Saturday, September 29, 2012

fun day

a few days ago, as im walking home from the grocery store, theres a really pretty sunset so i was kinda glad i walked home. when i got home i went on the balcony and took a pic

this is the first sunset ive seen in japan since i got here o__0


for a whie, ive DREAMED about going to a japanese high school. i wanna go in the classes and each lunch on the roof and go to after school clubs and wear uniforms and stuff, but i'm not a high school student anymore....and i dont speak japanese[well] so i cant. 


i didnt get to 'attend' class and do the stuff i just mentioned, but i did to go a japanese high school agh it was so exciting!!!! >w<

it was a middle/high school festival going on today. anyone can come. yuuuuuuup just like in animes and mangas where the school has a festival and does all these fun activities and stuff ack it was amazing
heres pretty much wat you see when u enter. te outside had some booths for food pretty much.

asdfgh so many students XD i wish i was in high school[in japan]

we ate some onigiri first on the third floor i think. when u look outside the window the drama club had this stage set up and some ids are singing or dancing and stuff. theres a vid at the end of the post so check it out

after we ate we just walked around the school looking at wat the different clubs had to offer and in the art club or something got to make coasters and watermarble post cards

in the middle school division, i played some darts but failed pretty badly, but at this shooting i was so pro at that. sniper status. won candy lol

then theres this anime drawing club or something and i'd totally join if i went to the school. it was really neat. i got to make this keychain but colouring this pokemon that i forgot wat its called and i guess it was on one of those shrinky dink paper stuff so yeah. and then there were mangas that were made by the ppl in the club and even though the drawings werent the best, it was still amazing. i tried making a manga once.....too much work, plus i suck at the layout stuff so only got 3 pages done, but these are BOOKS

i wanted to take a pic of the club but u werent allowed to take pics cuz i guess ppl were afraid their art would be stolen or something

some other club activity stuff that were there were haunted house, trick house, be a ninja, memory test, alice in wonderland maze, prob some play and other stuff, but all the really popular stuff like haunted house had lines so i didnt feel like waiting

and usually when you'd go in a classroom to look around, ur given some survey sheet like 'which picture do u like best?' 'any comments?' stuff like that so since i dont know too much words i pretty much wrote 'sugoi' for like everything LOL

on the stairs they had banners to advertise their club activities.

schools in japan seem way more fun than america. u actually go on field trips and stuff in high school unlike here T_T

outside that one anime club there was a huge paper u can draw on. can u see my drawing?
the festival ends at 4, and me n my mom left around 3:30. we got there at like 12. it was so much fun. in the halls there was music and they played that one direction song 'u dont know ur beautiful' or w/e and i was like 'why do i know this song?' 
oh btw, they play lots of american music over in japan....i wonder if the ppl actually understand wat theyre saying. and random but the other day this one korean song was stuck in my head cuz i heard it at a store, but now i dont even remember how it goes lol

heres some stuff i got from the festival
when i get back home, im making a scrap book with all the papers and stuff i got from japan

after the festival, we went to kamakura cuz its famous for this huge budda statue
i got to go inside the statue too, but it was really dark, and hot in there. i took a vid but its not really all that interesting inside

then left for kamakura hachimangu cuz my mom has a friend who owns a restraunt and wantd to visit but on the way there i saw this totoro shop and went inside
it was expensive.
i did, however, but a totoro and cat bug finger puppet or something as gifts for my friends. they better like it >:K

there was also this shrine thing but it was already getting dark so i didnt really get any good pictures

then my mom met her friend and talked for a bit then we were on our way back home and near the train station took a pic of the city at night
it looks better in person.

oh, and at kamakura near the budda place i bought this iga shuriken chyeaaaaaaaaa
400 yen and metal so its heavy. they had rubber ones for 100 yen, but this is better

heres a vid from the school festival. idk why it ended up at the bottom of the page...
see??? these are REAL B-boys cuz theyre in asia
dancing to lupin the third theme song. i have no idea who these ppl are

Thursday, September 27, 2012

sushi & stuff

yesterday my uncle, his wife and my cousin came over again and we went out and ate ate a sushi restraunt. its a conveyor belt sushi place again so heres pics of food i got cuz i feel like showing the world

i ordered tuna rolls first
theyre my fav

and heres a shrimp platter. the first 2 shrimps had this weird slime thing so i didnt really like it...

i didnt eat this my mom did, but this is wat california rolls look like in japan
 not even close to what they look like in america!

