Saturday, December 31, 2016


ok i know its been forever since i wrote here but idk, i just dont really care anymore. ive had this blog for so long and yes it was fun but its just a pain to keep updating it and its not like ppl read this. i'll post every now n then maybe but prob not multiple posts a month anymore. 

well i suppose i'll fill in whats happened since my last post

went to tokyo disney sea

i wanted to go with my friend claire but due to financial issues she couldnt go so i went with my friend ev insted

 once it was october i qut my jobs since my mom came to japan and i only had a month left so got to enjoy having fun instead of having fun just one day a week or get dinner only or something

i went to a barbie cafe with my friends from the salon in yokohama

they had really cute food. for dinner i got pink curry and dessert i got a parfait with a sparkler on top

also the square enix cafe opened up too and i saw it on tv so i wanted to go. i asked my friend zac but you need a reservation but it was all full and i didnt want to pay to reserve. we ended up hanging out a few days later in akihabara and he asked about it. i told him i didnt make reservations but that was a few days ago so we can see if they have room today and they did! lucky us

the food was good but of course kinda expensive. but idc im a sucker for themed restaurants like these

then my aunt came and me, my mom, my aunt, and grandma went to kyoto.

it was originally suppose to just be me n my mom going but my grandma wanted to see this shrine that i wanted to go to and said the aunt will prob wanna come too.

but my grandma is too old so she got tired easily and cuz she got too anxious i guess she got sick too. so my aunt had to baby her and me n my mom just did our own thing. 

so we went to a couple places like a monkey park and bamboo forest. and of course the fushimi inari shrine which ive wanted to go to cuz of hakuouki lol

oh yeah and i bought a 3ds and got zero time dilemma but it was quite disappointing. not a bad game just a bad finale of the series. the others were so good and the bar was set so high for this but it was just meh

anyway back in tokyo and went to this edo museum but i forgot my camera so had to take pics on my phone but my storage was running out so when id send it to my email they wouldnt send but i deleted them already whoops

also went back to the otomate cafe one last time. if theres one thing i'll miss about japan is how easy and cheap it is to buy otome stuff

also did a recording for the tv show kawaii international with some friends in this group im in.

then i did another harajuku fashion walk and said good bye to my friends

then on halloween went to harajuku again with claire for purikura and then we went karaoke and eat genki sushi one last time

we spent the whole night out, sorta. we went to shibuya and just walked around talking n taking pics with ppl til like 1am then i was tired and wanted to take out my contacts so we went to an internet cafe and stayed the night there so i was able to wash off my makeup and stuff. ten we were on the computer til like 3 then fell asleep.

we had to get out by 7 or so then i say my final good bye to her. in a few hours i had to meet my mom in ginza to watch kabuki a final time so i went to the train station and just slept for a couple hours cuz i was still tired. once it was time i walked to the theater to meet my mom

im glad the last show i watched was the one i really wanted to see. but it was so long. there were three different plays and it started at 11 but ended like 4. during the last play i fell asleep cuz i was so exhausted and also hungry cuz i only ate a small bread

we ate then went home

this japanese guy that i didnt mind seeing again, i told him i was leaving more than a month in advance and he said i'll let you know. then on halloween he tells me the 3rd he can hang but i leave on the second. so he wanted to hang on the 1st but when i got back home i just fell asleep. thats what u get for waiting til the last moment.

anyways left japan and am back home. ive only seen like 3 friends since ive been back cuz lots are far away now. but one friend thats still around im slightly pissed that she doesnt really seem interested in seeing me even though i bought the most crap for her

ive had a few job interviews here n there but now isnt a very good time to hire i guess since many seasonal jobs are already taken

so just enjoying the slow boring life for now. well thats all til next time whenever that is

Monday, September 12, 2016

i met the love of my life

ok ok so on saturday i MET KAMIJO!!!

