Saturday, October 27, 2012

not so much fun stuff

so since being back in america, i havent really done much. mostly just be on my laptop lol

its so sad cuz i feel like i didnt even go to japan T_T

and i just CANNOT get rid of jetlag. i would fall asleep around 12:30-1:00 in japan, which is like 8 in the morning over here :/
so i'd just be laying in my bed, maybe fall asleep for an hour or something but id keep looking at the clock next thing i know its 4a.m but still not tired D: but i think i'm getting a little better but still

missing all those variety shows DX

anyways heres some stuff i did over the week

since i bought some decoden kits in japan....

 i decided to re-deco my camera cuz it was really crappy but now i'm pretty satisfied


aaand i did my mp3 too
 the back has lace and more flowers but one fell off so i need to put it back on lol

i'm not really skilled at decoden cuz last time i just used 'whip cream' as a base instead of just gluing gems but watevers i like it ^_^

aand since i bought some goodies where u can make little treats i decided to make jelly sushi!!!!
 i've seen a youtube vid about this and even though its weird, its cool at the same time so when i saw it in japan i bought it

i like the fish eggs the best. the tuna and egg gummies i guess i diluted it too much so it had some grainy texture
 and no. it doesn't taste like sushi. it taste like ordinary gummy stuff

i also did my nailsss!!

i bought another nail mag in japan so it gave me tons of ideas! i tried doing one that looked like this 

and i think i did a good job too! except my left hand index finger, oh gosh i did the bow horribly on that T_T

and ive been talking to lots of friends and still need to give lots of them my gifts from japan lol


Sunday, October 21, 2012

The last 2 days in japan

no pics uploaded cuz i havent taken much and didnt feel like uploading

Also, i'm [sadly] not in japan no more *cries*

but i'll get to that. first lemme cover wat my last 2 days were like:

so FRIDAY since i considered it my 'true' last day, i decided to go shopping around the train station to buy last minute stuff. bought some more makeup and i was thinking about buying loose socks but the ones they sold were too long(plus i bought tons of socks in japan so im good) anyways i was shopping by myself and when i was done there was a gashapon machine so i got a strawberry keychain. but i guess as i was doing that, some old guy(prob somewhere in his 30's) was watching me or somethng so as i cross the street to where he is, he goes to talk to me but i dont understand him but i hear 'anime' so i assume hes asking what i got from the gashapon machines(bet he's an otaku), but then again, idk. ANYWAYS i tell him '....gaijin(foreigner).....english......gomen nasai(sorry)....' and then he looked all suprised n stuff and was like 'oh' and then walks away.

everyone is always suprised when they find out i speak english. i blend in.

then when i got home, had to finish packing T_T

the next day i was all sad cuz i was going back home at night DX 
my uncle and his wife came over and took us to the mall. i bought some decoden stuff lol. also bought a hakuouki keychain XD i'm gonna miss japanese arcades and gashapon machines!!!!! instead, all we have in america is rigged claw machines filled with dollar store prizes and in those capsule things is just sticky hands or buck teeth. no fun at all.

had japanese ramen for the last time too. i ate tons of ramen in japan. the last week or two in japan, since all ive been eating is pretty much japanese food, ive been craving burgers and american food lol

then i watched the anime i recorded on the DVR for the last time. in october lots of new series started, such as:
Magi the labyrinth of magic
kamisama kiss(hajimemashita)
jojo's mysterious adventure
K project

maybe more? idk those wre the ones i knew about and sorta watched. gonna miss watching those weekly T_T

anyways so leave to the airport @ 9 and get there around 10:20 or something. on the train i kept saying how much im gonna miss japan T_T our plane left around 12:15. suprisingly, the plane was pretty empty, so me n my mom got the whole row to ourselves YES!

