not some cheesey fake ones..
thuis is da real deal
(brand named ones..the ones i WANT)
they are Geo Angel Colour Circle Lens!!!!
seee??? i ordered only like a week ago and got them...but JULIAN took like 5 years to get them to me and they arent even real DX
the colour is angel brown(so eyes r going to be light yellowy-brown i guess u can call it)

it also came with this piggy contact case^^^^
if i knew it comes with a free contact case, i wouldnt bought the hello kitty one, but i use da hello kitty one anyways cuz its cooler :D but idk...if i ever get more contacts i can use the spare case

yah my contacts in the case(hard to see) but ahhhhhh im just SO happy
im gonna wear them tommorow, but im gonna try putting them on tonight
the reason why i havent put them on yet is cuz i need to let it soak in the soloution for six hours to disinfect it(idk...some girl on youtube said that so watever)
and yeah, i'll post picz tommorowz

on the other hand, i did mah nails.
today in english my teacher was like 'cute nails' then this girl i sit next to was like 'do u always get ur nails done?' and i like 'i did these myself' so shes like ' do u wanna be one of those ppl who do ur nails when you grow up?" im like 'ehhhh...maybe' idk, ive thought about it, but i just want to be a beautician in general :)
hahahaha and on friday, yeah i hung out with elizabeth XDDDDD
we just talked about random stuff. and walked around at night and my dads all worried about me. we wouldnt be in any danger, elizabeth said she had a knife in her purse(oh wow.) and said she can beat anyone up lol

ohhh and on ebay, i won a lot of like 30 comic books hahahaha.
^^^ all mine i already have(like 70 or something) i have like no more room though ahhh. but they are COLLECTABLES!
and they were cheap :P
yeah so im happy today :D
it also came with this piggy contact case^^^^
if i knew it comes with a free contact case, i wouldnt bought the hello kitty one, but i use da hello kitty one anyways cuz its cooler :D but idk...if i ever get more contacts i can use the spare case
yah my contacts in the case(hard to see) but ahhhhhh im just SO happy
im gonna wear them tommorow, but im gonna try putting them on tonight
the reason why i havent put them on yet is cuz i need to let it soak in the soloution for six hours to disinfect it(idk...some girl on youtube said that so watever)
and yeah, i'll post picz tommorowz
on the other hand, i did mah nails.
today in english my teacher was like 'cute nails' then this girl i sit next to was like 'do u always get ur nails done?' and i like 'i did these myself' so shes like ' do u wanna be one of those ppl who do ur nails when you grow up?" im like 'ehhhh...maybe' idk, ive thought about it, but i just want to be a beautician in general :)
hahahaha and on friday, yeah i hung out with elizabeth XDDDDD
we just talked about random stuff. and walked around at night and my dads all worried about me. we wouldnt be in any danger, elizabeth said she had a knife in her purse(oh wow.) and said she can beat anyone up lol
ohhh and on ebay, i won a lot of like 30 comic books hahahaha.
^^^ all mine i already have(like 70 or something) i have like no more room though ahhh. but they are COLLECTABLES!
and they were cheap :P
yeah so im happy today :D
I can beat her up any day.