Friday, February 26, 2010


yeah, my contact case^^^
it actually came like....on monday but u no, watever. i bought it off the internet cuz contact cases in stores r butt ugly. plus, this one was CHEAPER than the store ones and comes with tons more stuff(but i think its used thats why).
only $5 for case, contact thing, tweezer and solution bottle. free shipping. its from spain XD
i hope my circle lense come sooooon!!!
oh and im becoming a pro @ deco den now ^_^
OMGOMGOMG i wanna see alice in wonderland! ive been wanting to see it since like, september or something!!! wow time flies
and im failing 2 classes DX BUT!!! i can bring it up.
and uh...for the rally today, it was ok. the boys dance was really cool. haha mr zides(or w/e) that was funny. and ppl were like 'u make a wish thing at the beginning of the year' but i didnt. i had no idea wat they were talking about. i'd wish to go to japan or have mr caldwell gimme an A+ in math :D
hahahahha on.......wensday i spent the whole day watching spiderman 3 XDDDD. cuz i never watched it before. it was long cuz freaking commercials and i got a headache but it was really good. venom is cool. lol it was funny how peter or w/e was all emo in the movie
ug idk wat 2 write

yesterday i was being st00pid and went into "school girl" mode XDD
omg but it was sooooo annoyng! right when i start taking pics my camera dies. like the outfit was perfect but noo. i got a full body pic but i look fat so wont show it.

and if i go to beauty school next year......i think i'll go blonde xD

well yeah, thats all folks!

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