i was in a GREAT mood today. yesterday.......not so much, i was crying in 6th period(but you dont need to know why >_>)
but yeah, ^^^^those are what i gave out, i had more ppl to write too, but i ran out of the letters, and i didnt know i was short on envelopes so thats why half are just plain.
lol i wrote a letter to cynthia saying stuff about this guy shes obsessed with, cuz yesterday we saw him making out with my friend so she got depressed and im like "LOVE HURTS, YOU DESERVE BETTER" and stuff in her note XDDD
i just wrote a buncha random stuff to everyone. like i told pee-tah to go to peteranswers.com lmao
its not much. i mean, i hang out with lots of dif ppl, but only half of them brought stuff to give away. lol the card is from josh(the azn one) i wrote 'PS: ur mom' on his, so he wrote 'PS: ur mom' on mine haha
i like the hello kitty one, its hollographic! and carl gave me a balloon too, but josh took it away. so yeah. all da stoof i got
and in 2nd period, we have to sing 'phantom of the opera' for this concert thing at the end of the year so we were singing it today, but then our teacher had to do something, so everyone just did solos, and me and my friend taylor were just all hyper and being weird. like we were dancing and doing air guitar and stuff. thats y during break julian was like wtf with me cuz i was hyper.

you know....i think i made up my mind....i do NOT like #2 anymore. ok just no. #3 is WAY hotter
and yesterday(or the day before) i was bored so i was looking myself up and my blog up on google. lots of really random stuff came up. but my blog's link was in this..nail website thing, and 'how to dye eyebrows' and weird weird stuff. and i found this link that had my name and a bunch of other kids and its for that water poster contest back in 5th grade(cuz you know...i was da winner boo yeah)
omgomgomgomg i'm talking to nathon(AKA "guy with issues") and idk, i ALWAYS telling hoim about my love life and i just told him this guy i dont really like but think is hot, how i always see him hugging this fat girl after school, and he is telling me guys dont like skinny girls WTF. so yeah, he is explaining all dis stuff to me now.
buuuut her isnt making any sense :/
OMG AND I GOT A B ON MY MATH TEST!!! im so happy :D
ok toodles
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