Thursday, May 6, 2010

Testing....*cough cough* this thing on?!

yeah...i like this pic..took it a while back. kinda got tired of posting pictures of ME so decided to give it a rest. but honestly......i have no clue on wat plant this even is -_-"
So as you all may testing is going on..or was at least. i dont understand why they like seperated the days though. in fact i think its pretty retarded. just keep it one week so we can get it over with. man..we still have to do it at the end of next week too :(
yeah i brought my DS to keep me busy when i was done. KH lolz. i tried doing this one mission that i already beat......but for some reason..i just COULDN'T find the thing i was suppose to kill. bleh watever. and i was also reading some book cuz i have a book report thing due at the end of the month and i just started reading this month XD. but im already almost halfway thro(cuz its not some stupid gay book they make us read in school) so yuuuupp
but anyways during lunch me and julian played KH XD. omg we're such neeeerrrddzzzz. but the funny thing was all my friendz are just sitting down in a circle and me and juluian are like playing out in the open and no one even noticed. like there was 2 teachers like talking about 0 ft away and said nothing. it was so awsome. but i couldnt really see the screen and yeah..i suck at multiplayer
and zomggggg. the green contacts i want. like my mom keeps making excuses to wait to buy them. like it says "out of stock" but on the website it says it'll just take like a week longer to ship. then shes like "wait til ur ebay thing covers the full price" but idc paying $7 with my own cash for like shipping or watever. but watever....i'm still gonna buy them.
lol a few days ago was a pretty bad day(and kinda this morning..but i got over it) its always the mornings that are bad. either cuz my makeup is messed up or my hair is flipping out or im going to be late. so yeah i was rushing to the van and then my bag like slammed my foot and it hurt really bad. and when i was going to put on my shoe in the van, i noticed that half my toenail came off o.O yeah it kinda hurt for like 5 minutes but its like mostly the white part that came off so i wasnt bleeding or anything. but toe looks retarded now.
AAANNNDDDDD today, right before 2nd friend took her friends cell phone as a joke hiding it from her and gooooosssshhhhhhh she made it SUCH A BIG DEAL. like during class when we're rehearsing our dance shes like texting on another persons phone trying to call hers to see who has it but the phone was on silent. and so i asked my friend 'r u gonna return it?' and shes like 'yeah i will at the end of class' and everyones like 'seriously stop being immature and just give it back' so at the end of class we werent allowed to go to break until the phone was returned so we got held in(hostage). and the teacher made everyone dump out their bags and my friend put the phone in like the middle of everything so no one could tell who 'stole' it. but yeah. it was preeeetteeeee frickin annoyiiing. lol but you know...the grl thats complaining of her phone does so much bad things to the other so she kinda deserved it. yet i sorta felt bad cuz in the morning she brought muffins for everyone(but i didnt have any). but eh watever....not MY problem.
oh and i made brownies the other day o.0 yum
OHHHHHHHHHH and the other day....#2.....look right at me EEEPP! lol i just have to talk about guy i like
yeah i guess this is pretty much all i hafta say

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