random pic of me holding sushi. i look weird
 i finally got some internet access so i edited picz XD and i download a free trial of photoshop so now my pics will look more vibrant and stuff

idk why, but for some reason mosquito's just LOVE my skin. i cannot tell u how many bug bites i have gotten since ive arrived in japan

and just earlier this week, idk what happened, but i got some really itchy bug bite or hives or some food allergic reaction but my armpit started itching like CRAAAAAZZYYYY so i put medicine but that gives this tingly burning feeling so made it worse and then all these bumps appeared and formed on huuuuuugggeeeeee bump and omg it was sooooooo groooossssss. i shouldve taken a pic. it was NASTY. then i tried showering to 'calm' my skin but that didnt work so i put an ice pack then it finally stopped itching, but then the part of ur arm that bends(idk the name....other side of the elbow?) started burning up for some reason and ugh such a big mess. my whole body felt itchy like that feeling after you've rolled in grass so i put on a different medicine and my skin wasnt red anymore. i swear it was this one fish i ate for dinner. i was fine before then

i dyed my hair on tuesday. this is the colour it used to be. like a yellowy orange
it doesnt look that bad in the pic. but in person, idk it just looked so unnatural so now my hair is a pinkish brown(well, some parts) i like this colour except its like...streaks of it but at least my hair isnt all brassy looking anymore. it doesnt look all that different from my old hair before i bleached it....

and the weather is finally getting cooler. its not really humid anymore. the first few weeks in japan were sooo humid. like right after u shower u get all sticky blehg. but not anymore. its been raining more too. i can now wear all the long sleeve shirts and sweaters i bought!

till next time!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

in da city

on friday went to tokyo for my dead grandpas memorial service

just washed his grave and watched some buddist(or something) monk ceremony thing which i guess was kinda interesting yet boring at the same time cuz it was like 2 hours and i didnt understand any of it but i didnt wanna seem rude by playing my DS or drawing or something.

 saw a random code geass poster thing and had to take a picture.....i guess i still have my obsession.....i thought i was over this anime but apparently not

anyways after that ceremony stuff my grandma goes back home so me n my mom are in shinjuku looking around town and we go in this city hall tower or something to the top floor and take pics

mt fuji is on the opposite side but you cant see it anyways cuz the sun/clouds were in the way
 didnt do much after that cuz it was getting sorta late and i wanted to sit down on the trains so decided to go home before the rush hour starts

when we get to our town, on the way back we stop at this rental book/CD/DVD store and auughh found so much stuff i wanna read/watch cuz either it looks like a good shojo or has hot anime guys O.O

prob on monday gonna go back and rent stuff!!!! even though i cant really understand whats being said, visuals help with getting it all together

i also saw american movies/shows and saw one of my favs
 pretty little liars! lol ppl actually watch this there cuz some of the DVDs were gone(but maybe white ppl living there got them who knows?)

and now todaaaayyy went to tokyo area again cuz me n my mom are visiting these friends who came to america a couple of times before and went to meet them at the tokyo temple but took forever til we actually found them

so met up with naomi and amane and amane really likes me idk why but prob cuz im her 'oneechan' LOL
and i met her dad too. then we all ate ramen together and it was DELICIOUS
 its shio(salt) ramen. for those who have only ate top ramen or cup noodles instead of the REAL thing......ur missing'l NEVER understand what real ramen is until u try it. too bad i cant edit my pics to make it look tastier. next time i have internet i think i'll download photoshop(just to edit all that contrast/exposure stuff cuz idk how to do anything else)

right after we ate they had to go on his bus to go back to osaka where they live(and osaka is like, the slums least the area i was at)

so then, me n my mom go to harajuku!!!!!

last time i went to japan, this was my fav spot, i still really like it! but i think i'll like the shibuya 109 tower better

anyways here the takeshita street in harajuku where all the stores and ppl are

there were sOoooOoOoo many ppl, prob cuz its the weekend, and i WANTED to take purikura pictures but it was waaaaaaay too crowded so i'll just do it in some arcade nearby or something

annnd likee i dressed up like a school girl(sorta) and so i didnt feel outta place cuz lots of ppl doing all that street fashion was there. oh crap.....i shouldve secretly taken pictures of ppl.....ah weelll. 