so ive been in love with him since late 2012 which was a bummer cuz right when i found out about versailles his band was about to 'break up' cuz he was going solo. but anyways the band is BACK and i found out there was an event at the shibuya marui where kamijo and hizaki make and in store event. usually on weekends i work at the salon but there is their summer break going on right now so i worked at forever 21 then went to the event afterwards

i made sure in the morning to dress all kawaii and after work since i had an hour until the event went to touch up my makeup n put my circle lens in so im extra kawaii. gotta make these other fan girls jealous n so when he sees me he'll be like wow what a pretty girl LOL

i went to the 109 to do my makeup n in there i saw these shoes ive wanted for a while for 1000 yen so bought that too

anyways so met up with claire and we headed to the building we were like 10 min early but many fans were already waiting inside. most girls were dressed in lolita cuz kamijo likes that style(read it in an interview before)

anyways so me n claire r just talking until its time for him to come out. and claires like 'oh theres kamijo' and im like WHAT!? and then i see him!!!

^ kamijo n hizaki making their entrance(well technically they are exiting the building but u know)

and so then they start handing out fliers about the event to ppl n i need to get one from kamijo cuz hes my fav japanese singer ever. maybe even just in general not japan 

so lots of girls are trying to get paper from him too( i dont care so much for hizaki i mostly cuz care for kamijo but it was cool seeing hizaki too) but everytime i was about to get a paper he'd walk to a different location n me n other girls are like whhyyy cuz then he have to keep following him around but i didnt mind lol

anyways as hes handing out papers he kept being like 'bonjour' cuz he wanna be french so bad lol

and he sits again the display window and ppl take his paper n as im in line im like i gotta tell him i love him but idk if i should in japanese but everyone knows what i love u in english means so when its my turn i tae the paper n say 'i love you!' then he looks right at me n smiles n says 'you too' in english n omg i was FREAKING OUT like time stopped for that brief moment

im too shy to confess my love to regular ppl but hes a celebrity so its ok n hes totally my type so gotta let him know!!

^ claire took this pic of him shortly afterwards. in fact she took like all the pics n videos of him cuz i was too shy to do it i didnt know if i was allowed cuz most other fans werent taking pics n i didnt wanna be disrespectful but claires like 'im a gaijin i dont care' haha thank you SO MUCH CLAIRE

god after i et him i was so hot n sweaty for like the next 30 minutes i was like i cant believe this happened

cuz never would  thought id meet my idol and actually be within 5 feet of him for a good 5-10 minutes and get to SPEAK to him all for FREE

i wanted to say something to him cuz like all the girls when they recieve the paper cuz do that an head bow thank you thing but like no i wanna declare my undying love to you

anyways heres some more videos!

a video of hizaki handing out fliers n kamijo walked by towards the end. see how close we are like they are right there!!!

you can see my head in this lol!

after the paper thing they will do an event where i guess they talk for a bit then u can take pics with them or shake their hand but u need a ticket for that n to get a ticket u gotta spend at least $30 on merchandise but idkkkk im not THAT crazy about them i would just be happy seeing them for a split second in person but i got more than i ever hoped

so after they went back inside i guess but me n claire stayed out n im like girl gimmie a moment to calm down ahahaha

so after that went to eat sushi cuz we were hungry and after that i wanted to go to tsutaya cuz i saw theres a persona 5 display thing that i wanted to take a pic of

like japan goes all out with advertising 

heres the floor i took a pic of the game wall too but eh not on here.

and since we were there mind as weel check out the used games. i wanted to buy the majin tantei nougami neuro ds game but itd take too long to try to find the kanji on the game packaging so i just asked some guy working there if they had it n they did!! for on like $5 too!!!! i thought it might be $10-15 but so cheap so bought it right away!

also at book off they had these starry sky limited edition games for like $2.50 each n i was about to buy it but then i found out its for PC n im like ehhhh cuz i dont really like playing pc games(besides pixel horror) ike i have amnesia on steam but i only finished one route(and wasnt even the good ending!!) but never got back into it. were as if i played it on hand held id finish that in like a week so didnt buy it

later we went to the arcade n i finally played taiko drum master for the first time during this time in japan. i have it on ps2 but im no good but since i played beginner level i was alright

and after that i wanted to play DDR but as im looking through the songs we're running out of time so i choose some randm song that i think i should be ok if i do the difficult level but lol no. there were too many of the half beat steps and im wearing heels all day so my feet hurt n it was sooooo hot inside the arcade so we both failed n the game ended after one song T_T next time....