this plane ride was the comfiest one ive ever been on. probably cuz i hogged 3 seats to stretch and laydown on. i ACTUALLY got to SLEEP! like holy crap. that never happens @_@ even thought the ride bavk home was 9 1/2 hours it only felt like a 5 hour trip. another bonus was no annoying crying baby on board

so i got back in cali around 5:30 PM cuz the time change but actually left the airport around 7 cuz it was crowded

when i got home i was happy to see pudgy ^_^ i missed him so much!!! 

i go to my room nly to find it completely redecorated. like, omg, everything was piled on my dresser and all my stuff was in boxes and purses hanging in my closet and i was like WTF!? gosh, took me an hour to set everything back. my dad and brother(ew he went in my room) "cleaned" it but only made it worse. when u come home from a long flight, ur suppose to relax, not clean. i was tired but that woke me up. so afterwards i went on my laptop til 1:30 am taking to friends and catching up on everythng

and now im just staying home trying to adjust to the time schedule again.omg u have NOOOOOO IDEEEAAAAA how much TV shows i need to catch up on like oooommmmmmgggggggg! all this week im prob just gonna be watching HOURS of TV T_T i feel so left behind society

and it feels as if i was never even in japan being in my house n all D:

i miss japan T_T

Thursday, October 18, 2012

ghibli museum

so as the title says i went to the ghibli museum today :D

but before i get to that....

yesterday i went karaoke-ing. i usually dont sing in front of ppl but idc cuz its just family and they wont judge. i even tried singing some japanese songs cuz i can read hiragana & katakana, but i cant read i was singin PONPONPON! but yeah, only the chorus cuz idk the rest and cant read fast enough to sing along

okay noww about the ghibli museum. so like.... apparently ur not allowed to take pics cuz the ppl want you to 'sketch the image in ur mind and remember it' or something gay like that but i didnt know so for the first few mnutes i got to take pictures lol. since i didnt take a lot what i upload is pretty much everything i took

at the beginning there was some short film going on so we watched that

 heres some little picture thngs of different shorts playing. i watched the one n the bottom right. it was called 'egg princess' and since theres no talking in it, it was pretty easy to get whats going on. it was really good too!!!

in the windows theres stained glass of different movies. heres one from castle in the sky
they had ponyo, totoro, spirited away too. prob others but i dont remember

there was this one room full of animation stuff with models for movement. it was really cool
heres some castle in the sky robot thing. theres birds flying around it. sorry its sideways

yeah i dont really have much to say about these rather take cooler ones but not allowed too...
 ^ it moves but didnt feel like taking a vid

heres the models i was talking about, and the last picture i took in the museum before some lady stopped me
next to these are some spinning machine thing so then it looks like totoro is jumping, they also had cat bus, a bat, and other stuff all moving it was super cool. cant explain it. you need to see for urself

then as went through the museum there was miyazaki's workshop or something full of all these sketches, and another room was full of these fairy tale books that i guess were his inspiration which was petty neat.. there was also this giant cat bus that little kids could go and play in. i wanna go in it but im prob too big lol

and there was a gift shop and i got me a howl pin LOL. they barely had any howls moving castle stuff. they mostly have totoro and kikis delivery stuff

aww chyeaaaa in front of laputa robot

 my thighs o.o aw well, no one perfect..
it was rainy on and off, but not cold so thats why i wore shorts
P.S. in japan, thats the only time i ever do peace signs in pictures. idk, its the enviorment or some kind of force makes you do these in pictures. and i swear since ive been here, my skins gotten more 'yellow' but maybe its just my imagination....

anyways heres the tickets for the film thing we watched earlier
with film strips from ponyo and idk

ugh tommorow is my last full day in japan T_T well i guess saturday is too cuz the plane leaves at midnight so i guess its considered sunday morning but still!!!!!! im gonna miss japan *cries*

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


like last week when i was bored on my computer i was looking through my followers and founds these girls who live in japan and we arranged to meet up and go to shibuya together wheeeeeee!

and it was SO much fun!

but we were gonna meet up at 3 oclock so before that me n my mom went to shibuya cuz we were gonna look @ the NHK studio, but it was closed......same thing happened when we went to the fuji TV studio last week or whenever....

