Sunday, December 6, 2009


lol..ok i lied...i didnt go to hollyood. I went to downtown LA..but its da same thing mkay?
yeah m y parents had to go to some meeting first. it was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo boring! they are talking about property and stuff. i was playing on my DS. my dad was bored so he was like watching me. it was weirdf. and there were other ppl besides us and some was like farting and it smelled sooooooo bad in there.
i got a stiff neck >_<
but afterwards we ate refreshments. i had raspberry cake. i took da pic^ from inside the building.
afterwards we went shopping in those azn towns and stoof.
i didnt see much i wanted. i got some mochi and i wanted those shrimp flavoured chips(ZOMG I LOVE THOSE) but my mom didnt buy that -_-"
and then i went to book off and found another good fashion magggg!

its like from a year ago ut WATEVER!
and i saw this book for deco den BUUUUUUT it was $12! my mom wouldve bought it as my christmjas present but no. i want something worth more for christmas..and not a book.
but i as like looking through it. gotz some good ideas now :-)
then we went to another store and bought cream puffs lol. they were good. i remember seeing that store when i went to japan.
and my mom bought me this make up remover thing. since whenever i wash my face i still have eyeliner and stuff on. its the expensive type. $27 for the bottle

DHC. yuup i remember buying lip gloss from that plce. it was really good. but then pudgy ate it
well yeah
i might get circle lense(i mean..if julian bought them)
plus..i think i saw josh without a hat on. but then again..i wasnt sure if it was him
ok bye

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