then we go hooommee

and yesteray  had the day off so this one girl has been wanting me to do her nails for a while but im always busy on the weekends but finally i was able to do her nails n she paid me too yay

its pretty simple but pretty. i still need to work on my marble skills they are still amateur looking to me

then when i was done i went back to my room n its locked like wtf my room locked me out even though she knew i was home so pissed. i honestly am looking forward to not living with her the most. im sure shes nice as a person but i cant stand her life style plus shes kinda noisy n i need my quiet. but she prob figured i was mad so was out of the room the rest of the day lol good.

so thats a lot to write wheeeee

Monday, August 29, 2016

comiket & harajuku fashion walk

ok so im lazy with updates n now im lazy to edit pics so some are obv better looking than the ones im just too lazy to make look nicer but w/e

ok so around the middle of the month went back to comiket with claire. oh and she was able to sleepover cuz my roommate went back to osaka for a few days so we made brownies and stayed up late. so anyways i didnt really take pics this time cuz we didnt really see cool cosplayrs besides that one bicycle anime but didnt ask for a picture cuz they were just doing their own thing but the lizard guy was literally PERFECT

but this experience wasnt so fun cuz she kept complaining about how crowded it is. like what do you expect? and disney is was more crowded but you were fine. i think this was actually the least crowded of the times ive been here in the past

but anyways afterwards went to akihabara cuz i wanted to go to the carls jr. after that she wanted to go back to her cross dressing bar to get a beer cuz she was still overwhelmed from the crowd but i didnt want to spend more money so i went to donki in the meantime while she got a drink. she messages me saying shes done n asks where i am and i tell her. 10 minutes later she tells me she ran into this girl she sees often at the bar and that girl asked to hang out with her and then laer shes going to somewhere else cuz she forgot she was with me like wtffff????

how do you forget your with someone after spending the whole day with them?? and it just PISSED me off cuz it seemed like she didnt wanna tell her shes already hanging out with someone. like im sure if u just explain she'll understand. and shes like 'well i made this plan a week ago but forgot!' giiirrrllll ugh i was just SO mad like if earlier shes like oh btw gotta meet my friend at 4 or w/e thatd be totally cool  but i was expecting us to actually hang out in akiba since we havent really done that in a long time but instead chooses ppl she met only a month ago or less over me

so i told her this is not ok and that im going home(but i ended up just strolling around for like 2 hours) its also annoying how she doesnt have internet on her phone so she said she went to the place i originally waited for her but that was already like 30 minutes after i left. i didnt really feel like seeing her after that betrayal anyways

so i made some distance from her. our yokohama all night thing got cancelled too even though we've been planning it for like a month. idk whatever i still talk to her but i feel like its not the same anymore


so yesterday i went to a harajuku fashion walk! ive known about these but theyre always on sundays n im working but lately ive been getting more off time from the salon cuz its not as busy these days so i got the day off and was able to go!

i went alone. i asked claire but she never replied. i feel like its hard getting a hold of her these days. but i dont mind going alone. i was like 'well i'll try to make new friends' and i did and ended up having a great time!

it started at 2 but i was like 20 min late cuz i was doing my hair o.o

a pic with random japanese girls

i felt underdressed im not like crazy harajuku style i wear casual clothes so i tried doing some kawaii outfit ppl said they liked it but idk

next time i go i'll wear my black dress and try to be some gothic lolita-ish look

the guy in charge of the event was i forgot his name but this famous harajuku boy i was too shy to ask for a pic together but next time

they were one of the best dressed in my opinion

but everyone looked so cool!! at first we took a group pic then started walking around harajuku. i bet all the tourists were like yaaasss jackpot!!!

since i was alone i just start talking to random ppl cuz i dont wanna look like a loser. the first timers(like me) were mostly ppl on vacation and the ones that been doing this for a while lived here for a long time

heres me and ui
her outfit was on point she was so cool and nice even though im speaking in my crap japanese lol

maybe halfway through everyone took a break to just talk n take pics. me n some other gaijins go ditch the walk to eat cuz we're hungryyyy. next time i go i'll try to finish the walk

 but heres a group pic of everyone before ppl start leaving

there were like 3 photographers taking pictures of us the whole time

so we head to this restaurant popular for lolita gatherings cuz they sell cake and tea n stuff

i ordered a roast chicken sandwich and a cheesecake. and everyone just talks about this and that

after eating we walk a bit more then decide to take purikura!

