Sunday, October 21, 2012

The last 2 days in japan

no pics uploaded cuz i havent taken much and didnt feel like uploading

Also, i'm [sadly] not in japan no more *cries*

but i'll get to that. first lemme cover wat my last 2 days were like:

so FRIDAY since i considered it my 'true' last day, i decided to go shopping around the train station to buy last minute stuff. bought some more makeup and i was thinking about buying loose socks but the ones they sold were too long(plus i bought tons of socks in japan so im good) anyways i was shopping by myself and when i was done there was a gashapon machine so i got a strawberry keychain. but i guess as i was doing that, some old guy(prob somewhere in his 30's) was watching me or somethng so as i cross the street to where he is, he goes to talk to me but i dont understand him but i hear 'anime' so i assume hes asking what i got from the gashapon machines(bet he's an otaku), but then again, idk. ANYWAYS i tell him '....gaijin(foreigner).....english......gomen nasai(sorry)....' and then he looked all suprised n stuff and was like 'oh' and then walks away.

everyone is always suprised when they find out i speak english. i blend in.

then when i got home, had to finish packing T_T

the next day i was all sad cuz i was going back home at night DX 
my uncle and his wife came over and took us to the mall. i bought some decoden stuff lol. also bought a hakuouki keychain XD i'm gonna miss japanese arcades and gashapon machines!!!!! instead, all we have in america is rigged claw machines filled with dollar store prizes and in those capsule things is just sticky hands or buck teeth. no fun at all.

had japanese ramen for the last time too. i ate tons of ramen in japan. the last week or two in japan, since all ive been eating is pretty much japanese food, ive been craving burgers and american food lol

then i watched the anime i recorded on the DVR for the last time. in october lots of new series started, such as:
Magi the labyrinth of magic
kamisama kiss(hajimemashita)
jojo's mysterious adventure
K project

maybe more? idk those wre the ones i knew about and sorta watched. gonna miss watching those weekly T_T

anyways so leave to the airport @ 9 and get there around 10:20 or something. on the train i kept saying how much im gonna miss japan T_T our plane left around 12:15. suprisingly, the plane was pretty empty, so me n my mom got the whole row to ourselves YES!

this plane ride was the comfiest one ive ever been on. probably cuz i hogged 3 seats to stretch and laydown on. i ACTUALLY got to SLEEP! like holy crap. that never happens @_@ even thought the ride bavk home was 9 1/2 hours it only felt like a 5 hour trip. another bonus was no annoying crying baby on board

so i got back in cali around 5:30 PM cuz the time change but actually left the airport around 7 cuz it was crowded

when i got home i was happy to see pudgy ^_^ i missed him so much!!! 

i go to my room nly to find it completely redecorated. like, omg, everything was piled on my dresser and all my stuff was in boxes and purses hanging in my closet and i was like WTF!? gosh, took me an hour to set everything back. my dad and brother(ew he went in my room) "cleaned" it but only made it worse. when u come home from a long flight, ur suppose to relax, not clean. i was tired but that woke me up. so afterwards i went on my laptop til 1:30 am taking to friends and catching up on everythng

and now im just staying home trying to adjust to the time schedule again.omg u have NOOOOOO IDEEEAAAAA how much TV shows i need to catch up on like oooommmmmmgggggggg! all this week im prob just gonna be watching HOURS of TV T_T i feel so left behind society

and it feels as if i was never even in japan being in my house n all D:

i miss japan T_T

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