Wednesday, July 15, 2009

so im finally back :)

i arravided in CA at...11:20 or so last night. and boy was i SLEEEEEEEPPYYYYY
cuz in VA the time was like 3 in the morning.
but anyways..going from the start---
as the airport in denver(as shown above)..ok i HAAATE that airport. me n my dad had a 5 hour layover and was stuck there for evah!
plus on the flight over there i didnt take and medicine so i was like feeling like barfing but i held it in lol.
so after the layover we went and flew to the horrible virginia :D
^^ mah granny's front lawn. i was sitting on the porch. its raining in the picture..but you cant tell.
in viginia all there is there is:
old ppl
oh yeah..and graveyards..
the mall was too small, and costco was part of the mall..i was like..WTF?!
but watever..VA is WEIRD -___-
and at least you guys dont have a creepy uncle who is about 60 years old and lives with him mom, snores EXTREMELY UNHUMANLY LOUD, has the deepest voice in the world, only has two pairs of pants, 6 foot tall, cross eyed, um wat else can i add?
well my uncle is WEIRD. he scares me DX
my grandma is nice BUT its annoying cuz at like 4 in the morning she starts coughing uncontrollably and it gets REALLYY REALLY annoying.

but yeah..i went to the small mall alot. as you can see my awshume new batman jacket :D
it was only $6 at hot topic. it was on sale. its originally $52...I LOVE SALES! XD
but they didnt have my fav store wet seal DX
and in papaya they dont have a $3 section -_-

but me and my dad went to my great aunts beach house and stayed there one night. the day before the 4th of july. when me and my dad were walking along the beach, i saw some shredded up dead fish floating in the water.i took a pic of it lol :)
i WAS going to post a cant really tell its a fish. it just looks like some shredded pic of white stuff in water..chyeaaa
the beach house was boring tho. no TV, no nothing. only my DS to entertain meh
(and btw..i beat the game super mario brothers 3..all by myself! im so proud!)

lol so me and my dad go to the masll again! cuz i wanted mah hair cut XDD

*sigh* arent i gorgeous!?
lol wow talk about conceded..OR WATEVER..u no wat i mean -___-
but yeah..i luf my new bangs..last time i got bangs the lady messed it up..she didnt give enough bangs and made them all thing and weird. but these babies are wonderful LOL

PS: i did NOT edit the pic above at all. OMG cuz my skin is clearing up^_^ YAAY!

so i go to the mall(AGAIN)
(told ya i went to the mall passes time)

and i go to spencers and they had a sale for sunglasses-2 for 1
so, as i am, i buy some!

i love big big sunglasses so i bought these cool pink ones and those NERD glasses..but hey..its fun to use them when you like doing dress me!

and yes...thats it for the mall

so during my time in VA, i played cards a lot...its not like there was anything better to do :/
and during the time here i accessed the internet(if you didnt read my earlier post)
and i was talking to ze twins and i kinda talked to hasna on OMGPOP, but she didnt no it was me..thats why she murdered me o.o
and my apologies for my previous post..i re-read it and found i and a ton of spelling errors..but im not used to typing on a laptop ok? but WATEVERRR
even tho this is random and has nothing to do with the trip...i just wanna say...i wanna go to a swap-meet :D
so yesterday, at the airport my other uncle(not the weird one) says goodbye and byes me a yogurt..thing

it was OK(i choose it out too) but i ended up throwing it away. sorry.
the plane going back to denver(YECH) was pretty smooth. it was about 3 hours but you...time past really fast, cuz i was writing about this awsome story which NO ONE MUST
its about...uh...i'll tell u when im finished

but on the way from denver to ontario(the airport i got picked up at) lol at the end seat there was this emo poser guy reading some manga book(prolly like gay nartuo or one piece or something) and listening to his ipod and stuf. i didnt pay much attention to him..i was trying to sleep on the plane..but i can NEVER sleep on planes DX
i took lots of pictures of clouds(LOL im so weird)
but yeah, when we wrre going left ear would NOT pop and it was killing me. when we wre going to the luggage pick up place i couldnt take it anymore so i closed my eyes, did that hand over nose thing and blew out so the pressure in my ears popped. but as im writing this it still kinda feels weird :(
but it doesnt hurt so thats good.
yeah..thats it.
i like lemonade

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