but ugh it srsly such a pain going to places like this with my mom cuz she gets bored/tired too easily and wants to go  and sit down and stuff. i need japanese friends DX

here pic of crepe displays
i had me a strawberry/choco crepe. it was delish but as i was eating it some weird lady kept staring at me...tried not to make eye contact...

most of the stores there had the same merchandise, just slightly different prices. i wanted to buy this one cat purse but it was like i think 2100 yen an was running low on dough so decided it can wait

after we got out that street we went on this other street(forgot the name) but it had like, american stuff like forever21, H&M, american eagle, ect so i didnt pay much attention to those
heres crappy video of the sights
yeah i didnt really take much pics of the scenery in harajuku(its pronounced ha-ra-ju-ku not hara-juku....just an fyi) which is sorta[sorta] regret, but its really just stores..and a ton of ppl, thats all u need to know. too busy looking at the stores XD

heres some stuff i bought

 the first shop i went to i bought this pin/brooch idk wat to call it but it looks like itd be on a uniform so i got it. it was i think 350 yen
 i have this obsession with uniform stuff btw

and i bought another pair of tatoo tights. they had lots of designs so i couldnt choose so decided to get this one. it was 777 yen
 it is originally like 1800 yen but was on sale so lots of ppl were buying these things

then at claires(i like claires in japan better, less kiddy justin beiber stuff, more stuff you'd actually wear) i bought this choker cuz i kinda want on after reading all my mags
 it was 1200 yen

so we then go home and on the way to the house stop at a supermarket and its the same store as the DVD place just the first floor and i tried doing this code geass gashapon
 yeah, i def still have a code geass obsession....

anyways yesterday i tried this and got this random blue hair guy who i have noooooo idea who he is but it says 'code geass swing' so maybe its like...another season? mini story? game? manga? IDK but out of all the characters i got the one person idk

so i try again today and got suzaku(wished it was lelouch though) but i dont have any figures n stuff of him so its ok
i dunno if these little things are worth 200 yen, but it beats paying like....$8 for them in america

aand still havent dyed my hair but hopefully monday....

Thursday, September 20, 2012

other stuff

Ive bought lots of magazines....5 so far since ive been here XD but i think this is all i'll have....til next month!

got some new ones :)

 KERA and JKegg which i didnt know about(gaspness) but it is only issue number 2 so i guess thats why. its just school girl life stuff lol. i wish i was a japanese school girl T_T

and 2 days ago eggs beauty came out so i grabbed mine today!!!

 omg omg u have no idea how long ive wanted an issue of this!!!!! its just makeup and a little bit of hair tutorials!  i like the normal mags but i usually only care for the makeup how-to sections. but this book is full of it eep!

heres a random pic of some anime figures i bought so far

rolo from code geass, idk from evangelion, princess happy from smile precure
 i like looking at anime figures in used stores. but i guess the 'in' anime right now is one piece cuz thats like the only anime i see everywhere, which i dont get wats so great about the show....

earlier this week i bleachd my hair. it said 'mega bleach' or something and the picture is like super blonde and everything but u know what??? my hair is ORANGE. ike, its not even lighter or anything, just orange. same thing happened that one time isabel tried bleaching a strip of my hair it just turned orange. i guess the only way i can go blonde is in a salon. hmmph....damaged my hair for nothing. i hate how it looks so i bought this pinkish brown hair dye. i'll dye it tommorow or saturday cuz i cant stand my orange hair

earlier this week too i bought a school bag and cardigan and now i have an almost complete looking school uniform for very cheap!

i love the bag!!!!

and this is random but they have talking cars in joke

aaand i guess japan is like full of perverts(but i shouldnt be suprised cuz i mean....anime says it all) so when i was walking to the store today there was even a sign that said 'watch out for perverts' LOL

ok toodles

Monday, September 17, 2012

tokyo disney sea

first of all, id like to say that this free wifi thing im doing is really slow at uploading stuff and the free trial already expired but for some reason i can still go on blogger(hmmm....) so i cant edit my pictures so enjoy the unedited stuff while you can(im not uploading any closeups of me though lol)

