Friday, June 1, 2012

last few days of school

 on tuesday i got to hang with rebekah for a bit and i did her nails too ^_^ for some reason in black and white in this pic i look thinner O__O ah weellll

except this pic..i look fat here -____-"
 i look gross but watevers. its the last distinction day so i dressed up and took pics with lots of riends today but this is the only one i like

i onl have 2 days of school and i guess i am a litle sad not being able to see them anymore

i still need to get some friends to sign my yearbook still!!!

also today, this was the last rally of my life and there was some thing where boys waterpolo or something was dancing so i decided to take a pic lol!
and then after skool saw #3...yeah hes still hot....

anyways this school year went by fast!(well...UBER slow first semester...*shivers*)

cant wait for graduation!

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