Tuesday, October 9, 2012


before i start, id like to say i got that weird allergic reaction/hives earlier this week again and OMGGGG i was dying. like i was sooo itchy!!! and idk if its food cuz i didnt eat anything the same as last time, and the food i did eat i ate before and was fine so idk. it was horrible. i was so miserable!!!!! the cream stuff didnt sooth my skin and i had to put an ice pack on even though i was FREEZING at night. i go to bed around 12 or so, and i couldnt fall asleep. next thing i know its 4 am and still itchin so i finally give up and just try to fall asleep. the next day im all week and feel sick and STILL ITCHY but my uncles wife brought some pills for stuff like this and it helped and i fell asleep ahhh

hahahaha ok anyways im sure u dont care about that


so today i went to diver city(sounds like some pokemon city) and went to see the giant gundam statue!!!!!!!!


this was the main reason we went here. on one of those model blogs i used to read this guy went here and i was like omg i wanna go and now i have XD

ive only seen gundam 00 only cuz i really liked the art. all the other gundam series have pretty crappy art in my opinion so i dont care to watch the others. idk which mobile suit this is from. they all look the same to me

its suppose to be life size, so its 60ft tall. when i stand right next to it im so tiny lol

they also had this flower bush thing shaped as a mobile suit
 idk if this place was where gundam was created or something but w/e

in the mall behind it all ate some yakisoba. all the stores were western stores pretty much and it was like 6 floors or something. y cant the mall where i live be that big?

 random statue of liberty in japan LOL
my hair is fading to yellow again...

i went in some other part of the mall and bought some gifts for friends there

omgggggg in less than 2 weeks im going back to america NOOOOOOO!!!! i dont wanna go back T_T i like it here *cries*

in the 100 yen store they had a purikura machine but it was 200 yen but still cheap so i took some
it wouldve looked better if i was wearing my contacts....
 lol more purikura by myself mostly. i like the newer machines better

aaand bought another mag
its ranzuki!
im telling myself this is going to be the last magazine i get here but idk..

also got lots of DVDS to watch from the rental shop whoop. mostly american kiddie movies like kung fu panda and whatnot, but i can make it english and watch it. also got spongebob, i wanna see what it sounds like in japanese @_@

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