Saturday, August 28, 2010

candy and junkfood

yeah on wednesday, the ONE day i actually wear a tank top it rains.
wat r the odds?
its not like it was cold or anything...but u no. wet.
it was cool tho. it was all sunny then all the sudden it gets cloudy/windy outta nowhere and the lights flicker and the power goes out and everyone in class is like ZOMG!
and you hear all this thunder and everythin. it was so awsome.
and PE is actually fun..for now. we just sit in the gym and play random games. yuppp good times XD
on friday got to sleep over hasnas house. lots of my friends wanted me to watch the last exorcism with them but 1. i dont like scary movies 2. looks like a retarded movie 3. seems like a waste of money
yeah not my type of movie.
back to hasna........
so yeah bought tons of junkfood again. ate constantly throughout the night. i gotta eat healthier for like a week. ive been eating so badly lately.
she made me make a new myspace account so i can add guys i like. pssh im not gonna do that. mostly re-added ppl on my friends list but still, i hardly go on that site anyways
idk we didnt do much this time. at like midnight we played truth or dare and we did all sorts of weird stuff. like the best on is i dared her to kiss a pic of this teacher she really really hates and it was hillariousssssss.
or um like made her put a swedish fish in her ear and eat it and idk other stuff.
and she dared me to stuff hot cheetos in my mouth and say i love this one teacher lolz. and sing paparazzi on camera. if she ever uploads that i'll kill her. ahem yeah and she drew on my foot
in case u cant read it, it says 'i love big men over 500 pounds' hahaha! not true tho...just btw.
she said it washes a FEW DAYS. looser.

yeah we were playing this game for a loooong time.

it kept goin on forevah

i drew on her forhead.

she didnt want her face to show so yeah, covered it up and made her a 3 eyed ninja

then idk, for some reason i was just SO tired so i went to be at like 2 am. even with candy i just couldnt stay up.
then woke up at like 9 or 10ish cuz i had to go to th bathroom really badly lol. then was like mind as well stay up but frigging hasna kept sleeping for another 2 hours so i was just doing random stuff
then she got up at noon and did more random stuff. and since we just ALWAYS gotta watch movies @ sleepovers we watched how to train ur dragon. i liked tht movie. we were like making fun of the movie while watching it. and it was pretty obv on wat happens next u no but still, good movie.
then stayed a little longer then went home :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

the stuff

yeah totally edited the pic if ya cant tell
okkkkkkkkkkk eah that new guy i like, his codename is 'orlando' lol cuz to elizabeth he reminds her of orlando bloom :P
ahhh hes so cute. its like the whole josh thing and i cant stop talking about him. i dont think he likes me tho. he never looks at me.
lol today elizabeth got dress coded. it was fuuuuunnnny i tried so hard not to laugh while watshisface took her away lol.
in art i wanted to draw a pic of this anime character from like the best anime evah, but bleh stupid teachers like 'its copyright u cant' gaaaaaaaay. so now idk wat to do. but art class was fun 2day cuz jessica's like showing everyone a pic of julies bf saying they look like twins. kinda true...not gonna lie.
and omg its soooooooo hottttttttttt. right after lunch i have pe so im in da heat for like 2 hours but at least we go in the gym. stupid thing is after 5th period 'orlando' is in my 6th and i dont wanna look all gross and sweaty so gah. but u no, ugh just watever. as brooke quotes 'he's just a stupid boy'. lol so true. i wanna get a bf this year. im tired of being siiiiinngleeee. but im not desperate. and im picky. thats prob why i dont gotz one haha
oh yeaaah gonna vote for prince poppycock 10 times tonight fer sure lol hes so awshum
yeah i thought i had more to say but guess not so ta-ta

