Saturday, May 29, 2010

long weekend ;P

i love the weekends.
yesterday i was hanging with hasna....ahhhhhhhhhhh good times LOL
so yeah we were @ my place playing DDR. dood....hasna PWNS at the game. i will NEVER be able to beat least not in a loooooooonnngg time.
and then just like mario kart after dat.
and then we went to her place since she lives like across the street xD
idk...just doing random stuff on the computer.
but wat really matters was:
we learned how to beat box!!!!!
like we were watching videos on it and were practicing and gaaaah it was so fun!!!! i'm really good at it too! we both were! but i can do the pft sound D: thats my only issue.....
lol im gonna show my friends at school my skillz
and when i got home i showed it to my family but they thought it was weird :/
and today..san diego. AGAIN
not much to say about the trip. bought some fake eyelashes again
and this key chain thing of a cake. i like those sweets stuff. they are cute ^_^
and we also went to escondido(or however u spell it)

and lets see....i saw a prostitute and a homeless person there...yeah @_@

ohhhh and when i was shopping 4 food...i saw a hot guy. yup yup.

hhhhaaaaaa ok.

b t k t b t k t

bttt kttt bt bt ktttt


Thursday, May 27, 2010

bloop blopp blopp haha 69

ewww my skin is sooo bad DX
haha sorreh, i tried making the pic of my eye brighter but thats as light as i can get it without the pic becoming weird looking...
yup i put them on last night.
the first time i am not use to these new ones so i tried putting them on but it was like freaking out but when i got it in, it started hurting my eye really badly. prob cuz i didnt let it soak in the solution long enough(just couldnt wait!!)
like i couldnt even open my eye with it in so i HAD to take it out. like an hour or 2 later i put it on again and it was better :D but this time i couldnt take it out -_-"
like my eye was red and burned and the contct was like slimy and i tried getting it out but urgg..took foreverrrrrrrr!!!!
but i managed ;D

i wish i was smiling in this pic....

but yeah, took lotza pics...but this one showed the blue the most so yeah. ~drivin to the library to get mangas XD~

i wore them to school today and i was like "notice anything different today?" and it took some time at first. ppl were like 'u dyed ur hair?" "you got whiter?" or something LOL. but then they were like WHOAAAAAA. they say it looks cool, but freaking julian was like 'they look ugly" first thing he said to me today. i srsly dont know y i talk to him -_-"

they say i look like a different person wearing them @_@ during lunch i wore sunglasses cuz the i'd kinda take them off(put them below my eyes u no..) and my friends would be like whoa!!!


but i like them. i find them more comfortable than my other ones. the other ones make my eyes dry really quick.

and chorus we got the masks we have to wear for phantom of the opera.

we're suppose to decorate it over the weekend. im gonna bling it out. maybe add some decoden roses and stuff. and on tuesday and wensday i gotta stay after school for rehearsals darn.

mhhmmm yeah so just wanted to post about my contacts wheeeee!

my brother is a butthead


Wednesday, May 26, 2010


so yeah, besides my disturbing previous post that told a bunch of random crap, i have a ton to say today @_@
cuz u no...i didnt say EVERYTHING last time.
my allergies are finally gone yay~
ysterday it was pretty bad though, my nose was like runny and my eye would not stop watering.
um yeah, today i had to go to the dentist with hasna or something and while i was waiting for her to get done i brought mah DS and was playing games again. KH lol. geez thats like all i play joke. like i beat the game and stuff but idk.....i have nothing better to do i guess.
but the main MAIN reason why i posted is....
like omg! are they NOT the most gorgeous ones you've ever seen!
i still wanted to green ones..but gah, yeah this is my second choice, at least it was in stock :)

the circle lense are:
G&G BT 02 sky blue.(or something close to that)

$25(including shipping)

i bought them from

youi should check it out.

i've been waiting FOREVERRRRRRRRR to get these babies. like everyday i'd be like "dad!! go check the mail! NOW!" but they never came, but when i came home today they were soooo happy.

and when you order from da site you get free contact case like last time u no? i got a yellow elephant one this time. honestly......i dont really like the colour that much.....:/
im keeping these contacts in the blue pig ones from last time.

