Tuesday, August 24, 2010

the stuff

yeah totally edited the pic if ya cant tell
okkkkkkkkkkk eah that new guy i like, his codename is 'orlando' lol cuz to elizabeth he reminds her of orlando bloom :P
ahhh hes so cute. its like the whole josh thing and i cant stop talking about him. i dont think he likes me tho. he never looks at me.
lol today elizabeth got dress coded. it was fuuuuunnnny i tried so hard not to laugh while watshisface took her away lol.
in art i wanted to draw a pic of this anime character from like the best anime evah, but bleh stupid teachers like 'its copyright u cant' gaaaaaaaay. so now idk wat to do. but art class was fun 2day cuz jessica's like showing everyone a pic of julies bf saying they look like twins. kinda true...not gonna lie.
and omg its soooooooo hottttttttttt. right after lunch i have pe so im in da heat for like 2 hours but at least we go in the gym. stupid thing is after 5th period 'orlando' is in my 6th and i dont wanna look all gross and sweaty so gah. but u no, ugh just watever. as brooke quotes 'he's just a stupid boy'. lol so true. i wanna get a bf this year. im tired of being siiiiinngleeee. but im not desperate. and im picky. thats prob why i dont gotz one haha
oh yeaaah gonna vote for prince poppycock 10 times tonight fer sure lol hes so awshum
yeah i thought i had more to say but guess not so ta-ta

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