Tuesday, March 9, 2010


yeah i had to make it black&white cuz the picture was all red and weird DX
actually....that isnt the BEST picture i couldve shown. idek if its just me, but it looks like u cant see much of a diference, other pictures were like woosh!
like i'm like "GET IN THERE!!!!!!!!" and the first time i got it in, but then i blinked and it fell out. then i got them on(idk how tho). yeah once they were on, i didnt really feel it, and it looked AWSOME.
taking them out.....IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
like, i had to CUT MY BEAUTIFUL LONG NAILS! omg!
cuz with long nails...i just couldnt take them out. plus my liquid eyeliner was all dry and got in my contacts so my eye started burning and i needed to take it out fast XD
dood, the tutorial on youtube i watched for taking out circle lense.......SUCKED.
like the girl made it seem SOOOOOOO easy but wtc, it took my like 7 minutes to put them on, and like 20 minutes to take out...for one flipping eye.
and my ppplz @ school were like 'ur suppose to push it down then pinch it' so im gonna try that today cuz i wanna wear them on thursday to skool so i need more practice ^_^

yeah u gotta click the pic to make it bigger to see it better. my eyes r all squinty cuz rflash so watever stalkers are reading this see them better. and plz ignore my ugliness.

so yeah. ahhhhh taking them out DX

but on the bright side, i passed my math test C:

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