i finally figured out how to get nice clear photos saved on my phone!!! but watch it not work next time

then we just talk more on the streets and u keep seeing random tourists in the backgrounds taking pictures of us lolll

but yeah had a lot of fun and everyone i met was so nice!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

sickness and diabolik lovers karaoke

i started writing this a month ago but never got to posting LOL so idk the dates on these whatever

like at work i got a cold so the next day on sunday i woke up n was SOOOO tired. like usually when i get up in the morning im a lil tired but whatever but that day i was a zombie like idk what was wrong with me. so i pass out on the train n when i get to my stop im like uggg i wanna sleep more. n its so stupid cuz at the salon there was suppose to be just one customer which was a pedicure which was the main reason i dragged myself to work but the lady never even showed up. but anyways im like dead when i get to work and the boss comes in n says ohayo and the other assistant says it but im tired so i say it kinda late n all bleh so my boss gets mad at me n i tell her im tired n shes like 'u cant say that! just cuz ur tired doesnt mean u can just do nothing' like girl i was doing something n i was so out of it like i could not deal with this right now so im just like ok 

and so im blowing my nose throughout the day half dead and just stay by myself miserable not talking to anyone they prob know i dont feel good. then around 12 im just so tired i start crying cuz all i wanna do is sleep but my boss doesnt want u to do nothing u HAVE to do something so im cleaning n crying but no one sees me so its ok but i look horrible

when i get home i pass out and sleep in peace.

then on tuesday i feel better and karaoke with my friend blanka at night so the next day im sick again and my leader is telling me im not allowed to clock in the 4th floor yadda yadda n im dead n cant do this so im like yeayea

anywaysss so the following week i go to the diabolik lovers karaoke collab in akihabara!!!!

i had to call to make a reservation. at first i spoke in japanese but eventually was handed over to some guy who spoke english. but yeah didnt really need a reservation cuz we were the only ones there at the time

but i was NERDING OUT

^^^ elevator door

this wasnt our room but basically the same(our wall was black not white)

along the hallway of the rooms where pics of the characters

at this karaoke place even though its pretty cheap you MUST buy a drink so it adds on the price but i got the character drinks cuz whatevverrr when it comes to that stuff just take my moneyyyy

i ordered carlas grape-y drink and claire got rukis idk what type of drink but she liked it. but mine was a bit too syrupy for me. and they brought some random extra one cuz they made a mistake but before we tried that they took it away

we only sang one hour cuz we gotta get out before 7 or else the price is increased by 5x so yeah...

Friday, July 15, 2016

reunion, hakuouki, ect

ok ive been soooo lazy to update this blog like in my short amount of free time i have other things id rather do than this. not that ppl read this anyways but u know.

anyways so this post is for july 4th

claire came back to japan to stay another year so we met up and went to namja town for the otomate event

there was also show by rock and osomatsu san again but eh. took some pics anywys

like im honestly so sick n tired of osomatsu san. i really liked the anime while it was airing its really funny but even though its ended you still see it EVERYWHERE. like its the new one piee. u just cant go anywhere without running into it. makes me kinda not like the show as much anymore....


my fav series ever full of my husbands

omg when i saw the cardboard cut outs i was dyinnggggg n claires like 'breath cindy breathe'

look how happy i am

and i gotta take a pic with the alpha hubby kazama~

you werent suppose to touch them but i did anyway shhhh

and off topic but i got my roots did and used this new toner n omg it was so pretty but the color faded really quick so its back to more yellow-y looking aaww

anyways here what we bought to eat:

i bought an amnesia pasta and i think it was a meatpie or something i dont remember

claire got a -too lazy to look up name of game cuz im unfamiliar- dish thats omurice and meatballs with some rice cracker thing

and for dessert:

bought that same series that idk the name and its an eclaire of one of the characters and comes with milk tea. i was kinda expensive but looked cute. plus i worked really hard last month to make lots of $$ to have fun over summer

claire got a wand of fortune pudding pastry/pancake thing with macaroon and berries

afterwards went to otome street n bought more hakuouki junk. she found that one oni kazama keychain thats super rare in the discount bin for 200 yen i was like WHAT!? and bought it anyways even though i already have one cuz why not. and also found a chizuru keychain ive been looking for for 200 yen too yay!

