Saturday, August 21, 2010


yup finally the weekend! WHOO HOO!
first of all, i'd like to say how happy i am for not being in dance anymore. its not like un-fun or anything but u no...need pe credits. so YES! got in fitness walking the same pe period. my scheduel didnt get all messed up XD
yeah azn josh is in that class so i just hang with him and some other sophomores. we play this one hand game. its so funny. cuz everyone joins in.
and yeah. i found a new love♥
he's SO cute.
since my dear #1 doesnt go here anymore(at least im pretty sure he doesnt) then i guess the new guy will replace him but auugh. like it feels weird calling the new guy #1 so idk. i need to think of a code name for him just like i did with 'rottweiler'
he's the only guy that i actually "like" #2&3 are like idk...OK but i prob dont have a chance with them anyways.
OMG and he IS in my grade. i thought he was a senior cuz he totally passes off as one but whoa. the yearbooks never lie XD
enough about him, yesterday hung out with elizabeth n julian agaiiin. yeah at the park and idk we were just talking andeverything and while we were walking to julians this car like yells or screams as it passes us and julian gets all scraed and screams. it was fuuuuuuuunnnnyyyy i wish i recorded it.
and at his house just talked and looked at the old yearbooks.

oh yeahh drew this a few days ago. not my idea but i saw a ic like this and thought it was hillarious so copied it. took idk, 30ish minutes :D

suppose to be a japanese kids cartoon superhero guy. the word on the forehead says 'eat me' or something haaa

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