Saturday, December 19, 2009


soh i went to san diego again and bought two new code geass books!!! the first pic was 3 bucks, and its really thin..but inside is a FREAKING ASWOME poster and its so worth every penny! I'm gonna hang it in my room lawlz.
geez there was like no more $1 section for anime books this time -___-"
there was this pretty cure book that i kinda wanted. it came with a DVD and a card and stuff. but it was $ i decided not to buy it, and besides..i like the action figures better :D
and zomg..@ mitsuwa, in the little mini shop with anime stuff, there was this REALLY HOT emo guy. he looked at me ^v^
but anyways..this isnt why im super appy, im happy cuz....

omg...isnt it beautiful?
its kinda an early christmas present >_>
so lets see:
code geass+KH 358=happiness
AAAAAANNNDDD its christmas break so two weeks off!
AAAAAAAnnndDDD i'm hoping to dye my hair dis wek(or over break at least) and HOPEFULLY it will come out the colour i want!
oh and i think im going o redo my camera. its kinda just random stuff you know? i bought some plastic gems yesterday so it'll look cooler(i hope)
ok thats it 4 now

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