I havent put them on yet, cuz ur suppose to let them sit in the solution for at least 6 hours so yeah, i'll post a pic tommorow or so.

so offf mah sexyness


awsome week, unlike last week which REEKED. this one is awsome. elizabeth even remembered to give me back my pink extension :O
and last night, i took a pic of pudgy ♥
awwww isnt he ADORABLE!???
he looks like a human XDDDD
hes like this pretty much every night......i spoil him rotten XD

hmmm wat else is goin on in life. well obv its a short week. so tommorow is our last day ! then 2 more weeks til schools out!!!!! so excited!!!!!!! hasna said we have like 9 days left! gah so happy!

ohhh and i got info on the choir thing.

its june 2nd
at 7:00 PM

and i have no idea where..prob the PAC or watever.

you should come...and watch our lame dance moves. im sure i'll give more info like on tuesday, AKA the day before the concert

omg speaking of choir, last week i had to sing a solo OMG it was embarrassing. like i took tiny steps and was like dshaking cuz i dont like it when all eyes are on me. im not like that-_-"
and im not the best singer, but at least thre were girls who just......well...sucked. so i wasnt the worst :P

and last week also, i was looking thro my japanese magz and decided to make a hair how tie thing out of a bandana. they seem to be "in" style there. same with this ribbon tied upward to make it seem like "rabbit ears" ....hard to explain.

so yeah, i covered my face cuz i wasnt wearing make up, that wouldnt been a disturbing sight to see.

i think im gonna make a youtube tutorial on it :D
but prob during break or whenever i look super pretty cuz u gotta look good in front of a camera ;D

its really not that hard.

and random but i have a headache right now(again?? yes i know..its genetics..)

and i also realllly want to see the yearbook to see me loves gorgeous face again. i havent seen him since december! D:

ok bye

Sunday, May 23, 2010


First of all, Id like to say that the past week.....well....sucked.....a lot.

on monday was the most suckish day of all.
I had to write this HUMUNGO essay in a day. and it had to be MLA and stuff but the microsoft word wouldnt work for me so i had to use notepad then word worked so i copied and pasted but just went all weird on me. im assuming i'll get a C on the essay...if im lucky that is -_-"

geez i was like SOOOOO stressed the whole week. like i srsly just wanted to not do anythinggg(and thats pretty much wat i did lol)

like on tuesday or something i was watching some murder thing on TV and even tho i was gettin kinda quessey from it, i couldnt stop watching it cuz it was sooooooo interesting! lol has nothing to do with the post.

i also saw some dood cosplaying as sora during school(which was weird..) but after that i was like 'i think ima gonna go and play KH' and thats wat i did..for ze ds. now im level 71 :D wheeee~

and for our choir thing its next tuesday or something. u pplz should watch it. honestly....i really really didnt think we'd be able to gfinish all the dances in time, but now i think its possible. we're almost done!!! but the dance moves we hafta do are PRETTY LAME if u ask me. but watever.....

and all this week i was waiting for my contacts to show up in the mail(main reason i didnt blog was cuz i wanted to when the contacts came..but watever) urrrg but they havent come in yet. watch, tommorow i betchya they're gonna come and i'll be likeZOMG and be happy

but another addition to my suckish week was im also kinda sick. allergies, wat can i say? and to think i almost went a full school year without getting them. they came late this year. so here i am......blowing my nose and my eyes are getting watery and puffy and i look disgusting. im also really tired all week. on friday i took a nice nap when i got home :D havent done that in a longggggg time.

i was SUPPOSE to go to knotts berry farm with hasna tommorow, but my mom wont let me go. D: i wanna skip school! but i guess its for the best, i prob wont have much fun anyways with a cold.

hmm yeah...i sure am missing out on a lot of details of my stupid week. like i was SOOOO stressed i got headaches and had to use one of those aroma-therapy candles XDD. and uh......other stuff came up too >_>

yeah that is all.

