Thursday, December 31, 2009

so muuuch..

FIRST OF ALL......i dyed my hair again
sorta harde to tell in da pic @_@
but it is muuuuuuch lighter. i dunno..its kinda...'reddish'
i also went to san diego lol
guess wut iiiiiii got!!
ANOTHER code geass book...EXCEPT IT WAS ONLY $1!!!!! wtf..the other one cost $3 last week and its a dollar too. waste of muney. and i hung the posters in my room. it looks awsm!
lets see..then yesterday i slept over hasnas house. lol it was so fun XD
we watched high school musical 3(i wanted to watch it mkay??) but OMG!!!!! IT WAS SOO PAINFUL TO WATCHH!!!!!! like i had a headache after watching joke
and the songs were so loooong and they kept repeating the same songs and the storyline was blehg.
then we went on some site were u talk to strangers and all these ppl were like 'r u horny?' but we just played along with it(even though we shouldnt have..) and hasnas all like 'wat am i suppose to say to this?' but oh yeah....we got pictures of girls off the internet and were like 'thats me' when they asked for a pic. lol. oh and in the morning, this guy..he like asked us if we wanted to see know...and we r like 'why would we want to see that??" but anyways that conversation went on for TWO FLIPPING HOURS!!!! like...the diry stuff went away..its like frwaking counter attack arguements. the guy would say something and try to act mart, then hasna would be like 'no no no....' amnd do her smart..stuff on him XD and she was begging me to leave him cz he was pissing her off
but at midnight, we watched cloudy with a chance of meatballs(finally!) was an OK movie. some parts were ehhh....oh man...that mayor is just...disgusting....
AND OMG..OMG!!!! we found the most hilarious video on youtube ever!! omg..we watched it like 10 times and laughed every time...buuuut i dont feel like putting the link on here..sorreh
i went to bed at 6 in the morning..hasna didnt sleep at all. like when she was on the computer doing her stranger talk, i was listening on the bed and just like telling her wat to say and i was like dreaming at the same time....yup.
and im going ice skatin tommorow and its gonna be a new year tommorow and......NOOOOO MY BREAK IS ALMOST OVER!!!! GAaaaaaaaaaAAAAHH
bye >.>

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry (late)Christmas!!!!

yupp! yesterday was christmazzzzzz!!! WHEEEEEE
^^ wat i got:
spongebob PJs(oh yeah, my dad owes me $20!)
a shirt
memory foam pillow
DDR X game
and kh game, but i already opened dat long ago
yeah its nothing much. but watevah!
dood my kingdom hearts game is soooooooooo awshume. except..since ive been playing left thumb hurts sooo bad cuz the control arrow stuff and gah. lik my thumb is WAY more flexibly now and if i move is around a certain way, you can hear these bones cracking o.O
so i try to play..not so much -_-"
and we had a delicious dinner ^_^
i gave pudgy some of the meat XD
and before this..i havent really done much. just sit around the house. i went shopping yesterday but all the stores were closed.
and today i had to clean out the church for community service since i hafta do fricking 30 hours instead of ten..st00pid
OH! and u no wat else is stoopid???? some N00B stole my art anbd won an art contest with it!! GRRRRRRRRR!! i ACTUALLY work hard when i enter those thigs. so i sent a letter to the ppl who own da site >:K
but ug, who cares. that person OBVIOUSLY has no imagination of their own and has to take other's ideas.
but today...i wemnt to the mall. i got lots a clothes and stuff. and i finally got the body spray i wanted from bath and body works. its called "white citrus" its smells amaziiiiiing. like you know if you split a lemon tree leaf..that ciru smell it has? yeah thats wat it smells like.
oh yeah...and i THINK i saw josh there...twice o__O
but i,m not positive its him.
like in the food court, i see this really hot guy who looks like know, same perfect brown hair(although this time it looked a lot darker than usual..perhaps he dyed it?) and the outfit and the face(well, i didnt exactly see his face well, but w/e) but if it wasnt him, that guy was still gorgeous!
aaaaannd the secnd him was @ hot topic. i believe its the same "josh" i mentioned plus....these girls..they wrre like "i wonder what JOSH bough?" well, there ya have HAS to be him. but, those girls...there NO FREAKING WAY that they could be his "girlfrind(s)_" cuz they were like 7th graders or something, and there was like this 6 year old with them, so im assuming its his sisters..well...that boy i-think-is-josh's sisters
oh and next week, im going to san diego again and im prolly going ice skating :)
so i hope next week wont be as boring as this one
and i still wanna dye my hair lighter!! DX

merry christmas!!!!
Make custom Glitter Graphics

you this kinda looks like im wearing circle lense...but bleh..i dont like my dark eyes >_<

well..uh..merry late christmas!