Saturday, August 21, 2010


yup finally the weekend! WHOO HOO!
first of all, i'd like to say how happy i am for not being in dance anymore. its not like un-fun or anything but u no...need pe credits. so YES! got in fitness walking the same pe period. my scheduel didnt get all messed up XD
yeah azn josh is in that class so i just hang with him and some other sophomores. we play this one hand game. its so funny. cuz everyone joins in.
and yeah. i found a new love♥
he's SO cute.
since my dear #1 doesnt go here anymore(at least im pretty sure he doesnt) then i guess the new guy will replace him but auugh. like it feels weird calling the new guy #1 so idk. i need to think of a code name for him just like i did with 'rottweiler'
he's the only guy that i actually "like" #2&3 are like idk...OK but i prob dont have a chance with them anyways.
OMG and he IS in my grade. i thought he was a senior cuz he totally passes off as one but whoa. the yearbooks never lie XD
enough about him, yesterday hung out with elizabeth n julian agaiiin. yeah at the park and idk we were just talking andeverything and while we were walking to julians this car like yells or screams as it passes us and julian gets all scraed and screams. it was fuuuuuuuunnnnyyyy i wish i recorded it.
and at his house just talked and looked at the old yearbooks.

oh yeahh drew this a few days ago. not my idea but i saw a ic like this and thought it was hillarious so copied it. took idk, 30ish minutes :D

suppose to be a japanese kids cartoon superhero guy. the word on the forehead says 'eat me' or something haaa

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

not much to say but...

title says all. not much happened. school is stupid.
friday wore contacts and there was dust or something on it so it stung my eye
saturday went to escondido or watever mall and got a cardigan(yay!) ive always wanted one
too bad i cant wear it till it gets cooler
lolz took school uniform picturesss. thats wut im gonna be 4 halloween if i go trick or treating
i just need the right shoes
bleh ugly fat legs
on the way back from the mall saw a car on fire. it was pretty cool. was gonna take a pic/movie but already past it by the time my camera turned on. darrrnn.
in my Egg mag theres this bandana/scarf ribbon headband thing that i wanted to make but couldnt read the insructions so my mom did it 4 me. it looks cool.
like dis. you can see it well but yeah. its a headband. and yeah covered my face cuz i look ugly without makeup and stuff
might do a utube vid on how to make it just like the reg. bandana hair bow thing. but i dont have the stand, well i do but idk where it is and yeah. gibberish.

in art we are doing scratch boards again soon so i decided to take a pic f the first one i did in freshmen year. when i look at it, it actually really sucks. cuz everything like blends in with eachother. my devil may cry one is way better. im prob gonnado an anime drawing for this one anime thats hard to pronounce lol.

and in art class theres this cute guy haha. yeah. all the guys i like now a days wear hats...idk why but they just do o.o but yeah. he ish really cute.
oh and #2 isnt in my 2nd period anymore. he prob switched out. i havent even seen him so far. ive seen #3 a lot tho. but u no...dont really like-like him or anything. and i dont think #1 goes to chap boohoo. i guess its time to move on.
andd i hope my dance class gets switched. i mean, i like dance n all, but it doesnt count for p.e and i dont feel like getting sweaty for no reason so i wanna switch to fitness walking. i refuse to take reg p.e. thats just a waste of time. i dont wanna take areobics either, that killed me. so i NEED fitness walking cuz i dont wanna take p.e senior year.
and its been SO hot lately. ugg im meltiiing

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


i suppose it wasnt so bad for me(goood). *sniff* had to get my schedual all alone :( but yeah. watever at least i found friends afterwards. yup had to teachers i already had before cool
i have at least 1 friend in all my classes except dance cuz its full of like freshmen and stuff. i only no one other jr but i dont talk to her. siiiiiigggghhhhhhh
my third period teacher is chill. she cusses and everything. funneh lol
bad thing is my 1st period is like on the other side of school wher i get dropped off DX
and my 2nd period teacher sorta scares me...shes too excited and full of enegery on zomg...weird. never seen a teacher like that in my entire life
BUTTTTTTT i think #2 is in that class(but he wasn t there 2day so u no) yeah i dont think #1 goes here anymore boohoo. all these guys r ugly, or shall i say "not my type"
today i woke up at 5:20-ish and OMGGGG im SOOOOOO tired >_<>
also not use to not eating so i was STARVIIIIING after 5th period. oce i got home i ate lol

and painted my nails AGAIN
they are strawberries!

