Monday, September 12, 2016

i met the love of my life

ok ok so on saturday i MET KAMIJO!!!

so ive been in love with him since late 2012 which was a bummer cuz right when i found out about versailles his band was about to 'break up' cuz he was going solo. but anyways the band is BACK and i found out there was an event at the shibuya marui where kamijo and hizaki make and in store event. usually on weekends i work at the salon but there is their summer break going on right now so i worked at forever 21 then went to the event afterwards

i made sure in the morning to dress all kawaii and after work since i had an hour until the event went to touch up my makeup n put my circle lens in so im extra kawaii. gotta make these other fan girls jealous n so when he sees me he'll be like wow what a pretty girl LOL

i went to the 109 to do my makeup n in there i saw these shoes ive wanted for a while for 1000 yen so bought that too

anyways so met up with claire and we headed to the building we were like 10 min early but many fans were already waiting inside. most girls were dressed in lolita cuz kamijo likes that style(read it in an interview before)

anyways so me n claire r just talking until its time for him to come out. and claires like 'oh theres kamijo' and im like WHAT!? and then i see him!!!

^ kamijo n hizaki making their entrance(well technically they are exiting the building but u know)

and so then they start handing out fliers about the event to ppl n i need to get one from kamijo cuz hes my fav japanese singer ever. maybe even just in general not japan 

so lots of girls are trying to get paper from him too( i dont care so much for hizaki i mostly cuz care for kamijo but it was cool seeing hizaki too) but everytime i was about to get a paper he'd walk to a different location n me n other girls are like whhyyy cuz then he have to keep following him around but i didnt mind lol

anyways as hes handing out papers he kept being like 'bonjour' cuz he wanna be french so bad lol

and he sits again the display window and ppl take his paper n as im in line im like i gotta tell him i love him but idk if i should in japanese but everyone knows what i love u in english means so when its my turn i tae the paper n say 'i love you!' then he looks right at me n smiles n says 'you too' in english n omg i was FREAKING OUT like time stopped for that brief moment

im too shy to confess my love to regular ppl but hes a celebrity so its ok n hes totally my type so gotta let him know!!

^ claire took this pic of him shortly afterwards. in fact she took like all the pics n videos of him cuz i was too shy to do it i didnt know if i was allowed cuz most other fans werent taking pics n i didnt wanna be disrespectful but claires like 'im a gaijin i dont care' haha thank you SO MUCH CLAIRE

god after i et him i was so hot n sweaty for like the next 30 minutes i was like i cant believe this happened

cuz never would  thought id meet my idol and actually be within 5 feet of him for a good 5-10 minutes and get to SPEAK to him all for FREE

i wanted to say something to him cuz like all the girls when they recieve the paper cuz do that an head bow thank you thing but like no i wanna declare my undying love to you

anyways heres some more videos!

a video of hizaki handing out fliers n kamijo walked by towards the end. see how close we are like they are right there!!!

you can see my head in this lol!

after the paper thing they will do an event where i guess they talk for a bit then u can take pics with them or shake their hand but u need a ticket for that n to get a ticket u gotta spend at least $30 on merchandise but idkkkk im not THAT crazy about them i would just be happy seeing them for a split second in person but i got more than i ever hoped

so after they went back inside i guess but me n claire stayed out n im like girl gimmie a moment to calm down ahahaha

so after that went to eat sushi cuz we were hungry and after that i wanted to go to tsutaya cuz i saw theres a persona 5 display thing that i wanted to take a pic of

like japan goes all out with advertising 

heres the floor i took a pic of the game wall too but eh not on here.

and since we were there mind as weel check out the used games. i wanted to buy the majin tantei nougami neuro ds game but itd take too long to try to find the kanji on the game packaging so i just asked some guy working there if they had it n they did!! for on like $5 too!!!! i thought it might be $10-15 but so cheap so bought it right away!

also at book off they had these starry sky limited edition games for like $2.50 each n i was about to buy it but then i found out its for PC n im like ehhhh cuz i dont really like playing pc games(besides pixel horror) ike i have amnesia on steam but i only finished one route(and wasnt even the good ending!!) but never got back into it. were as if i played it on hand held id finish that in like a week so didnt buy it

later we went to the arcade n i finally played taiko drum master for the first time during this time in japan. i have it on ps2 but im no good but since i played beginner level i was alright

and after that i wanted to play DDR but as im looking through the songs we're running out of time so i choose some randm song that i think i should be ok if i do the difficult level but lol no. there were too many of the half beat steps and im wearing heels all day so my feet hurt n it was sooooo hot inside the arcade so we both failed n the game ended after one song T_T next time....

then we go hooommee

and yesteray  had the day off so this one girl has been wanting me to do her nails for a while but im always busy on the weekends but finally i was able to do her nails n she paid me too yay

its pretty simple but pretty. i still need to work on my marble skills they are still amateur looking to me

then when i was done i went back to my room n its locked like wtf my room locked me out even though she knew i was home so pissed. i honestly am looking forward to not living with her the most. im sure shes nice as a person but i cant stand her life style plus shes kinda noisy n i need my quiet. but she prob figured i was mad so was out of the room the rest of the day lol good.

so thats a lot to write wheeeee

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