Friday, June 8, 2012


 i am now officially graduated from high school!

the ceremony was yesterday and even though going to the practices sucked, it was nice being able to see most of my friends one last time

the bad thing was that i was one of the last ppls to have their names called out of like 700 students so during the graduation i tried falling asleep lol

my mom and dad sat waaay far back so they took like zero pictures of me(thnx alot) but luckily my friend i invited got there pretty early and took pics for me ^_^
 i'm the one walking in da middle of the pictures. lol my heels.

my hat would not stay on my head so i had to hold it while walking

so after graduation all the parents come down to see thier kids but i had no idea where my family was so i was just walking around trying to find someone i know so i dont look like a loner

but i eventually found them and got my camera and took pics!
 me n keyra

but my friend has some professional camera and offered to take pics so yeah

i didnt edit these so i look blah. hate the chubby cheeks
 me and hope

 me and ruby

 me and diziree(i think thats how you spell her name lol)
 me and my english teach mrs varnam

i only posted the pics i like XD most of my friends left so i only got pics with a few ppl

and afterwards hasna took me out to frozen yogurt ^^

and heres my diploma of the school i USED to go to

thank god dont need to go there anymore

over summer hopefully i can get a job or something

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