so we then go home and on the way to the house stop at a supermarket and its the same store as the DVD place just the first floor and i tried doing this code geass gashapon
 yeah, i def still have a code geass obsession....

anyways yesterday i tried this and got this random blue hair guy who i have noooooo idea who he is but it says 'code geass swing' so maybe its like...another season? mini story? game? manga? IDK but out of all the characters i got the one person idk

so i try again today and got suzaku(wished it was lelouch though) but i dont have any figures n stuff of him so its ok
i dunno if these little things are worth 200 yen, but it beats paying like....$8 for them in america

aand still havent dyed my hair but hopefully monday....

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