so instead we went to denny's to have a parfait lol
i shouldve edited this for contrast, oh well
 but anyways they were really yummy!

then i had to go to the statue of hachiko to meet the girls. they came shortly after we arrived. but while i was waiting some guy went up to me and said something in japanese but i didnt understand so i looked at my mom so she would translate but then he was like 'ohh. okaasan' and then walks away @_@

anyways after i met them then my mom left haha. and heres a pic of us in front of hachiko!
 while im in japan ive been playing 'the world ends with you' so i feel like im in the game. im such a dork XD

they were so nice and pretty, and they are twins from iceland! its nice talking to someone who likes the gyaru fashion like me, they understand all the brands and models n such

the first thing we did???


last time i was in japan i didnt care about gyaru stuff so didnt know of this place, but now i doooo so ive been dying to go here! its where all the cool ppl in japan shop lol

i also wanted to talk a vid of the scramble crossing cuz thers sooo much ppl crossing the street its crazzyyyyy but didnt have the time
the 109 tower is like 10 floors, but they are rather small floors but still lots of shops! it was so awesome!!!! in all my magz theres always stuff from the 109 tower and i got to see all these awesome brand stores like cocolulu, liz lisa, ank rouge, sby, cecil mcbee, and i could go on but augh such awesomeness. checked out lots of stores but didnt buy that much cuz most were pretty pricey. i did have lots of $$$$ though, but im still not gonna pay $70 for a skirt. i mostly got little stuff and makeup lol

the sales ppl in the stores were so nice too. the workers in liz lisa, this one girl was like uber friendly and cheerful. i liked how in every store the workers would be decked out in their brands clothing haha 

and sooo many cute clothing and accessories!!! there was one store(forgot wat it was called) but it had all these keychains and rings and hair bands and stuff super blinged and deco'd out! they were so cute but kinda pricey but i wanted to buy something, but i thought to myself 'where can i wear this in amercia?' cuz in japan i feel like i can wear anything and not be judged, but if i wear tons of fake eyelashes like iv been doing and wearing some like super cutesy clothing i feel it wouldnt be 'acceptable' to wear this stuff in america....

omg the place i wanted to go to the most was SBY which was on the top floor cuz all the models always go there and it was so cool!!!! but i only bought some makeup cuz i wanted to buy something better so i can remember it always, but they mostly had keychains(but i already have enough), hair ties(but i dont do much with my hair) and like mirrors and makeup bags which i have so yeah. they sold circle lens, other stores sold them too, but i figure its cheaper to buy them online in USD cuz if i wanted say....barbie king size grey in japan it would be around $60 if converted to USD but i can just buy i online for $25 or $30

but anyways we also ate at SBY too cuz they have a little cafe or something. i ordered a chocolate milk bolba(?) drink and this anko pancake crepe or something, which were both yummy! luckily the girls that i was with, emi and lea, speak japanese so they ordered it for me lol. and helped me if i need to ask to try something on 

when we finished all the floors of the 109 tower we went looking around outside and went in more brand stores! 

we went in W♥C!!!! ive seen this in my mags all the time!
 i had to take a pic!
speaking of pictures i didnt really take that many, but in te shibuya 109 tower i guess you werent allowed to cuz i saw 'no taking pictures' signs everywhere T_T

i wanted to buy something from this store. at first i was gonna buy a pin for 200yen, but there was a gashapon machine with keychains for 200yen so i bought that instead. 
 when i mean 'keychain' in the other stores, i mean..they have a stuffed animal or something on it so its big, not small like this

as we were walking outside, got more maid cafe tissues whoop!
 then of course we had to take purikura together!!! at first we went in an arcade and i saw an uta no prince sama machine but i ddnt win even though i was SO close each time, so after 2 tries i quit. they tried winning something too but didnt win either...we need more practice.  so we took purikura, and after that they knew a shop full of purikura machines so took another one there!