Friday, May 14, 2010

past few days

testing blehg
a real pain in da butt. especially since us sophomores have to take more tests than anyone
lol but anyways..
yup painted my nails againnn :D
its kinda weird looking. it looked good when i did something like that before though 0_-0
ok so for yesterday was OK. kiiinda boring. just playing BS and stoof.
for the long lunch. like me cynthia and ruby decided to watch avatar(since suprising i havent seen it yet) but dood that movie was SO boring. we only watched half of it...but still i didnt understand anything and nothing was happening. but everyone says everything good happens at the end....but stil :/
and in my classes we were doing gay stuff. -_-"
i was so happy when the day was over

and took lame emo pictures haha. its been a while.

ahhhhh~ remember my "emo" days??? man i was SUCH a n00b.

but i can still pull it off

BTW since SOME people didnt get the april fools joke from a while back *coughsarahcough* yes the piercings are fake.

looks like dis
you like pull this thing and it goes in so you can put it on and then it sorta pinches u to stay in place. it hurts after like 5 minutes....but then u get used to it. they were $7 @ the mall. kinda expensive..but hey..they prob last for like ever and ive always wanted snakebites(at least when i was "emo") but idk..i mean...i kinda want a tounge piercing cuz it looks cool.....but yet i'd prob never get it cuz srsly..i dont even have my ears pierced. im too scared XD

anywho. TODAY was soooo much more fun than yesterday.

yeah i still had to take lots of tests, but afterwards me and my friends were playing more card games and OMG it was so funneh

like first it was BS again....but it got kinda we played go fish XD. thats such a kiddie game XD but i was totally pwning everyone :D i won oh yeah~

then we played war with like 5 ppl. duuude i SUCKED at that. i lost first. thats not my game. and since the same 3 ppl would like loose everyone just decided to give up

and then speed. my playing days with hasna really made it worth while. like this girl named one could beat her...BUT I the end at least. but i was the only one who did mwahahaha


and @ lunch, me and my friendz went to go watch the improv show. and zomg it was hilarious. very very funny. but i still wouldnt pay to see it @_@

fourth period we were just watching the notebook. i luff that movie..its so cute ^_^ lol these guys behind me kept making all these comments and its just sooo funny hearing stupid stuff they say.

but AHHHGGGGG. history...worst.class.ever. we had to take a TEST in that class when we already had to take on this morning(which i pretty much guessed on btw) but since last week everyone failed we got to take it again. and i tell u im SO glad i studied last night or i wouldve failed again. it was semi-easy. still some stuff i had no idea about. i hope i pass >_<>
and the green contacts i really wanted are SOLD OUT!! well actually idk. but the site doesnt sell them anymore!!!!!!!! SO i decided to buy these blue ones. i dunt feel like posting the pic so you'll just see wat they look like when i get them which should be next week. ok well ta-ta

Saturday, May 8, 2010

this weekend

yay my hair is finally long
lol san diego is like...a normal thing for my family @_@
yeah so my dad is like goin thro a mid-life crisis right now so he wants some snazzy sports car convertable. so we go to the car dealer but ends up not liking it. wat a waste of time!
But after we go to this mall. yaaaaaay! but i didnt buy anything :( cuz my parents r like i dont feeell like shopping. thats why its better going to the mall with friends.
but at the mall there was some comic store. it had anime stuff too. lol the tails and knuckles gloves were pretty cool, but I'd never buy them.
ok anyways after that back to book off. no popteen, but they had ageha. i really wanted the newest one cuz it had soooo much eye make up tutorials but it was $6.....soh yeah. i mean it was like last months issue but still.....
but at mitsuwa.....they ACTUALLY had a pretty cure action figure!!! man, i havent seen on of those since my trip to japan...which was 2 years ago!!!! :D so i bought it. the show is for like second graders...but i just like the figures. thatwas about $6....but its not a fashion book where styles change so i think its better... :/
and omg..they ACTUALLY had a code geass thing. but its like an inch or 2 tall and cost like $8. ok...the anime rox, but that REALLY isn't worth it -__-"
AND at the beauty area, ZOMG! they had the eyelashes i REALLY REALLY wanted! the dollywink series!!!! BUT they were $17 per box or 2 pairs. its really expensive for fake eyelashes...mostly cuz its endorsed by a celeb. they had the ones i wanted too....but the one i really want is #1 but it wasnt there D: so i kinda had to give up on those :(

lol and at the book section, i was looking at the newest Popteen and Egg mag and right when i left some creepy guy looks at the Eggs one prob to look at girls and stuff. why would a guy even look at the girl mag area anyways/ unless he's gay *x* but that prob isnt likely....