like in the morning it was SUCH a nice day like it was perfect. but OF COURSE as i mention before the weather hates me so always gotta ruin it and start raining. like the weather forecast said like 20% chance of thunder. n everytime it says that it NEVER happens. but when i have a day off, wanna have a good time the weathers like 'ok lets rain' so it starts raining pretty heavily but neither of us had an umbrella cuz we didnt thnk we'd need it so we waited for like 10 ish minutes then just decided to run to the karaoke place n hope it stops when we're done n it did

but heres a pic i took while waiting for the rain to calm down

yadda yadda then just eat n stuff. anyways yesterday met up with claire again after work n whaddya know its POURING this time and she was almost an hour late to our meet up so i was kinda pissed and i had an umbrella but its like a supper tiny little umbrella my first roommate left for me so we tried running to the sushi place but i kinda forgot where it was but like we're still getting wet even though we have an umbrella cuz both of us cant fit under it and yeah i tell her to buy her own.

so anyways we eat sushi, buy more clothes, and drink tapioca

then i prob see her on monday and go to akihabara together

oh and before all this i did another friends nail and did dragon ball z nail art and she paid me $50 which is still really reasonable for this kind of stuff. took like 4 hours i was dead


Thursday, June 16, 2016


before i get to the main point, heres some hakuouki merch i bought online cuz its cheaper

waahhh the bigger kazama TALKS

and omfg ive been wanting the oni kazama keychain FOREVER but its always expensive like $20 the cheapest i saw it was $10 but for a tiny keychain idk it hurts my wallet so much but my mom found it for $4!!!! AAHH so had to get it obv thats a reasonable price

im so glad i have it now! now i have a version of all kazama outfits/forms ^_^ and bought hijikata too cuz why not?

i also bought more circle lens~

this is ICK -something- grey*too lazy to check) but looks nice huh?

and dueba barbie 3 tones brown or something. idk its a little darker than i thought but its still different shade than my normal eyes. my other brown lens blend in with my eye so it just looks dolly which is ok but im not feeling that all the time i think these look better

anyways ok this happened over a wee ago im just lazy to update:

so at my salon they made us wear yukata to work cuz theres a festival going on nearby. i borrowed a yukata from my boss. it was annoying how we had to be at the salon at 7 am. like on the days i work there id still be asleep at that time. i just rolled outta bed and got on the train i didnt even care i look like crap

anyways the other assistand did my hair n helped put on the yukata. we also got a new assistant shes nice but i have a feeling she wont stay with us long cuz she doesnt have prior experience to this kind of stuff and shes a graphic designer so this is prob just a temporary job.

anyways it was kinda hard working in a yukata but it was fun taking pics

heres everyone together and the assistants sister too

then we were able to leave work like 10 min earlier to enjoy the festival yay~

i love japanese festivals i ate so much food omg.

anyways heres me the assistant n here sister i know the assistant is turning away but i look nice in this pic lol and its a nice background

everyone split up so i was with the new girl and we both took a crapload of pics cuz this is still new to both of us

i bought some churros n omg they were to die for

and some choco banana~~~

oh yeah there was this cute guy working at some kiddie booth i told her i'm like 'psst isnt that guy there cute?' and shes like where?? and couldnt find him even though hes right there but yeah she thought he was attractive too but he was wearing a face mask so idk maybe hes actually not as good looking but idk

heres some kawaii cotton candy

idk y i took this pic but why not.

we didnt play any of the games cuz we just spent all our money on food

but i really wanted one of those kiddie masks but DANG they cost $8 like i thought itd be around 500 yen but eehhhh... plus i didnt really know who i wanted cuz there were so many to choose from!!!

