Saturday, May 8, 2010

this weekend

yay my hair is finally long
lol san diego is like...a normal thing for my family @_@
yeah so my dad is like goin thro a mid-life crisis right now so he wants some snazzy sports car convertable. so we go to the car dealer but ends up not liking it. wat a waste of time!
But after we go to this mall. yaaaaaay! but i didnt buy anything :( cuz my parents r like i dont feeell like shopping. thats why its better going to the mall with friends.
but at the mall there was some comic store. it had anime stuff too. lol the tails and knuckles gloves were pretty cool, but I'd never buy them.
ok anyways after that back to book off. no popteen, but they had ageha. i really wanted the newest one cuz it had soooo much eye make up tutorials but it was $6.....soh yeah. i mean it was like last months issue but still.....
but at mitsuwa.....they ACTUALLY had a pretty cure action figure!!! man, i havent seen on of those since my trip to japan...which was 2 years ago!!!! :D so i bought it. the show is for like second graders...but i just like the figures. thatwas about $6....but its not a fashion book where styles change so i think its better... :/
and omg..they ACTUALLY had a code geass thing. but its like an inch or 2 tall and cost like $8. ok...the anime rox, but that REALLY isn't worth it -__-"
AND at the beauty area, ZOMG! they had the eyelashes i REALLY REALLY wanted! the dollywink series!!!! BUT they were $17 per box or 2 pairs. its really expensive for fake eyelashes...mostly cuz its endorsed by a celeb. they had the ones i wanted too....but the one i really want is #1 but it wasnt there D: so i kinda had to give up on those :(

lol and at the book section, i was looking at the newest Popteen and Egg mag and right when i left some creepy guy looks at the Eggs one prob to look at girls and stuff. why would a guy even look at the girl mag area anyways/ unless he's gay *x* but that prob isnt likely....

and then my mom had to do some grocery shopping blehhhhh. but i had to go to the BR realllyyyy baaadly but OMG the bathrooms were disgusting!!!!!!!!!! its like all this greenish yellow stuff on the corners and ugg so gross. its like equal to port-a-pottie stats. expect it doesnt smell as bad is all.

but in the store it REEKED like old fish. i had to hold my breath or i'd gag.
but only half the store smelled gross anyways.

omg and not really related to any of this.....but i was waiting for my parents in the car when i hear this baby cry. so i look and stuff and this mom is all angry and everything so she TOSSES the kid in the car and is like "no! stop! you disobeyed mommy enough!" and the kid keeps crying and everything then shes like "shut it! i don't effing want to hear it!" dang parents these days cussing in front/ to thier prob 3 year old kid. thats why so many little kids are just saying the F word in like kindergarden and everything. thats just really sad.

and on the way back home, appearently there was a small fire in the middle of the freeway. i was like sleeping then i heard my parents say fire and i could see smoke so i'm like "i gotta take a vid of this!" and i did :D

lol yeah nothing much. but yeah so thats it. peace

1 comment:

  1. Hahahhahaha...I like how at the end of the video you said, "FIRE!" in this funny voice.