and then my mom had to do some grocery shopping blehhhhh. but i had to go to the BR realllyyyy baaadly but OMG the bathrooms were disgusting!!!!!!!!!! its like all this greenish yellow stuff on the corners and ugg so gross. its like equal to port-a-pottie stats. expect it doesnt smell as bad is all.

but in the store it REEKED like old fish. i had to hold my breath or i'd gag.
but only half the store smelled gross anyways.

omg and not really related to any of this.....but i was waiting for my parents in the car when i hear this baby cry. so i look and stuff and this mom is all angry and everything so she TOSSES the kid in the car and is like "no! stop! you disobeyed mommy enough!" and the kid keeps crying and everything then shes like "shut it! i don't effing want to hear it!" dang parents these days cussing in front/ to thier prob 3 year old kid. thats why so many little kids are just saying the F word in like kindergarden and everything. thats just really sad.

and on the way back home, appearently there was a small fire in the middle of the freeway. i was like sleeping then i heard my parents say fire and i could see smoke so i'm like "i gotta take a vid of this!" and i did :D

lol yeah nothing much. but yeah so thats it. peace

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Testing....*cough cough* this thing on?!

yeah...i like this pic..took it a while back. kinda got tired of posting pictures of ME so decided to give it a rest. but honestly......i have no clue on wat plant this even is -_-"
So as you all may testing is going on..or was at least. i dont understand why they like seperated the days though. in fact i think its pretty retarded. just keep it one week so we can get it over with. man..we still have to do it at the end of next week too :(
yeah i brought my DS to keep me busy when i was done. KH lolz. i tried doing this one mission that i already beat......but for some reason..i just COULDN'T find the thing i was suppose to kill. bleh watever. and i was also reading some book cuz i have a book report thing due at the end of the month and i just started reading this month XD. but im already almost halfway thro(cuz its not some stupid gay book they make us read in school) so yuuuupp
but anyways during lunch me and julian played KH XD. omg we're such neeeerrrddzzzz. but the funny thing was all my friendz are just sitting down in a circle and me and juluian are like playing out in the open and no one even noticed. like there was 2 teachers like talking about 0 ft away and said nothing. it was so awsome. but i couldnt really see the screen and yeah..i suck at multiplayer
and zomggggg. the green contacts i want. like my mom keeps making excuses to wait to buy them. like it says "out of stock" but on the website it says it'll just take like a week longer to ship. then shes like "wait til ur ebay thing covers the full price" but idc paying $7 with my own cash for like shipping or watever. but watever....i'm still gonna buy them.
lol a few days ago was a pretty bad day(and kinda this morning..but i got over it) its always the mornings that are bad. either cuz my makeup is messed up or my hair is flipping out or im going to be late. so yeah i was rushing to the van and then my bag like slammed my foot and it hurt really bad. and when i was going to put on my shoe in the van, i noticed that half my toenail came off o.O yeah it kinda hurt for like 5 minutes but its like mostly the white part that came off so i wasnt bleeding or anything. but toe looks retarded now.
AAANNNDDDDD today, right before 2nd friend took her friends cell phone as a joke hiding it from her and gooooosssshhhhhhh she made it SUCH A BIG DEAL. like during class when we're rehearsing our dance shes like texting on another persons phone trying to call hers to see who has it but the phone was on silent. and so i asked my friend 'r u gonna return it?' and shes like 'yeah i will at the end of class' and everyones like 'seriously stop being immature and just give it back' so at the end of class we werent allowed to go to break until the phone was returned so we got held in(hostage). and the teacher made everyone dump out their bags and my friend put the phone in like the middle of everything so no one could tell who 'stole' it. but yeah. it was preeeetteeeee frickin annoyiiing. lol but you know...the grl thats complaining of her phone does so much bad things to the other so she kinda deserved it. yet i sorta felt bad cuz in the morning she brought muffins for everyone(but i didnt have any). but eh watever....not MY problem.
oh and i made brownies the other day o.0 yum
OHHHHHHHHHH and the other day....#2.....look right at me EEEPP! lol i just have to talk about guy i like
yeah i guess this is pretty much all i hafta say