Friday, July 9, 2010


this week i did nutin. well actually i went shopping on tuesday but still!!!!!!!!
yeah got some new clothes XD
anddd i painted me nails. the other hand is just polka dots cuz u no..only can be pro with my right hand.

and this week the clothes i ordered from the internet came! it was from hot topics web store :P
it was the 'take 50% off clearance item" sale so all that cost $16!! but with shipping and tax it was a total of $21 but hey....the shirt itself orig. cost like $22 so wat now.

and the shirt i ordered was size medium but i guess tyhey ran out so its a large...and its HUUUUUGGEEE. well uber baggy. but i lke wat i got. its a good deal.

me n pudgy. i lke how i did da bangs. i finally mastered the technique. MWAHAHA!
yeah geez only like a month left til school. this suxxxxxx big time. oh and like the first day of august or last day of july...i think im gonna dye my hair again cuz my roots r getting realllyyyyy bad. i'm gonna use some light ash blonde colour so my hair will be noticably lighter. hopefully it wont turn orange like what happened to my friend lilly.i just want it to be a honey colour is all.

yeah thats all

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