Friday, June 29, 2012

pool n stuff

a few days ago went to hang out with elizabeth and went in her pool cuz it was hot and was such a perfect pool day....i has no boobz

i wish i had a pool T_T

then we layed out and tried tanning, ugh i wish my face would tan....

then ater that day i spent da night @ her house even though it was boring cuz all she was doing was talking to her bf n the phone the whole time....

but anyways like next week im going BLONDE EEK!

so chyea awesome stuff

Monday, June 25, 2012


arent they purdy!??

they are:
i.fairy moe moe brown ♥

for a while now ive been looking for a really light brown lens without looking too unnatural and these are PERFECT...especially from far away

all my other contacts obv change my eye colour, but its still pretty dark coloured ya know? but these def lighten my eyes

heres wat they look like

the only thing i dont like is how big they are. they say its 16.2 mm but the limit for circle lense is 15mm so im assuming thats how big they actually are. i'm not a big fan of huuuge lenses, id say 14.5mm is still the best size

but other than that i love everything about these! they are nice and comfy and so pretty!

oh and this time i bought them from cuz they were having a good sae so these cost me $17.80 or something shipping included(which is CHEAP) and i read a review of these lens and thought these were perfect but they werent on sale back then. glad i waited! the shipping was the fastest for any of my circle lens. ony took like 10 days or so. so happy!

lots of stuff

AUUURRGGHH omg so much stuff i need to blog about T_T

ok i'll make the older less-important stuff snappy

so on...wednesday i hung out with my bud julian @ his house and just played wii games mostly

then on friday i was suppose to go to the beach with some friends but appearantly it was too cold so one of them came to my house and we watched tangled and i did her nais

then on saturday i hung out with josh and elizabeth and we pretty much just talked n stuff

pic of us at teh park

heres random video...josh was suppose to spin around but didnt....jerk

on sunday my dad went to las vegas so i invited some friends over.

only danielle and rebekah were allowed to show up but we still had such a blast together. we saw the Avengers in 3D and it was freeeeee! except the theater was SO packed...we really thought we were not gonna get seats and just thought about leaving cuz it was dark but then i guess they paused the movie cuz lots of ppl were still looking for seats and were actually found 3 open seats next to eachother GASPNESS....we got so lucky

the movie was really good. loved 3D

♥ loki & capt america

then we went to the beach for a bit
 we mostly went just for takig pics XD but it was still lots of fun

afterwards ate @ yoshinoya and still took tons of pics eating XDD

then since we were in japan town went to book oof too bad i didnt find anything i wanted but rebekah was being a perv and was looking at intense yaoi manga and was taking nasty pics of gross parts of the story and sent them to her friends LOL. i kept being like 'uuumm...i'm going now' but kept going back to her cuz it was so funny

on the way home we were all watching legend of korra episodes on dani's phone and even though i never watched avatar or korra(except 1 episode) it actually seemed like a pretty desent show and for the rest of the night rebekah was watching the first season of it too

idk when she fell asleep but around midnight i was showing danielle my fav anime NANA cuz i saved a few eps i liked on my DVR from a while ago and she becae hooked on the show even though she didnt really unstand wat was going on but its a gooooood show

in the morning bekah left early so it was just me n dani for a long time. at first in the morning we were watching more NANA episodes but then i wanted to make dancing videos which ended up never happening

BUUUUT we did 'school girl' cosplay lol
 danielles outfit would be better if only i could find my other black knee high socks DX
but still cute....we looked through my mags for pose refrences lol

we took TONS of pics...but i dont feel like uploading a lot

but heres some from the webcam on some coolio site so enjoy pic spam

bekah missed out big time. afterwards watched more NANA and then she went home. whew i need more sleepovers....

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

fun fun fun

Yesterday i spent the day with isabel. At first we were just watching TV n stuff but then we gave eachother makeovers!!! She gave me a "pin up" look. idk it'd prob be better if i put on red lipstick but auugh my makeup was sooo different from usual. yeah it dont look pinup but i think its still cue looking
then i gave isabel a gyaru makeover and she looks so cute. i put her hair in buns lol. i wanted t try doing the punk 'horn' hairdo that kyary does but i just couldnt do....i tried but its harder than it looks so i gave her buns aand she curled my hair and put it up n stuff

yeah we spent a good few hors doing that XD

and then today i hung out with hasa and we watched madagascar 3!!! i really wanted to watch that and it was really good! i like that one the best so far. such a fun video! then we tred being sneaky and movie hopped to watch snow white and the huntsman. there were some scenes that were kina 'scary' so i looked down or something but overall i was able to watch it ;P
except during the movie i got a headache so i wuld close my eyes and 'rest' for a minute and stuff. idk the story was a lo different than what i thought it would be cuz in the commercial i thought the movie was just the huntsman trying to kill snow white but then they become allys hmm. oh and that queen was such a FREAK. like holy crap. the entire time i was like 'man, this girl got issues'

then after the movies ate at chipotle then went home. summer is so fun so far!!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

wa wa waaaaa


felt like uploading a pic of me ^_^

ok anyways like a week ago i did my nails but am posting about it now XD

acrylic still working on it so they arent that good

 i really tried making them all decorative like gals and stuff. my mom doesnt like they yellow/red colour and i guess i couldve used white nail polish or something but i just REALLY wanted to use my yellow lol

and today went to san diego cuz my parents bought me a laptop!!! yay my graduation present XD

i'll upload a pic one of these days but not now. buuuuuuut its PINK!! @_____@
(main reason i wanted it)

then i went in some japanese store i never went into cuz i thought it was full of furniture and other house stuff but omg they actually had tons of make up and fake lashes!!!!!!