it was so much fun! we wrote lots of stuff in japanese xD
 then around 8 or somethng we decided to call it a day and went on the train. this is my first time going on the train bymyself. luckily they went on the same line as me but only for a few stops before they had to get off. when i had to switch trains i got all confused so had to ask the ppl working there where to go lol

but i eventually made it home, even though i did almost miss my stop

so heres a couple things i bought in the 109 tower

in this store called doll kiss which sells socks mostly, they had one of those grab bags so you dont know whats inside but it was only 1000yen(abot $12) so i bought one and when i opened it at home lots of socks n stuff!!!
 4 knee highs, 3 socks, 2 tights, 1 dress w/ top
i think it was worth the money :D the dress itself was like 2300yen so yeah

then at galaxxxy i bought a pin cuz i want something from this brand lol
there was some guy in a business suit who bought like 5 outfits from the store....i bet he works for some magazine or something....

i also bought a headband from idk what its called and then some makeup and a gift for a friend not much stuff as i said

but anyways it was such a fun day! i now feel i can go back to america cuz i feel fulfilled in japan now
but.....i still kinda sorta liked akihabara better...just cuz im a nerd like that LOL

Friday, October 12, 2012

trick art n stuffs

 yesterday went to china town in yokohama wheee

but all there was was ppl handing out chestnuts and panda stores and red pepper keychains yuuup

but me n my mom went to the trick art museum there which was really cool! i remember seeing pics from model blogs and seen some stuff on my moms japanese tv show stuff too haha

noo dont eat mee!!
 lots of the art was really neat, but not really good for taking pics cuz the place had dim lights but if you put flash on you'd see the flash in ur pictures so had to edit these

 its pascal lol

and shark trying to eat meeeee

i saw pics/vids on this cool room in the museum where you get all big n small and stuff. i have a pic with my mom but dont feel like uploading. instead enjoy a video of me getting bigger and smaller!
me being a retard

look at the candy. this is a PAINTING, not photo. up close you can see its a painting but from far away it looks so real!!!

someone cut off my head...again.
when we finished looking through everything my mom went to meet up with her old friends from high school and i was planning on going home by myself but one of their daughters was coming at night cuz she wanted to see me so i decided to stay(plus i was hungry and wanted to eat)

after we ate my mom and her friends kept talking so i was just walking around looking at the expensive stores in the train station and bought more socks XD then after an hour or so went back then the daughter came. i met her the first time i went to japan when i was 6 but dont remember wat she looked like. but she likes all that makeup and stuff too so yay!

then we ate but i wasnt hungry so i had a parfait which was delicious
 and the one girl(sachi) is going to go to shibuya with me one day yaaaay!!!!!! but shes not good at english and im not that good at japanese so we'll see what happens lol

oh and on the way to eat, the first time w/o the daughter, outside lots of ppl were handing out tissues so i took one cuz it had anime on it(lol) then i guess ppl saw so all the other ppl tried handing me tissue so i kept taking it xD
 yay mom's friends said that all the boys eyes sparkled when they saw me so they gave me tissue LOL

but i mean...why wouldnt they? jk

the tissues say stuff like 'work at our cafe' and stuff so they prob wanted me to work there. theres even a 'try it out for one day to see if you like it!' and it pays $50 for that on day and duuuuuuude id totally do it if i can speak the language T_T

i havent really posted pics of me close up so here
wink wink

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


before i start, id like to say i got that weird allergic reaction/hives earlier this week again and OMGGGG i was dying. like i was sooo itchy!!! and idk if its food cuz i didnt eat anything the same as last time, and the food i did eat i ate before and was fine so idk. it was horrible. i was so miserable!!!!! the cream stuff didnt sooth my skin and i had to put an ice pack on even though i was FREEZING at night. i go to bed around 12 or so, and i couldnt fall asleep. next thing i know its 4 am and still itchin so i finally give up and just try to fall asleep. the next day im all week and feel sick and STILL ITCHY but my uncles wife brought some pills for stuff like this and it helped and i fell asleep ahhh

hahahaha ok anyways im sure u dont care about that


so today i went to diver city(sounds like some pokemon city) and went to see the giant gundam statue!!!!!!!!