alorah thought they were watermelon o_O but i guess they do kinda look like watermelons

uggg summer really shouldve been longer. it doesnt even feel like the first day of school. soooo stupiiid.

cant wait 4 the weekend. gonna sleep in til 12.

and i gave my dad a tatoo with permanent marker lolz

and julian gave me $5 for drawing some tiny rose awsooooomme!

and the whole banner thing that says freedom, i would change it to something else but im too lazy at the moment so maybe on the weekend or something

Sunday, August 8, 2010


so went to san diego mainly to watch toy story 3 BUT...
i never got to see it T_T
the scheduel thing as all mixed up so when we got to the theater it was playing the last airbender instead but that movie looks retarded so i left but my dad went for a walk and took the car keys so me and my mom were stranded and decided to play mini golf to pass the time......
yeah stuuuuuppid.
afterwards went to japantown and ate some food and i bought more mags!!!!!

the nail venus book is AMAZING!!!!!!!
it has SO many awsome nails. sooo cute and they each u how do do them. even tho i dont wear fake nails anymore u no, just do the same to regular ones. i have so many different stuff i want to try out now!!!
cant wait ^_^
and school starts on wednesday which is frigging gay. so not ready to go back. i love sleeping in so much.
this was like the shortest summer EVER. at least im doing stuff at like the last minute har har
but u no...still.

Friday, August 6, 2010

annd LOL

some fun neh pics. sorreh sarah but i dont like the roller coaster one >:(

yay big eyes


yaaaaaaaay sharah n rebekah came last night.
been waiting 4 this day ALL summer. pssh took long enough
so when they arrived we chilled out for a bit then went to teh mall. but didnt buy anything. i was a dollar short on all the stuff i wanted DX boo hoo
when we got bacck home yeah made rebekah blonde...but it didnt look as good as last time. also gave her a makeover(sorta)
and make these yummy pastry things filled with chocolate. they were delicious :P
and of course play the gamecube even tho that thing is old school now but its still fun!!!!! lol mario party 7. good game. i usual.
\yeah wats not suprising is that tyhey kept raiding the pantry for junk food and they each hd like 5 sodas. i dont understand how they eat so much and not gain weight O_<>

sarah n pudgy. just like last time lolz he loves sarah
rebekah still didnt go to bed cuz she was ready this twisted/freaky/messed up manga called i luv halloween. horrible thing. dont recommend it.
and yeah....looking @ my fashion stuff too :P
everyone loves my japanese fashion mags
i guess u can say me n rebekah went to bed at one(sarah is a party pooper) but i ALWAYS go to sleep last. i wasnt tired one bit so i went to sleep at like i dunno. 2-ish MAYBE
and had to get up at 9 to get ready 4 picture daaayyyyy~~
i actually looked pretty attractive(at least i thought so)
did my makeup all pweety.
i was gonna wear bottom fake eyelashes but i'd look too fake if i did.

so yeah. had to go back to flipping school DX
it was confusing.
my mom kept ditching us and everything
and the twins kept seeing all these ppl they no cuz sophomores were coming in at this time
my idea picture was sorta decent looking.......but my eyes still look small and my eyebrows were like too clolse a nd idk looked bad. shouldve curled my hair. wouldv looked SO much better
didnt see any of my loves , but saw some hawt guy so im good :D
the line to get books was too long so e left. i dont anna cary the m at school tho so maybe try and get them before school or something

got home and ate and played kirby air ride then went to the beach!!!!
took FOREVER to get there tho. but the ocean water was like clear..i was shocked o see my feet in the water o_O

summer '10
Build your own Blingee

me and rebekah put our feet in the ocean at bit and were catching sand crabs and when i went to run to get m y camera i tripped in this hole someone dug up. lol embarrassing. sarah just tanning on the beach.