Saturday, December 19, 2009


soh i went to san diego again and bought two new code geass books!!! the first pic was 3 bucks, and its really thin..but inside is a FREAKING ASWOME poster and its so worth every penny! I'm gonna hang it in my room lawlz.
geez there was like no more $1 section for anime books this time -___-"
there was this pretty cure book that i kinda wanted. it came with a DVD and a card and stuff. but it was $ i decided not to buy it, and besides..i like the action figures better :D
and zomg..@ mitsuwa, in the little mini shop with anime stuff, there was this REALLY HOT emo guy. he looked at me ^v^
but anyways..this isnt why im super appy, im happy cuz....

omg...isnt it beautiful?
its kinda an early christmas present >_>
so lets see:
code geass+KH 358=happiness
AAAAAANNNDDD its christmas break so two weeks off!
AAAAAAAnnndDDD i'm hoping to dye my hair dis wek(or over break at least) and HOPEFULLY it will come out the colour i want!
oh and i think im going o redo my camera. its kinda just random stuff you know? i bought some plastic gems yesterday so it'll look cooler(i hope)
ok thats it 4 now

Monday, December 14, 2009


oh yeeeaaaaaaahh
over the weekend i FINALLY decorated my camera!
it looks pretty good, but im just a beginner when it comes to this stuff
every was made by me(except da skull and the jewel stoof)
i might sell some stuff for money XDDDD
and yesterday i cut my bangs. someone actully noticed. i think it was pee-tah or carl or some guy fer sure.
they were jujst getting long and bugged me cuz i couldnt do ANNYYYYTHIIIING with them! so yeah. im happy now. im getting good at cutting bangs. i trust myself cutting my bangs than pros lawlz

and some time last week, one of our neighbors gave us those watermelon art stuff. pretty cool eh? the guy made it himself!

omgggg! julian didnt go to freaking la this week so i didnt get my circle lense!!! GRRRR!

i was like 'dooood! dats the only reason i came to school today!'(not really)

but watever, ill prob get it after break..OR ELSE jk

lol during lunch, me and jasmin went to my counsilor cuz i wanted my PE to be 3rd period next semister(since i dont have pe this semister and my 3rd period this semister is a 1 semister class) i want fitness walking, and it just HAS to be third period! it HAS TO BE!!!! cuz the guy(s) i like have third period pe!!!!!!!!! no i dont stalk them, when i got to drivers ed, i see them walk to the locker room duh
and so when i come back to my friends im going on about how i like you-know-who and i said i had this other dream where i make this wish and was like 'i wish -insert name here- would love me' or something and peter was like 'oh is it a porno dream cuz then i want to hear about it'
lol weirdo XD
if i get 3rd period PE, id be very happy^_^

ohhhhh and today, i got $70 from my grandma and great aunt! WHEEE!!!!!!!

oh right having issuyes. i keep biting the nails on that hand(i mean..its still long and all but...) UGG THIS MUST STOP

and heres that pic i kept forgetting to add.
like it?
i coloured it in graphic design since they have photoshop(my very first photoshopped picture ZOMG!) i dunno...u cant really see thier mouths that well.

perhaps next time

okkk bye

Thursday, December 10, 2009


kinda late to talk about rain XD
but yeah, on monday did i get DRENCHED or what!!!!!
plus i curled my hair on that day! it was sooooooooo prettttttyyy!!!!!! but yeah..after say...2nd period it got flat. st00pid rain
but i still love da rain..but i just dont like it during school thats all
right now im sick XP
i think im sick cuz as i said i got soaked
i haz allergies(or so i think i do)
but i knew i was getting throat was starting to hurt a bit, and yesterday i was sneezing a lot. but today..its bad. i am sick bleh~

soh anyways nothing "new" really happened. I saw ♥Josh♥ again today. lol like at lunch, i try to walk quickly and stare so i can see him walk with his friends and stoof.
and i'm most likely getting circle lense!(yeah so what if i say this in every post? IM EXCITED MKAY!??)
ZOMG!!!! dang. i wanted to upload my GD photo but i keep forgetting, and i would now...but im too lazy to.
but yesterday i got bored so i was messing around with extensions and fake eyelashes.
i have more fake eyelashed, but those in da pic are the ones that were in my room at the time. the rest were in the downstairs br and i didnt feel like getting 'em
and i was like WAT THE HAY and decided to take a picture of all my exentsion
and btw no.,. i rarely wear them so im not like some fake freak. if i ever do wear my hair exensions then its usually the brown highlights. yup
all really hair(except for pink) yeah just saying those for a rainy day(lol)