this was the main reason we went here. on one of those model blogs i used to read this guy went here and i was like omg i wanna go and now i have XD

ive only seen gundam 00 only cuz i really liked the art. all the other gundam series have pretty crappy art in my opinion so i dont care to watch the others. idk which mobile suit this is from. they all look the same to me

its suppose to be life size, so its 60ft tall. when i stand right next to it im so tiny lol

they also had this flower bush thing shaped as a mobile suit
 idk if this place was where gundam was created or something but w/e

in the mall behind it all ate some yakisoba. all the stores were western stores pretty much and it was like 6 floors or something. y cant the mall where i live be that big?

 random statue of liberty in japan LOL
my hair is fading to yellow again...

i went in some other part of the mall and bought some gifts for friends there

omgggggg in less than 2 weeks im going back to america NOOOOOOO!!!! i dont wanna go back T_T i like it here *cries*

in the 100 yen store they had a purikura machine but it was 200 yen but still cheap so i took some
it wouldve looked better if i was wearing my contacts....
 lol more purikura by myself mostly. i like the newer machines better

aaand bought another mag
its ranzuki!
im telling myself this is going to be the last magazine i get here but idk..

also got lots of DVDS to watch from the rental shop whoop. mostly american kiddie movies like kung fu panda and whatnot, but i can make it english and watch it. also got spongebob, i wanna see what it sounds like in japanese @_@

Thursday, October 4, 2012

otaku & museum

yesterday i went to Akihabara!!!!! the ultimate otaku city!!!!!

omg you should have seen it.....otakus EVERYWHERE!!!!!! my estimate of everyone in akihabara is 90% men, 10% women. and most of then are prob over 30 and single cuz theyre anime nerds

but i guess i can be called an 'otaku' (not extreme or anything) but i do love anime XD

anyways lots of pics! i really liked akihabara lol

 LOTS of arcades. right outside the train station there was the sega arcade. there were lots of sega arcades here

i have been watching tons of UFO catcher videos cuz these machines arent rigged like in america, you just need technique. but i'm still no good, need  more practice

heres the sights
 yup, lots of anime everywhere. i tell you, all the white ppl(or just non azns) that were here were prob otakus too lol

 omgomgomg they had the code geass nunnally in wonderland figures ASDFGHJKL!!!!

i just stood and stared for a loooooooooong time. ack i want lelouch T_T but its hard getting boxes...

and this picture of c.c was next to the machine. i dont get why they blocked out her cleavage......
note that the pics im showing are in different arcades, not all in the same one.

heres a type where you have to try to get the lever to pull the string off to make ur prize fall
its of uta no prince sama and hakuouki

some miku hatsune stuff. still pretty popular in japan

gahhhhhh its uta no prince sama pillows!!!!!!!! they are in space bags or something so theyre flat. i actually attempted this one. i wanted to get the on on the right cuz it has my fav character ren but the crane was off by like an inch so it didnt pick it up correctly and just ended up slanted, therefore making it harder to win....sigh~
 then my moms like 'oh, just try again in a different arcade' but u know what??? this was the only place that had those...figures.....

oh, but the guy working at that arcade was actually GOOD LOOKING....thats pretty rare. he was cute, reminds me of takeru from SuG

heres a poster thing of hakuouki, i rented the DVD for it cuz it had hot anime guys on it and agh when i go to america im gonna watch it with subtitles cuz i cant really figure out the plot by just watching but it seems like i would like this

speaking of animes.....KAMISAMA KISS IS FINALLY AN ANIME!!!
yuup, one of my fav mangas became an anime and it aired on the 2nd and i obv recorded it. it was amaziiing ^_^ gonna keep watching it til i have to go back home

hmm....and i guess i can tell you what animes seem to be 'in' right now. the TV we have isnt cable so we only get like 12 channels but around 6 they play one or two animes, and of course weekend mornings

some pretty popular ones ive seen around are precure, sket dance, one piece, card fight vangaurd, fairy tale, some others idk. not much naruto stuff anime....good.