OKAY! so on the 14th(i think) i went to tokyo disney sea! its pretty much like caifornia adventures i guess

even though its still september, theyre celebrating halloween and you can dress up at the park

 appearantly in japan, the colours for halloween are orange and purple, not orange and black

my aunt and cousin are staying at my grandmas too for the weekend so they came to disney sea with us

toy story mania just came out in japan 2 months ago and since its a fun ride EVERYONE wanted to try it. srsly, the fastpass tickets ran out 20 minutes after the park opened....and the wait time is almost 3 hours so we just went to different rides first

the first ride was indiana jones temple of the crystal skull. still hate the ride in america, but in japan i kept my eyes open a bit more. still, during some dark parts i had to close them. i just CANT keep my eyes open in indiana jones rides...i just cant.....
we were in the front row! look how happy i look here, i was half having fun, half scared
 my aunt and cousin decide to split cuz they wanted to go on a loop de loop roller coaster so me n my mom went to some arabian like area.

we went on a ride called sinbads story book voyage. its alot like small world. singing puppets
but you know what? i LIKE smallworld, so i naturally liked this too XD

the songs were catchy

i would upload more videos but as i mentioned, this free wifi takes FOREVERRRRR to upload stuff so too bad

then we went on a merry go round, yea nothing special there

then went in the magic lamp theater which is hmm...i cant say its like the aladdin show in CA adventures cuz its prob only 15 minutes long, but its [sorta] a magic show/ 3D cuz the genie is like messing around and blah too lazy to explain

afterwards we meet up with aunt/cousin again and watch another show called mystic rhythms which is just this little play about the elements of the forests dancing all happy then humans and fire show up and destroy everything and they clash with each other then after all thats over then new life begins or somethng. idk there was no talking, just watching while listening to mystical music going along with it but i thought it was cool


this is wat it looks like in japan btw....pretty different huh?
the story is different too. instead of it being some twilight zone thing, theres some rich adventurer guy who has this evil cursed statue that causes the elevator to drop. idk, its really creepy, the way the statue would do this evil smile thing right before you drop. and the ride seemed shorter than in america

theres da pic
in backrow with pink shirt

afterwards ate food. they have japanese restraunts here lol so we ate there

i got teriyaki chicken
then my cousin n aunt split up again so me n my mom went to the mermaid lagoon world which was REALLY cool. its as if we're under water. i'd much rather have this place than saw, bugs life world
in there we watched this little mermaid play and it was weird cuz they were using the songs in english but speaking in japanese

we also went on some flounder flying fish coaster which is kinda sorta like those one flying swing rides you know?

we went on 20,000 leagues under the sea(basically like the nemo ride in CA adventures) but it was pretty boring. good thing there was no waiting line

anyways after that met up with the fam again and went to the mysterious island world and rode journey to the center of the earth
my mom was being such a baby. we had fastpasses but she was too scared to go cuz theres like this huge drop she saw so she didnt go on. but its just like splash mountain(minus the water) cuz its a fairly slow roller coaster just looking around these strange looking creatures then at the end theres this giant worm monster then u go down one big drop the end....nothing to be scared about
since theyre celebrating halloween they had a little parade show thing going on outside so i took a little video. too bad that guys head was in the way otherwise id be able to get a better video

we watched the big band beat which is a broadway musical based on the 20's-40's jazz music
it was OK, nice to sit down and rest the feet

ok out of order, we went on this ride after the water show but watevers

at like 8:30 after the watershow we went to try to go on toy story mania again and i told my mom we shouldve gone on this ride during fantasmic cuz after that was over EVERYONE went to go line up. but the wait was one hour so we lined up cuz it beats 2 hours ya know?
i personally like the enterance and interior of toy story mania a lot better than in america...

the inside was more of a toy world, you were in andy's room and i guess one of his toys or something inside of like this carnival theme going on in CA
bad video of the inside....took forever to get in here

and omg i beat my old high score WHOOP!

okay now this happened before toy story lol. went to watch the water show fantasmic which is kinda like world of color in CA adventures but only this has more stuff going on
you have noooooo idea how long it took to upload this video so im sorry to say but im not willing to upload the others even though i want to but this gives u the main idea of wat this is about

then went home and near the exit was this statue and all these azns were taking pictures in front of it being super fresh off the boat status even though this is their home country

heres some stuff i bought:

alice in wonderland clock coin purse/ID holder
 earlier in the day i saw this girl who had one and thought it was the coolest thing ever and NEEDED to get one....and i did ^_^

then i was like 'wat the hay' and decided to buy a keychain  of the girl bunny from bambi cuz its really cute even though the little thing cost me 500yen

i also bought a headband but dudnt take a pic. another time

mkayssss well hopefully i can blog daily @_@

i really hope so DX

Sunday, September 16, 2012

youve been missing out


i have SOOOOOOOOOOO much i need to write about it isnt even funny!

