Wednesday, July 28, 2010


doo dee doo slept over elizabeths house on monday.
kinda boring >_> but wutever
she wanted me to b e with her when she meets up with her "boyfriend" who ended up not even showing up. tsk tsk its not gonna last...i can tell. the boy is full of lies and excuses. and he didnt even call her to give a reason.
guess not having a bf isnt so bad after all. but then again......
yeah wtever. we talked to julian on the phone til like midnight. its fun talking to him....even tho hes MEAN!

we went to be at like 12:30...soooooo early but i was getting kinda tired

ha in the morning we were watching weird paranormal stuff...creepy. then i went home.

some day :/

then later that day i ent to hasnas place to watch americas got talent with her and were like 'he sux' or 'hes soo going to make it' and hasna voted but i didnt really like any of the acts this time. and then i felt like showing hasna the paranormal stuff from in the morning wth this freaky alien thing. omggggg its soooooooooooo creeeeppyyyyyy. i started freaking out thinking i'd see it when i walk home XD

and zomg 2 more weeks of vacation. i thought we had more time but NOOO. srsly if the schools wanna save more money then they should start in september like NORMAL schools do but get out in may :P i mean really...august 11th????? SO FLIPPING GAY.

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