Thursday, July 16, 2009


so....i feeling like making the letters bold :D anyways this morning i had to go get my skin checked and the doctor person was like you need to go on..uh this one pill thing for hormone stuff..yeah.

and so i ended up having to get my blood taken.

you know..i never really knew that the needles were that thick...but im so weird..whenever i get blood taken i start laughing for no reason....WEIRD!

but it kinda stung -_-"

but it didnt hurt or anything so yeah...and then im gonna have to take a pregnancy test.



the doctor says i have to take two before i go on my new prescription.

geez i'll feel so weird doing that.

i mean...ive never even had a bf yet(hard to believe but yes..true)

but watever..once i take that prescription then in 5 months..i'll be clear FER SURE

cant wait :D

and last night i was goofing around by putting fake eyelashes on

but i like them :)

for the school pictures i will wear fake eyelashes but its not going to be as dramatic as wat i did last night.
but yeah...i wanna look pretty 4 pictures cuz last ear..>_<
i looked so gangsta lol
well this is all 4 today
Auf Wiedersehen!

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