theres no internet at my grandmas house and were not going to anymore hotels so im using free stuff which prob wont last long


so like.....over a week ago....when i was still in kyoto/osaka i went to this pool/hot spring fo the day and it was really fun. saw lots of naked ladies o__O
at the pool there was this one blonde guy that had potential to be hot if he wore visual kei makeup or something but he didnt so nooope

o and at the kyoto  train station, i remembered it from last time i went and omg, this was the place where i saw the sssuuuuuuuuppppppeeerrrrr hot guy at mcdonalds omg he was gorgeous. just felt like sharing that with ya

then that same day on the way back to yamato to my grandmas house, in yokohama train station some old guy, prob around 40, starts creeping on me saying somethung in japanese but im like 'i speak english' then hes lik 'oh, you are very pretty and im like 'wat is this? one of those animes where those old perv guys tries getting some with teenage girls?' but anyways i told hime i had to go and ditched him, so i saved my virginity that time.

ive been shopping alot. bought lots of clothes n makeup n stuff

i went in this one used bookstore and they had lots of hentai stuff....and there was that section for 'adults only' if u know what i mean, and some old guy was in there o.O i felt really uncomfortable in there

i went to the mall and wanted to take purikura pictures but my moms all like 'wait to do that in harajuku' so watevers...i dressed up all nice for nothing

 like my eye make? im loving the new dolly wink lashes XD

and as i mentioned my picture aired on tokyo kawaii TV mom didnt record it ARRRGHJUDGHJHYJ gayness.

so i still am clueless which picture the put up

but i did receieve my special keychain!
 its a heart domo kun. its special cuz u can only get these if ur pic is aired on TV. what now.

i also ate at a conveyor belt sushi restraunt. ive always wanted to eat at these kinda of sushi places

i ate like 6 plates lol they were yummy. i still dont like wasabi though blehg

heres some popteen facil masks i bought cu they were cheaper in a pack and came with some free makeup sample thing

and now heres some random stuff i will tell u:

lots of guys in japan wear purses

i hear school bells and those cicada/higurashi bugs all da time

theres TONS of pigeon toed girls over here

um yeah ok i'm gonna try to make another post about my trip to disneyland now bye

Thursday, September 6, 2012

I became a maiko girl

Today in kyoto my mom took me to get geisha makeup done professionally lol!
it took prob....idk a little over an hour for the whole makeup and out to be ready. they put sooooo much makeup on. i used a half wig so my bangs and the side of my hair were my own for a more natural look, and they used black hairspray to blend it in

also, i got professional pictures too!
 i dont like how my chubby cheeks are, but appearantly you need them to be a maiko girl?

heres pic outside xD
 after the pro pics i got to walk around town for 40 minutes and takes pics and stuff. there were some other girls who got thier makeup done so i wasnt the only one. at first i was ok, but after like 5 minutes my head started hurting sooo bad cuz i guess the wig was tight or something. plus its hot out and im wearing like 4 layers of clothing so my legs were all sweaty
pic in town. 

as i went up the hills were lots more ppl were they all kept looking at me lol cuz i guess the other geisha girls stayed down. and one girl even asked to take a picture with me xD

but truth is, i was srsly SUFFERING inside. the kimono was REALLY tight so i had trouble breathing, and it felt like i had a migraine cuz my wig. and after like 20 minutes i wanted to go back but my mom kept making me walk more. hen we came across these huuuuge stairs and i was like 'we're going back'. later after i took everything off i went up the stair, but if i did while dressed up and kept walking, id prob pass out

once the wig was taken off, omg felt so much better. and after they took off the kimono i felt a lot lighter haha

when that was done we walked up those one stairs and saw the kiyomizudera temple which i guess is a world treasure 

 i look bad. didnt feel like putting on lots of make up so blocked out my face
lol i bought my socks last night at a mall near our hotel ^_^

i also bought the new dollywink bottom lashes!!
ive wanted lashes like these for a long time now cuz in the older popteens when kumicky wore lashes that looked like these i really liked them but idk if they still sell those ones

i also bought an uta no prince sama CD keychain from a gashapon machine for 200 yen XD

OHH and today when i checked my email, tokyo kawaii TV is going to broadcast a pic of an item i sent(idk which one) and i'll receve a special domo phone strap yeaaah! i sent that stuff in ike july o something, good thing im in japan right now! it'll be broadcasted on the 8th so i'm gonna record it :P