and then we both wanted takoyaki but most were like 400-500ish yen for 8. but i know i saw a stand for 12 takoyakis for 500 yen while we walked to the shrine and yeah we eventually found it and bought. but i guess ur suppose to add on the mayo but the guy just handed it to use in the bag n stuff

we all were suppose to meet up back at the salon at 8:10 we came a little later but the boss didnt show til lie 8:45 so me n the new girl ate our food with out everybody cuz we hungryyy

but its like you can prob eat more but the yukata is tight so ur stomach cant expand n u feel fuller than you really are

anyways after everything we say goodbye and me n the assistant n her sister went to take purikura looking kawaii

then the next day me n the new girl went back to the festival cuz its a 2 day thing but dressed normally. and at this other choco banana place u get to roll this dice and i got like the highest numbers possible so i got 2 bananas for the price of 1 yay but i ended up giving the other to her friend that came along cuz i bought a ton of  food and got so full

hmm yeah n theres this new guy at forever21 in the stock with me n hes kinda cute but hes wearing a mask so IDK but hes really tall n has nice hair so thats always good

and my fav purple hair boy idk if he works here anymore i havent seen him in 4ever but he has a gf so whatever

kk bye

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

diabolik lovers cafe!

like about 2 weeks ago i went to the diabolik lovers cafe in shibuya!!!

i forced my 2 guy friends to come along cuz i dont know any females who like that stuff so whatever they didnt seem to mind even though they were the only guy customers lol

i didnt know u can make reservations but we were able to get in without one cuz even though it was golden week it was before ppl started eating dinner so they had space for us :)

 inside was posters of all the characters. there were 2 areas, the sakamaki brothers and mukami brothers areas. we were in the mukami brothers

i still havent finished the last 2 eps of more blood i need to watch it with brooke >_<

the tables had these mat things of characters too

we looked through the menu n im like 'ok everybody must get something different so we can try it out and take pics ect' lol

anyways the ordering system was similar to the otomate cafe cuz u have to check what u want on a piece of paper. but the total was combined but whatever

first up is the drinks. i ordered ayatos sadistic cherry cola and my friend got laitos pervert green macha drink

my drink was just cola with some cherry sauce stuff that you mix in. nothing really special it looked really different from the picture. and i hate macha but the macha drink wasnt too bad. it was very subtle so i can prob drink it. but he didnt like it so gave to the other friend

and food!!!

i got um maybe ruki's? dish i forgot but its roast beef and rice and salad. there was some shredded raddish or something on top but blegh tossed that to the side.

then my friend got azusas dish which was like a seafood rice dish. there was a proper name for this but i forgot and dont feel like looking it up

the other friend got yumas pumpkin soup. it was strong japanese pumpkin taste

and with everything u buy u get a coaster with it. so they all gave me theirs besides the doubles lol

now for dessert!

i got kanatos teddy parfait
like i absolutely hate this kid but whatever i aint got nothing against the bear(though it was funny when azusa threw it in the fire LOL)

the bear was caramel ice cream and theres whipped cream n the rest is corn flakes

my friend got uh i forgot who's cake thing. i THINK laito but idkkk. i was thinking of getting this but he ordered first so im like ok

then the other got subarus white rose cake and LOL it was SO SMALL but his was the most expensive(prob cuz the strawberries). we both felt so bad cuz ours are cheaper n bigger and his cake isnt anything special. like we didnt want to try it cuz its not really big enough to share but hes like dont pity men stuff so i took a tiny little piece but yeah. nothing fancy. poor guy

anyways heres all the coasters i got(excluding doubles)
im glad i got the good ppl(besides kanato n maybe azusa) thank god didnt get reiji ew

anyways heres some pics inside cuz why not

the mukami area

sakamaki area.
there were 2 girls eating there so could only take a small corner to take a pic of so i dont look like a creeper

and there was a notebook to write a message or draw  or whatever. i drew laito really fast so i looks crappy but whatever and my friend drew a random dead person so i labeled it as yui

and out in front of the cafe are card board cut outs!!!

eeeppp yeah there were girls waiting for their time to eat i guess so had to wait for them to leave to take the pic

there was also a form you can fill out to win one of these i filled it out for laito not that im gonna get it and if i do not like i can bring it to america lol just for the heck of it

but yeah overall i still think the otomate cafe is better cuz they have more food and is more reasonably priced. this is kinda expensive but whateverrr when it comes to this stuff just take my money seriously