over the weekend i FINALLY decorated my camera!
it looks pretty good, but im just a beginner when it comes to this stuff
every was made by me(except da skull and the jewel stoof)
i might sell some stuff for money XDDDD
and yesterday i cut my bangs. someone actully noticed. i think it was pee-tah or carl or some guy fer sure.
they were jujst getting long and bugged me cuz i couldnt do ANNYYYYTHIIIING with them! so yeah. im happy now. im getting good at cutting bangs. i trust myself cutting my bangs than pros lawlz
omgggg! julian didnt go to freaking la this week so i didnt get my circle lense!!! GRRRR!
i was like 'dooood! dats the only reason i came to school today!'(not really)
but watever, ill prob get it after break..OR ELSE jk
lol during lunch, me and jasmin went to my counsilor cuz i wanted my PE to be 3rd period next semister(since i dont have pe this semister and my 3rd period this semister is a 1 semister class) i want fitness walking, and it just HAS to be third period! it HAS TO BE!!!! cuz the guy(s) i like have third period pe!!!!!!!!! no i dont stalk them, when i got to drivers ed, i see them walk to the locker room duh
and so when i come back to my friends im going on about how i like you-know-who and i said i had this other dream where i make this wish and was like 'i wish -insert name here- would love me' or something and peter was like 'oh is it a porno dream cuz then i want to hear about it'
lol weirdo XD
if i get 3rd period PE, id be very happy^_^
ohhhhh and today, i got $70 from my grandma and great aunt! WHEEE!!!!!!!
oh and....my right hand....im having issuyes. i keep biting the nails on that hand(i mean..its still long and all but...) UGG THIS MUST STOP

like it?
i coloured it in graphic design since they have photoshop(my very first photoshopped picture ZOMG!) i dunno...u cant really see thier mouths that well.
perhaps next time
okkk bye
ReplyDeleteYay :)
We should have an awesome day this break that is dedicated to msn. and then we can talk.. ALL DAY!
Any ideas when?