Myspace Glitter Graphics

soh dis is wut i'd lok like with blonde hair^^^

honestly(in MY opinion) i like it.

i just need to dye my eyebrows lighter. the ppl in my mags like shave their eyebrows and fill it in with eyeshadow or shaving my eyesbrows??? that just seems weird

lol u can tell its not my real hair cuz u can see dark spots on the blonde part XD

*sigh* my eyes wont stop watering! i guess i wont wear eyemake up tomorow(well maybe just a little) and i need to remember to bring tissue.

oh and yesterday, my leg was aslep for like half the day. it felt all numb and i like started freaking out and had to move my foot constantly.

ok that was random


Sunday, December 6, 2009


lol..ok i lied...i didnt go to hollyood. I went to downtown LA..but its da same thing mkay?
yeah m y parents had to go to some meeting first. it was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo boring! they are talking about property and stuff. i was playing on my DS. my dad was bored so he was like watching me. it was weirdf. and there were other ppl besides us and some was like farting and it smelled sooooooo bad in there.
i got a stiff neck >_<
but afterwards we ate refreshments. i had raspberry cake. i took da pic^ from inside the building.
afterwards we went shopping in those azn towns and stoof.
i didnt see much i wanted. i got some mochi and i wanted those shrimp flavoured chips(ZOMG I LOVE THOSE) but my mom didnt buy that -_-"
and then i went to book off and found another good fashion magggg!

its like from a year ago ut WATEVER!
and i saw this book for deco den BUUUUUUT it was $12! my mom wouldve bought it as my christmjas present but no. i want something worth more for christmas..and not a book.
but i as like looking through it. gotz some good ideas now :-)
then we went to another store and bought cream puffs lol. they were good. i remember seeing that store when i went to japan.
and my mom bought me this make up remover thing. since whenever i wash my face i still have eyeliner and stuff on. its the expensive type. $27 for the bottle

DHC. yuup i remember buying lip gloss from that plce. it was really good. but then pudgy ate it
well yeah
i might get circle lense(i mean..if julian bought them)
plus..i think i saw josh without a hat on. but then again..i wasnt sure if it was him
ok bye

Thursday, December 3, 2009

its decembeeeeerrrrrrrr!!

my FAVOURITE month!
only.....22 days before christmas(i think)
ug but i have a ton of studying to do(then why am i on the computer? i have no idea o_0)
im gonna be in a movie(haha that was a joke. i told that to my brother, and the oh-so smart hasna. they bought it LOL)
but i srsly am going there. for PHUN
and today we had to take this hearing and vision test during 6th period. i passed. but last time i took 8th grade or something.....i guess i failed the eye one cuz i was like pressing my eye so when i had to see it got kinda blurry...but not this time!!!!!!!!!
lol yesterday or something, julie asked me 4 money then she was like 'howz ur love life going?" and im like 'uhhhhhhhhhh its OK i guess' or something.
dood i miss josh. i think he is staying for the whole year this time. last year he was already gone by now D:
dood, i no this sounds weird but u guys no how i just CAN"T talk to him??? no matter how much i want to its IMPOSSIBLE to even say 'hi' to him*cries* well a few days ago, i had a dream(and yes he was there BUT nothing happened MKAY?? there were like 15 other ppl too) SO ANYWAYS even in my dream i couldnt talk to him cuz i was so shy! ISNT THAT HORRIBLE!?
*sigh* im never gonna have the guts to even say hello. i never even did when i sat next to him last year. i'd only talk to him if he asked me a question or something
yeah yeah i no ive said i dont like him, but i still do! AUUUUGGHHH!!!!!!
oh yes before i forget!!!
so in graphic design, we're working on photoshop, and ive been working on a picture for project GD. its almost done. once it is i'll post it^_^ i should be able to finish it tommorow :D
but i'll post it the next time i make a post durrr
but dooood. im SOO hapy tommorow is friday!