Wednesday, February 3, 2010


i REALLYYYYY want the fake eyelashes in da pic^^(top and bottom) REALLY....REALLY...BADLY
buuuuuuuut they dont sell those here..only in japan. and its expensive in japan, the cheapest on ebay is $18 for a set of 2 pairs -_-"
BUT i found japanese sites that sell them sor 1200 yen. so MAYBE i will buy them since i have $40 left in japanese moneh and then i can order them to my aunt who will send it to meeeee!
they are called "Dolly Wink" yesterday in comp ess, we had to use search engines like google to find stuff exactly by using " " so i typed "dolly wink" and came to this AWWSSSOOOMMMEE blog thing that had make up scans of the newest popteen mags! but it was in japanese and i didnt want to look like a freak looking at a foreign site so i decided to check it out when i get home. but ZOMG. i can NOT find it AT ALL! i mustve checked out over 200 different links and none of them was it. all i did in my class was type dolly wink and it was at the bottom of the very first page. but NOOOOOOOOOOOO i checked like 30 pages DX
i want the scanzzz\
and st00pid julian said he is going to LA dis weekend so he BETTER not forget my contacts(and i need to buy the water forula stuff and case...wherever you buy those o__0)
hahahaha my choir teacher mr nickle, when he sings, he sounds EXACTLY like the phantom of the opera. no joke. honestly...i think thats pretty cool XD i love that movie
auuugghhhhh...i think im sick AGAIN. my throat has been hurting ALL day. and i sound all gross now >:(

AND i NEED to go shopping. i need to buy brown clay for deco den. I'm trying to make da cupcake. (^w^)

plus i need eyelash glue, MAYBE more liquid foundation, more clothes...
and i wanna spend my hot topic card but i cant go anywhere cuz my mom is sick and shopping with my dad would be creepy.

i'm fat. i need to loose like 15 pounds minimum. i would go to a gym, but i dont want to for two reason:
1. i wanna go with a friend..not alone(not with parents ew)
2. i wanna loose FAT but not get all muscular.

like those ladies with 6 packs...uggg they're meant for men..and ONLY men.
thats why i REALLY want to take those diet pill stuff in my magz. like u loose 20 pounds in one week. HOLY RDHHFJ!
thats like..a miracle for me. but its like $90 there, so like...$170 here T_T

but ive been playing DDR(if that counts as exercise) which reminds me, yesterday i unlocked this song(forgot wat its called) but it has the most distracting background EVER! it was soooooo hard for me to concentrate. i think i got a B on that oh well

*cries* i wanna go back to japan DX everything is so much cooler there!

ok watever.

PS: just ignore the below..its for my personal reasons so i will not forget
spongebob friend
1200 cal max
persona 7(or 6?)
kumiko bangs

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