Friday, June 26, 2009



so actually i came back YESTERDAY.....but i didnt really have time to write about the camp until today o__0

yes..that is my bunk....for a day.

duuuuuuuuude! it was SOOOOOO scary!

when i went to sleep in that bunk...i swear there was this FREAKY flashing light out of nowhere and it scared the shiz out of me. like even if i closed my eyes..i still saw it. and so i faced the other way but rebekah's shoe was in the window and i had no idea what that was @ the time cuz it was dark so i had to just like sleep with my blanket over my face. plus i was like so scared cuz i remember a scary story involving camps and bunkbeds and night..and since i was on the bottom bunk....thats the one the person gets killed on so i was like omg omg omg...

but yeah....the first day was gay..we did gay gay gay activities

yea..i look retarded in that pic -_-"
so does rebekah XDDD
yeah the first day me and rebekah were just like tanning and stoof. i felt bad for rebekah cuz she like...well.....lets just say mother nature visited her so she was in trouble(LOL) and she kept craving chocolate.
i, on the other hand, was just like "whatever..i wanna go home" and stuff.
but it was sad cuz at night baily..or bailey..or started crying at like 2 in the morning cuz she got homesick and started having a stomach i remembah my first yeah(which TOTALLY sucked) and i got homesick too.

idk..i have this weird problem where if i walk too much..i start crying -_-"
i know..its soo embarrassing
but thats what happened 3 years ago.
gaaaah hiking sucked cuz we like got lost and i had to wear those white shoes which arent good for hiking and i was all sweaty and gross

but we found this really cool tree ^^^

it has holes in!
and in the holes are acorns!
im sorreh..but i think it was frigging awshume!
so yeah..we had to go like 45 minutes more than we were suppose to walk :(
and just to eat food
but once we got food and stuff sarah and rebekah got in this fight(uhh i forgot what it was about tho)
but i remember sarah kept putting salt on rebekahs arm and rebekah was like "do you want me to hit you???"
then rebekah pushed sarah off the seat and lol.
and rebekah was telling me all these stuff about sarah and sarah's like "TELL MEE!!"
funneh stoof
but whats NOT funny is when it was nighttime...we were watching rebekah catch candy in the air in her mouth..when i suddenly felt REALLY light-headed
i decided to drink water but that didnt help
i decide to go outside for fresh air when all the sudden i almost puke. i like felt it come up(eh not really..but you know that feel when its about to come out?? yeah..thats wat happened)
so i got to the adults and im like "i dont feel good..i think im gonna throw up" so they ask all these questions and make me sit down outside since i felt better when i was outside actually and they thought i was dehydrated at first so they gave me this weird water thing(but it did taste good) and the nurse person came to me. it was sad tho cuz when i told the adults sarah was like "hey cindy are you ok?" and i just like totally walk past her without saying anything
i felt like crap....literally.
but in the end..i basically just had gas...>_>
so i had to take this medicine to relieve it
but yeah..talking made me feel a bit better too
but i stayed up til like midnight that day reading the bible(yes..i do read that..not often tho) but made me feel better. so thats a good thing :)
i didnt exactly sleep well that night tho..i had to get up a lot but i ended up sleeping..somehow

the last day...was indeed the weirdest day of them all
first we had thi gay treasure hunt game
then we went to this extreme games thing(but it was fun..although i didnt do any of it cuz sarah and rebekah were being buttheads and didnt want to go on any)
but then there came the testomonies(or however you spell it)
i like cried...
i WAS going to tell my testimony...but i kbew i was gonna to just like cry so i didnt want to
and everytime i was thinking what to say..i started crying more
me and sarah were the only ones who didnt do it..everyone else bared thier testimony
and in the lodge i was like "yeah if i DID bare my tesimony i was going to say how much id mis.."
then...i just like broke down.
i like hugged sarah SO tigh and just cried insanly and was like like "DONT GO!!!*sob*PLEASE DONT MOVE!"
then i hugged rebekah and they just patted my back and im like "im sorry" cuz i didnt want to cry but they have been my best friends for 8 years and having them move..its really just hit me that night.
i was such a wreck
plus thats not all i did that night o__0
but before i get to that...
YAAY!!! i saws the stars again ^_^
me and sarah just looked up at the sky and are like wow.
cuz the night sky is really REALLY pretty if you actually can SEE it.
in this stupid town you cant see it cuz all the lights..but if your camping or something its just gorgeous. i just love stars and space and planets...they are really interesting
but ANYWAYS it got cold so we went in the cabin
i had to go pee but the toilet paper wouldnt flush
so as anyone would, i flushed again
but it STILL wouldnt go down so im like WATEVER and start washing my hands
but the toilet water starts bubbling and then it happened.
the toilet started to OVER FLOW
immediatly i RUN out but no one was in my cabin at that time so i run to sarahs cabin and tell her about the problem..EVERYONE starts cracking up and when they see it fer really they crack up even more!
lindsey was like "use the plunger" but when i put it in..even MORE water came out so me and rebekah and hannah so to the leaders and tell them. but they thoigh we were joking cuz rebekah wouldnt stop laughing but by the time we got to my cabin sarah saved the day but making the water stop flowing and go down cuz she used the plunger lol
but there was just water all over the ground in the bathroom and its smelled
now remember how i said i had to pee??
yeah so it really wasnt MY fault the toilet was clogged or watever
but yeah..that was a good way to end the camp
but at night i kept remembering about sara and rebekah moving and cried(yes mlore crying) so when i woke up my eyes were SO swollen. sad i must say
but yeah so i ate the gross breakfast and then we went home and i played with pudgy!
and rebekah slept over my place(which i will write about) and sarah couldve but she wanted to go to a dif house cuz she wanted to see the guy she liked
yea peace out

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