Yeah yesterday hung out with elizabeth and julian AGAIN
lol, back to ze park...but we didnt stay long. julian never showed up so we walked to his house but felt weird going there unexpected so we went back. i guess his mom saw us o.O but yeah
ended up going to the movies. me and elizabeth had no money but julians mom payed for us, how nice :D
we watched inception. even tho the comercials look friggin awsome...i'd rate it a 6-7 out of 10.
we shouldve watched despicable me.
we WERE gonna sneak in that movie afterwards, but daaaaang inception totally drained all our enery! so instead we just walk around the mall lookin around at stuff we cant buy :C
and theres like all these emo ppl and they kept staring at me o_O and they were all girls @_@
ahem~ anyways...
we were getting uber hngry cuz we met at like 3 and went to get food at like 8:30 lol
mcdonalds XD
thats where we ate(well i didnt eat anything but u no) geez we took like the longest way possible to get there......julians mistakes burger king for it so idk...we spend half an hour getting there -3-
yeah i mean, i WAS hungry..but i dont wanna eat something greasy and fatty at like 9 at night so for my dinner i had ceral when i got home :P saved lots of calories.
and dood my dad woke me up at 8 this morning. i uisually wake up AT EARLIEST 9:30. but i got up at 8:30 ha.
cuz we went to san deigo/coronado and went to the beach with pudgy<3 my babyyyy
yeah dunked him in the ocean again
he got really tired quickly. he's so cute!
lol and this one bulldog named tofu(lol) kept drinking all the needed to be there to see the humor.
he's weird.
yeah just trying to pretend he didnt exist.
ohhh and at book off they had my magazines for once!!!!!!!!!
2 popteens, 1 ranzuki(first one 4 me)
ranzuki had sooooooo much eyemake up stuff i luuuuv it
plus they arent really old issues. they are from this year so thas good :)
i just need to pay back my dad the money -_-"
speaking of spongebob....idk if i wrote about this but yeah the deal if i dont watch it get money ^_^ i can TOTALLY do it mmhmmm.
i mean...i dont do chores or work so how else am i suppose to get money?
i want a jobbbbbbbbb. and get paiiiiddd $$$$$$$$$$
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