i HAD to take a pic ok
 ive never seen a store(actually store not online) that sells diamond eyelash brand. they had SOooOooOOoOooOo many different selections so i was in paradise. when i go to japan im gonna buy SO many eyelashes omg.

but i did not buy anything. i bought some contacts so i'll prob get them by the end of the month, and i have limited money cuz i dont have a job so i gotta spend wisely. but once i get a job, im buying watever i want :D
 they also sold hair pieces o__o
they even had priscilla brand extensions and stuff

but not my colour..only blacks and dark browns..but i wouldnt buy them anyways cuz my hair is already long

but at the end of the day bought a peach girl manga cuz it was $1 lol

kk thats it!

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Last night i slept over rebekahs house with alorah. we played one suer mario party game til midnight lol then we watched some show called super natural until like 4 am XD at 3 i was just laying down listening falling in and out of sleep...its actually a pretty good show. in the morning when we woke up we watched more episodes XD

yup supernatural marathon basically

i also went to the mall yesterday and watched shows with hasna on her laptop

just relaxing so far this summer. but later on i'm going to virginia again sometime next month, and in september i'm going to JAPAN! argghhghhjdghtujg i can't wait!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

grad party

yesterday i went to julians graduation party ^_^

it was really fun even though not many ppl were there lolz

we mostly just played wii games

 pic of super smash brothers brawl. ahh i love that game!

and most of the time we were playing just dance and boy did i suck
(if this was DDR i'd pwn all the way)

but there was one time i actually won a game o__O

omg but after playing that for a long time my arm hurt SO bad. like omg. i had to sign something and i couldnt even write. cold+pain=numb arm

when i went bach home at like midnight and tried going to sleep my arms were just all sore so i couldnt find a comfortable position. it was terrible DX

ohhh and he finally let me borrow his PSP so now i can play KH birth by sleep eeek!
(excuse my nerdness)

Friday, June 8, 2012


 i am now officially graduated from high school!

the ceremony was yesterday and even though going to the practices sucked, it was nice being able to see most of my friends one last time

the bad thing was that i was one of the last ppls to have their names called out of like 700 students so during the graduation i tried falling asleep lol

my mom and dad sat waaay far back so they took like zero pictures of me(thnx alot) but luckily my friend i invited got there pretty early and took pics for me ^_^
 i'm the one walking in da middle of the pictures. lol my heels.

my hat would not stay on my head so i had to hold it while walking

so after graduation all the parents come down to see thier kids but i had no idea where my family was so i was just walking around trying to find someone i know so i dont look like a loner

but i eventually found them and got my camera and took pics!
 me n keyra

but my friend has some professional camera and offered to take pics so yeah

i didnt edit these so i look blah. hate the chubby cheeks
 me and hope

 me and ruby

 me and diziree(i think thats how you spell her name lol)
 me and my english teach mrs varnam

i only posted the pics i like XD most of my friends left so i only got pics with a few ppl

and afterwards hasna took me out to frozen yogurt ^^

and heres my diploma of the school i USED to go to

thank god dont need to go there anymore

over summer hopefully i can get a job or something

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


High school was awesome.

although this year COULDVE been better(last year was ze best) i had many wondering(and terrible) moments this year! i made lots of new friends too!

I will remember u guys always!! LUV YOU ALL!

 me n dani. ik why but i felt like drawing cat ears and stuff

 my good buddies in AP art. i  look gross cuz my chubby cheeks and this pic is really awkward but whatevers!

 me, josh, rachel, peter, and mckenzie

 me n johnson(my fav ;P)


during my TA period, the counsolor pplz had a mini arty cuz i guess most their TA's are seniors so i ate lots of food and got a little goodie bag.

and i also painted some of my friends nails today ^_^

even though i hate gong to school, i'm really gonna miss all my good friends!!!

Friday, June 1, 2012

last few days of school

 on tuesday i got to hang with rebekah for a bit and i did her nails too ^_^ for some reason in black and white in this pic i look thinner O__O ah weellll

except this pic..i look fat here -____-"
 i look gross but watevers. its the last distinction day so i dressed up and took pics with lots of riends today but this is the only one i like

i onl have 2 days of school and i guess i am a litle sad not being able to see them anymore

i still need to get some friends to sign my yearbook still!!!

also today, this was the last rally of my life and there was some thing where boys waterpolo or something was dancing so i decided to take a pic lol!
and then after skool saw #3...yeah hes still hot....

anyways this school year went by fast!(well...UBER slow first semester...*shivers*)

cant wait for graduation!