Wednesday, August 17, 2016

sickness and diabolik lovers karaoke

i started writing this a month ago but never got to posting LOL so idk the dates on these whatever

like at work i got a cold so the next day on sunday i woke up n was SOOOO tired. like usually when i get up in the morning im a lil tired but whatever but that day i was a zombie like idk what was wrong with me. so i pass out on the train n when i get to my stop im like uggg i wanna sleep more. n its so stupid cuz at the salon there was suppose to be just one customer which was a pedicure which was the main reason i dragged myself to work but the lady never even showed up. but anyways im like dead when i get to work and the boss comes in n says ohayo and the other assistant says it but im tired so i say it kinda late n all bleh so my boss gets mad at me n i tell her im tired n shes like 'u cant say that! just cuz ur tired doesnt mean u can just do nothing' like girl i was doing something n i was so out of it like i could not deal with this right now so im just like ok 

and so im blowing my nose throughout the day half dead and just stay by myself miserable not talking to anyone they prob know i dont feel good. then around 12 im just so tired i start crying cuz all i wanna do is sleep but my boss doesnt want u to do nothing u HAVE to do something so im cleaning n crying but no one sees me so its ok but i look horrible

when i get home i pass out and sleep in peace.

then on tuesday i feel better and karaoke with my friend blanka at night so the next day im sick again and my leader is telling me im not allowed to clock in the 4th floor yadda yadda n im dead n cant do this so im like yeayea

anywaysss so the following week i go to the diabolik lovers karaoke collab in akihabara!!!!

i had to call to make a reservation. at first i spoke in japanese but eventually was handed over to some guy who spoke english. but yeah didnt really need a reservation cuz we were the only ones there at the time

but i was NERDING OUT

^^^ elevator door

this wasnt our room but basically the same(our wall was black not white)

along the hallway of the rooms where pics of the characters

at this karaoke place even though its pretty cheap you MUST buy a drink so it adds on the price but i got the character drinks cuz whatevverrr when it comes to that stuff just take my moneyyyy

i ordered carlas grape-y drink and claire got rukis idk what type of drink but she liked it. but mine was a bit too syrupy for me. and they brought some random extra one cuz they made a mistake but before we tried that they took it away

we only sang one hour cuz we gotta get out before 7 or else the price is increased by 5x so yeah...

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