Friday, July 15, 2016

reunion, hakuouki, ect

ok ive been soooo lazy to update this blog like in my short amount of free time i have other things id rather do than this. not that ppl read this anyways but u know.

anyways so this post is for july 4th

claire came back to japan to stay another year so we met up and went to namja town for the otomate event

there was also show by rock and osomatsu san again but eh. took some pics anywys

like im honestly so sick n tired of osomatsu san. i really liked the anime while it was airing its really funny but even though its ended you still see it EVERYWHERE. like its the new one piee. u just cant go anywhere without running into it. makes me kinda not like the show as much anymore....


my fav series ever full of my husbands

omg when i saw the cardboard cut outs i was dyinnggggg n claires like 'breath cindy breathe'

look how happy i am

and i gotta take a pic with the alpha hubby kazama~

you werent suppose to touch them but i did anyway shhhh

and off topic but i got my roots did and used this new toner n omg it was so pretty but the color faded really quick so its back to more yellow-y looking aaww

anyways here what we bought to eat:

i bought an amnesia pasta and i think it was a meatpie or something i dont remember

claire got a -too lazy to look up name of game cuz im unfamiliar- dish thats omurice and meatballs with some rice cracker thing

and for dessert:

bought that same series that idk the name and its an eclaire of one of the characters and comes with milk tea. i was kinda expensive but looked cute. plus i worked really hard last month to make lots of $$ to have fun over summer

claire got a wand of fortune pudding pastry/pancake thing with macaroon and berries

afterwards went to otome street n bought more hakuouki junk. she found that one oni kazama keychain thats super rare in the discount bin for 200 yen i was like WHAT!? and bought it anyways even though i already have one cuz why not. and also found a chizuru keychain ive been looking for for 200 yen too yay!

like in the morning it was SUCH a nice day like it was perfect. but OF COURSE as i mention before the weather hates me so always gotta ruin it and start raining. like the weather forecast said like 20% chance of thunder. n everytime it says that it NEVER happens. but when i have a day off, wanna have a good time the weathers like 'ok lets rain' so it starts raining pretty heavily but neither of us had an umbrella cuz we didnt thnk we'd need it so we waited for like 10 ish minutes then just decided to run to the karaoke place n hope it stops when we're done n it did

but heres a pic i took while waiting for the rain to calm down

yadda yadda then just eat n stuff. anyways yesterday met up with claire again after work n whaddya know its POURING this time and she was almost an hour late to our meet up so i was kinda pissed and i had an umbrella but its like a supper tiny little umbrella my first roommate left for me so we tried running to the sushi place but i kinda forgot where it was but like we're still getting wet even though we have an umbrella cuz both of us cant fit under it and yeah i tell her to buy her own.

so anyways we eat sushi, buy more clothes, and drink tapioca

then i prob see her on monday and go to akihabara together

oh and before all this i did another friends nail and did dragon ball z nail art and she paid me $50 which is still really reasonable for this kind of stuff. took like 4 hours i was dead


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