Tuesday, July 28, 2009

sleep over and over and over and over and over(lol)

so anywayzzz...
last night i slept ovah hasna's house :D
lets see....we played on the gamecube(old skool but its fun) and we played mario kart, SA2, and mario partay 7. we did play kirby in the morning buuut..she SUX(no offense hasna)
mario kart was fun..we teamed up..i was driving and she was like punching ppl and throwing items..lol gooood timez
then after playing video games we just went on omgpop and played some stoof with her friends on that site but before that i was being gay and wasting more of my life on neopets XD
just searching teh pound..there wasnt lots of good pets tho so thats why i went to omgpop(BTW)
then we went to go get some popcorn and top ramen and we watched "super bad" for like 20 minutes but i wanted to watch the other movie she downloaded more..that "paul blart mall cop"(lol we were trying to say that fast 5 times..we failed) eh..that movie wasnt THAT good.. everyones like that movie is SOOOO funny..i hardly laughed. the first half was BOOOOOORRRIIINNNGGGGGGG
you shouldve seen me..i was like half asleep watching that(or maybe i was sleepy cuz it was like 2 in the morning at that time)
ok..wat did i do after the movie???????
oh yes..we played more card....and gambled LOL
i lost $20 to hasna..curses
lol im jk...i dont gamble..cuz ima good girl :)
but after that all we did was talk about random stoof like dreams(like i told her this one where this guy i KINDA SORTA LIKE[the feeling is going away..its like vanishing] was chasing me in the mall and me and monique were rnning away from him.WEIRD..but at least i saw my future husband JOSH in that dream lol)
and i was telling here kinda scary stories
they wrrent really scary....
and yeah..that goes on until 5:30 am when i finally say "i wanna go to bed while its still dark outside" so in like 5 seconds i crash haha.
and we wake up at 11 am. even tho i got like 6 hours of sleep..im not tired..YET..well at least not now -_-"
and hasna gave me some clothes that she like never wore and stuff..she ACTUALLY had some things i like..o__0
and she gave me like purses and everything..and i borrowed some nail polish cuz the fake nails are gonna come BACK!!
its gonna be REEEALEEEEE cute <3
be jelouzzzz
man its gonna be a pain trying to stay up til like 9 or something to go to sleep....D:
ugg and i bet i gained like 5 pounds last night..its time to work out and eat like salads and stuff again.
and i'll need to go out and tan again..i did yesterday but i dunno..cant tell the difference -_-"
peace out

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