got sorta boring so decided to look at a fashion mag that rebekah brought along
lol sarah really liked it

then we were just talking about anime. i dont remember how it cme up. probably i brought it up lol. an d rebekahs talking about weird ending how flowers show a sign someone died haha. it just sounds funny how she explains things.


my mom took foreverrr to pick us up siince thier phone didnt have service or something so we couldnt call her we just hung around the parking lot for an hour...

did nothing there. just listening to them fight and rebekah singing songs in high pitched voices

made a cool star outta fingers
my back got sunburned. since my hair usually covers it i dont put any on, but my hair was in pig tails so i forgot to put some on my back a nd it BUUUUUURRRRRNNNS
it doesnt hurt, but it feels all hot and gaaaahhhhhhh. sux 4 me
once we got back home everyone was sooooo hungry. ate curry rice ;P and watched anime(lol)
then went on the computers and then they went to someone elses house to stay at cuz my dad doesnt like any of my friends cuz he's mean.
and thats wut happened. fun fun fun. bringng back the good ol times

Thursday, August 5, 2010

some stuff

yeah um short post~

on tuesday i dyed my hair. used the colour 'med ash blonde' but it looks the kinda looks darker to me o_O

but thats just me. at least my roots r no longer black


YAY! prince poppycock made it to the semi finals!!!!(from americas got talent) me n hasna voted 4 him 10 times. hasna prob voted 4 him more cuz she has more computers n stuff. im glad he made it. he's cool.

and i'm gonna hang w/ sarah n rebekah today so yeah lots of fun. sleepover and gonna go 2 the beach tommorow :p

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


ok. so lets see where to start.
on sunday or something i cut hasnas hair. yeah like 16 inches or something =/
i havent realy cut hair in a while so u no, glad to do it. i think i did a pretty good job too.
just practicing 4 mah future ;P
and them on monday i got the final fantasy x strategy guide from julian and OMGGGG it helped SOOOOOOOO much. glad i got it before this boss fight or else theres no way i wouldve beaten it o.o
and yesterdayy i went to chuckecheeses LOL

it was fun mkay.
idk the last time ive been there....3rd or 4th grade maybe.
i went with elizabeth. we wanted julian to come cuz he'd make things more fun but he wouldnt answer hi phone. too busy playing his new PSP(and when the new KH game comes out and he finishes playing, i get to borrow it eeep!)
lol. we did the $10 get 40 coins, then get an extra 10 free so we each had 25 tokens. there wasnt much games. it was a rather small chuckecheese but oh well.
we mostly played some racecar game XD i pwned.
and idk. just playing some other games. i liked this one where u had to hit zombies and cowboys and stuff. i had some pro skill in that game. but then was easy(for u no...."big kids")
yeah then took some pictures

there were no good shots of me. i looked possesed in every one.

yeah took lots of pictahs.

so yeah. we ran out of coins at like 7(we came at say 5:30)

her parents were suppose to pick us up at like 7:30 so we had to wrap things up and outta all the tokens we had we only got like 100 tickets o_-

but thas cuz we played a lot of games where u dont get tickets, like the car gaaameeee. and there was guitar heroe but it was so m essed up. the guitar thing wouldnt work even though i pressed the buttons so waste of moneh

she gave me her tickets cuz she didnt want any so i bought 2 star shaped glasses(which dont even fit me) and we each got some ring that only fits on our pinkies

yeah her parents were running late so we're just chillin and watching the robots play their weirdo songs

it was getting late and the, most of the little kiids were gone by now and more teenagers showed up.

like srsly elizabeths parents took forever to come so we just called my mom to pick us up.

more proof i was here ha

my face is like blurry in the pic so u cant see my ugliness

so before we went home we wanted to pay the racing game oneee more time but ppl were one so we waited. then these like 7 year olds went on and ZOOMMMMMMGGGGGG they went on like 8 times in a row. srsly? srsly? but u no, the kids have skill..not gonna lie. they did stuff i had no idea how to do. haha but yeah. we never got to go on....

yeah her parents showed up like 5 minutes before my mom came so wutever

oh yeah. lol. i saw a guy who looked like mr pepes there XDDD