Saturday, September 29, 2012

fun day

a few days ago, as im walking home from the grocery store, theres a really pretty sunset so i was kinda glad i walked home. when i got home i went on the balcony and took a pic

this is the first sunset ive seen in japan since i got here o__0


for a whie, ive DREAMED about going to a japanese high school. i wanna go in the classes and each lunch on the roof and go to after school clubs and wear uniforms and stuff, but i'm not a high school student anymore....and i dont speak japanese[well] so i cant. 


i didnt get to 'attend' class and do the stuff i just mentioned, but i did to go a japanese high school agh it was so exciting!!!! >w<

it was a middle/high school festival going on today. anyone can come. yuuuuuuup just like in animes and mangas where the school has a festival and does all these fun activities and stuff ack it was amazing
heres pretty much wat you see when u enter. te outside had some booths for food pretty much.

asdfgh so many students XD i wish i was in high school[in japan]

we ate some onigiri first on the third floor i think. when u look outside the window the drama club had this stage set up and some ids are singing or dancing and stuff. theres a vid at the end of the post so check it out

after we ate we just walked around the school looking at wat the different clubs had to offer and in the art club or something got to make coasters and watermarble post cards

in the middle school division, i played some darts but failed pretty badly, but at this shooting i was so pro at that. sniper status. won candy lol

then theres this anime drawing club or something and i'd totally join if i went to the school. it was really neat. i got to make this keychain but colouring this pokemon that i forgot wat its called and i guess it was on one of those shrinky dink paper stuff so yeah. and then there were mangas that were made by the ppl in the club and even though the drawings werent the best, it was still amazing. i tried making a manga once.....too much work, plus i suck at the layout stuff so only got 3 pages done, but these are BOOKS

i wanted to take a pic of the club but u werent allowed to take pics cuz i guess ppl were afraid their art would be stolen or something

some other club activity stuff that were there were haunted house, trick house, be a ninja, memory test, alice in wonderland maze, prob some play and other stuff, but all the really popular stuff like haunted house had lines so i didnt feel like waiting

and usually when you'd go in a classroom to look around, ur given some survey sheet like 'which picture do u like best?' 'any comments?' stuff like that so since i dont know too much words i pretty much wrote 'sugoi' for like everything LOL

on the stairs they had banners to advertise their club activities.

schools in japan seem way more fun than america. u actually go on field trips and stuff in high school unlike here T_T

outside that one anime club there was a huge paper u can draw on. can u see my drawing?
the festival ends at 4, and me n my mom left around 3:30. we got there at like 12. it was so much fun. in the halls there was music and they played that one direction song 'u dont know ur beautiful' or w/e and i was like 'why do i know this song?' 
oh btw, they play lots of american music over in japan....i wonder if the ppl actually understand wat theyre saying. and random but the other day this one korean song was stuck in my head cuz i heard it at a store, but now i dont even remember how it goes lol

heres some stuff i got from the festival
when i get back home, im making a scrap book with all the papers and stuff i got from japan

after the festival, we went to kamakura cuz its famous for this huge budda statue
i got to go inside the statue too, but it was really dark, and hot in there. i took a vid but its not really all that interesting inside

then left for kamakura hachimangu cuz my mom has a friend who owns a restraunt and wantd to visit but on the way there i saw this totoro shop and went inside
it was expensive.
i did, however, but a totoro and cat bug finger puppet or something as gifts for my friends. they better like it >:K

there was also this shrine thing but it was already getting dark so i didnt really get any good pictures

then my mom met her friend and talked for a bit then we were on our way back home and near the train station took a pic of the city at night
it looks better in person.

oh, and at kamakura near the budda place i bought this iga shuriken chyeaaaaaaaaa
400 yen and metal so its heavy. they had rubber ones for 100 yen, but this is better

heres a vid from the school festival. idk why it ended up at the bottom of the page...
see??? these are REAL B-boys cuz theyre in asia
dancing to lupin the third theme song. i have no idea who these ppl are

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