Tuesday, October 16, 2012


like last week when i was bored on my computer i was looking through my followers and founds these girls who live in japan and we arranged to meet up and go to shibuya together wheeeeeee!

and it was SO much fun!

but we were gonna meet up at 3 oclock so before that me n my mom went to shibuya cuz we were gonna look @ the NHK studio, but it was closed......same thing happened when we went to the fuji TV studio last week or whenever....

so instead we went to denny's to have a parfait lol
i shouldve edited this for contrast, oh well
 but anyways they were really yummy!

then i had to go to the statue of hachiko to meet the girls. they came shortly after we arrived. but while i was waiting some guy went up to me and said something in japanese but i didnt understand so i looked at my mom so she would translate but then he was like 'ohh. okaasan' and then walks away @_@

anyways after i met them then my mom left haha. and heres a pic of us in front of hachiko!
 while im in japan ive been playing 'the world ends with you' so i feel like im in the game. im such a dork XD

they were so nice and pretty, and they are twins from iceland! its nice talking to someone who likes the gyaru fashion like me, they understand all the brands and models n such

the first thing we did???


last time i was in japan i didnt care about gyaru stuff so didnt know of this place, but now i doooo so ive been dying to go here! its where all the cool ppl in japan shop lol

i also wanted to talk a vid of the scramble crossing cuz thers sooo much ppl crossing the street its crazzyyyyy but didnt have the time
the 109 tower is like 10 floors, but they are rather small floors but still lots of shops! it was so awesome!!!! in all my magz theres always stuff from the 109 tower and i got to see all these awesome brand stores like cocolulu, liz lisa, ank rouge, sby, cecil mcbee, and i could go on but augh such awesomeness. checked out lots of stores but didnt buy that much cuz most were pretty pricey. i did have lots of $$$$ though, but im still not gonna pay $70 for a skirt. i mostly got little stuff and makeup lol

the sales ppl in the stores were so nice too. the workers in liz lisa, this one girl was like uber friendly and cheerful. i liked how in every store the workers would be decked out in their brands clothing haha 

and sooo many cute clothing and accessories!!! there was one store(forgot wat it was called) but it had all these keychains and rings and hair bands and stuff super blinged and deco'd out! they were so cute but kinda pricey but i wanted to buy something, but i thought to myself 'where can i wear this in amercia?' cuz in japan i feel like i can wear anything and not be judged, but if i wear tons of fake eyelashes like iv been doing and wearing some like super cutesy clothing i feel it wouldnt be 'acceptable' to wear this stuff in america....

omg the place i wanted to go to the most was SBY which was on the top floor cuz all the models always go there and it was so cool!!!! but i only bought some makeup cuz i wanted to buy something better so i can remember it always, but they mostly had keychains(but i already have enough), hair ties(but i dont do much with my hair) and like mirrors and makeup bags which i have so yeah. they sold circle lens, other stores sold them too, but i figure its cheaper to buy them online in USD cuz if i wanted say....barbie king size grey in japan it would be around $60 if converted to USD but i can just buy i online for $25 or $30

but anyways we also ate at SBY too cuz they have a little cafe or something. i ordered a chocolate milk bolba(?) drink and this anko pancake crepe or something, which were both yummy! luckily the girls that i was with, emi and lea, speak japanese so they ordered it for me lol. and helped me if i need to ask to try something on 

when we finished all the floors of the 109 tower we went looking around outside and went in more brand stores! 

we went in W♥C!!!! ive seen this in my mags all the time!
 i had to take a pic!
speaking of pictures i didnt really take that many, but in te shibuya 109 tower i guess you werent allowed to cuz i saw 'no taking pictures' signs everywhere T_T

i wanted to buy something from this store. at first i was gonna buy a pin for 200yen, but there was a gashapon machine with keychains for 200yen so i bought that instead. 
 when i mean 'keychain' in the other stores, i mean..they have a stuffed animal or something on it so its big, not small like this

as we were walking outside, got more maid cafe tissues whoop!
 then of course we had to take purikura together!!! at first we went in an arcade and i saw an uta no prince sama machine but i ddnt win even though i was SO close each time, so after 2 tries i quit. they tried winning something too but didnt win either...we need more practice.  so we took purikura, and after that they knew a shop full of purikura machines so took another one there!

it was so much fun! we wrote lots of stuff in japanese xD
 then around 8 or somethng we decided to call it a day and went on the train. this is my first time going on the train bymyself. luckily they went on the same line as me but only for a few stops before they had to get off. when i had to switch trains i got all confused so had to ask the ppl working there where to go lol

but i eventually made it home, even though i did almost miss my stop

so heres a couple things i bought in the 109 tower

in this store called doll kiss which sells socks mostly, they had one of those grab bags so you dont know whats inside but it was only 1000yen(abot $12) so i bought one and when i opened it at home lots of socks n stuff!!!
 4 knee highs, 3 socks, 2 tights, 1 dress w/ top
i think it was worth the money :D the dress itself was like 2300yen so yeah

then at galaxxxy i bought a pin cuz i want something from this brand lol
there was some guy in a business suit who bought like 5 outfits from the store....i bet he works for some magazine or something....

i also bought a headband from idk what its called and then some makeup and a gift for a friend not much stuff as i said

but anyways it was such a fun day! i now feel i can go back to america cuz i feel fulfilled in japan now
but.....i still kinda sorta liked akihabara better...just cuz im a nerd like that LOL

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