Wednesday, August 11, 2010


i suppose it wasnt so bad for me(goood). *sniff* had to get my schedual all alone :( but yeah. watever at least i found friends afterwards. yup had to teachers i already had before cool
i have at least 1 friend in all my classes except dance cuz its full of like freshmen and stuff. i only no one other jr but i dont talk to her. siiiiiigggghhhhhhh
my third period teacher is chill. she cusses and everything. funneh lol
bad thing is my 1st period is like on the other side of school wher i get dropped off DX
and my 2nd period teacher sorta scares me...shes too excited and full of enegery on zomg...weird. never seen a teacher like that in my entire life
BUTTTTTTT i think #2 is in that class(but he wasn t there 2day so u no) yeah i dont think #1 goes here anymore boohoo. all these guys r ugly, or shall i say "not my type"
today i woke up at 5:20-ish and OMGGGG im SOOOOOO tired >_<>
also not use to not eating so i was STARVIIIIING after 5th period. oce i got home i ate lol

and painted my nails AGAIN
they are strawberries!

alorah thought they were watermelon o_O but i guess they do kinda look like watermelons

uggg summer really shouldve been longer. it doesnt even feel like the first day of school. soooo stupiiid.

cant wait 4 the weekend. gonna sleep in til 12.

and i gave my dad a tatoo with permanent marker lolz

and julian gave me $5 for drawing some tiny rose awsooooomme!

and the whole banner thing that says freedom, i would change it to something else but im too lazy at the moment so maybe on the weekend or something

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