Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Today I decided to dress up all kawaii just cuz i felt like it lol
heres my makeup today. drew on bottom lashes cuz didnt feel like putting some on

I wanted to look more japanese LOL idk trying to look like some kawaii school girl but not really gyaru but kinda at the same time cuz the makeup??

w/o the cardigan i look like some AKB girl lol
and this pic is 100% unedited cuz i think it looks fine as is :)
and even when i do edit my pics, is usually just contrast stuff and make my skin look nicer

heres a dumb video
idk when i upload videos on here it turns all crappy n blurry


omg i have been playing that game for like 7 hours or something and im not even done with chapter 1 yet and i havent even met everyone either holy crappppp this is gonna take WAY longer than i expected

I fnished the prolugue in like an hour n a half but aughhh.
thank god ive seen the anime so i know whats going on(until i get someones route then ima be lost)
sometimes i use my japanese coach to help translate kanjis if im too lazy to get out of my room to ask my mom for help
DDOOOODDD ive learned like 20 new kanjis already. by the time i get one route i'll prob know at least 50 new ones. this is taking long cuz i gotta read it all slowly n try to figure out what its saying. but when i hear ppl talk its kinda easier. but yeah at least i can ask my mom for stuff if i need help :P

before i got this game i was confused cuz its an otome game but ur a guy instead of a girl and in the other ones its all romance-y but its not like that in the anime so how do u get routes n stuff? but its "friendship" points instead so i can be bffs with my fav guys

and ZOMG KAMIJO"S NEW ALBUM IS OUT i need to watch the PV where the heck is it??!! i have been literally counting down the days to watch it but the song omgggg love it!

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