in this one arcade there was all this poster stuff of anime girls(actually, u see that everywhere) but here there was a bunch at once so snapped a pic
this led to downstairs and only old guys were coming out so yeah...not a place for me...guess its like a maid cafe or something idk

there were actually lots of maid cafes. on the streets you see girls dressed up as maids, talking in high pitched voices, handing fliers out to invite ppl to their cafe. i took a few invites lol, not that id go(tho i sorta want to.....for the experience) but they make good souvenirs

oh btw, in arcades, you naturally think of games right? well get a load of this:
i have not seen ONE DDR machine....not one!!!! like wtf. i was totally planning on showing off my skills but they are like extinct or something. in the smaller cities i can understand, but in big cities full of arcades i assumed there would be a DDR machine. i mean, last time i went to japan 4 years ago they still had them around but guess no one plays it anymore DX

but they have lots of other games like taiko drum master and those shooting games and poppin music or watever its called. on this one floor i went, it was full of shooting games or something and futuristic o.o like ur in some bubble so no sounds bug you and idk, cant explain. cant keep up with japanese technology

 heres some gashapon machines. they are of uta no prince sama and hakuouki again haha
i got an uta no prince sama one the pic is posted kinda below

but first....


my very first purikura....isnt it beautiful????
 i used a machine that makes ur eyes bigger XD
now all i need to is find friends to take pics with.......
also with i had a cellphone so i can send the pics to it then they can be bigger and clearer but this is still lovely

the cool thing was, where the purikura machines were, since it being akihabara n all, there was a little shop where u can rent all sorts of cosplays to take pics in. *sob* i wanna try cosplaying, but itd prob be expensive(sorta) plus it wouldnt really be fun doing that by myself, and id prob have to change my makeup or something and get a wig too and everything, but still!!! sounds like so much fun!!!

theres a store called don quihote (donkihote) and i watched a youtube video thing of the store in akihabara and they have a cosplay floor and moe floor so i really wanted to go and i diiiid!

they had soooo much school girl cosplay augh they had loose socks! i was tempted to buy it, but decided to get other socks instead

bought these socks

heres the uta no prince same keychain i got. its syo, i like all the characters but i wish i got ren or tokiya
 sorry for nerding out

there were lotssss of cosplay shops too, but they were all expensive T_T

at night my mom met up with her cousin and we stayed at his house for the night but first he took us to some vietnamese restraunt and even though i was STARVING.....i barely ate cuz idk.....nothing really looked appetizing to me. it was all vegetable dishes with some vinegar sauce and there was this chicken i ordered but i didnt know it was mine when it arrived to my mom and her cousin ate it but by the time we realized it was all gone so i had some noodle soup which was decent

afterwards went to a store to buy rice balls cuz i was still so hungry

and today went to ueno to the natural history/science museum wheeeeee

on the way there, saw some tanabata decorations or something but im only assuming cuz they had wishes written on them
 i wrote on too XD

mine said "i want to be famous!" lol

and the museum was pretty cool. we were there for a looooong time. idk wat time we got there but maybe 4 or 5 hours. i didnt take too many pictures

but heres some scary looking fish
 i mean.....that is one huuuuuuuggggggggllllllllly fish
in a way, now that i think of it, kinda reminds me of my scary ppl drawings lol

and heres baby mice or some kind of mouse. they look like gummy bears

only took a pic cuz it reminded me of when my hampster had babies.....lookd just like this T_T 

in this one room there were all these stuff animals and hollyyyyyy crap there was this camel that was HUUUUUGE like it was prob 12 ft tall and stuff. lots of the animals reminded me of narnia lol
 ;lion king' also came in thought many times cuz the scene at the beginning circle of life with all those animals and stuff lol

and heres some prehistoric fossils i thought were cool looking
yuuup that pretty much sums up what ive been doing the past 2 days k bye