Saturday, March 29, 2014


yesterday i got to hang out with my bestest friend in da whoooole world!!

so much fun!!! ^_^

but before that, i dressed up all nice cuz i was going to go apply to a nail salon but when i got there the whole place was dark n no one was there, even tho its suppose to be open. i brought samples of my work and even did my nails all pretty but no one was there -_____-
lame. i told the skool lady and she said she'll look into it

now for rebekah!!

we dressed up all kawaii in school uniforms XD

took lots of pictures but idk the lighting wasnt good or something so most were just meh

 look at our outfits so kawaiiiiiiii

 my hair is really long o__O

heres the nails i did. i tried going for something fancy/elegant but psssshhh did it for nothing(not really)

we ate curry rice then i made rebekah listen to r18 drama CDs LOL
i warned her but she said its fine.  ssshhhhh

at night i did her nails. her fingers were plain and boring but i did art on her toes. lol i drew komaeda and a trashcan ahahahaha i've always wanted to do that

then she had to go back to the house she was staying at ;(

heres a random pic

i like it
dood those contacts i think i cant wear them anymore. theyre pretty old cuz i try keeping my lens as long as possible but my eyes kept watering n stuff DX

Saturday, March 22, 2014

dis week

 i havent uploaded a pic of pudgy lately so look!! aaawwwwww my bby is sooooo cuuute!

anyways. so yeah i didnt get the job :( but i didn't really wanna work there anyways. i wanna work at a nail salon!! so ima look for more jobs

speaking of nails, on tuesday i went to elizabeths house to paint her nails n watch the spring finale of pretty little liars with her(and OMG so dumb. they keep dragging the show)

i did beauty n the beast nails
on the thumbs are chip and belle, but belle looks really really bad tho...

and going to her house was the first time i drove by myself so i was kinda freaking out. my heart was racing lol but its not that far so i was fine. but on the way back i had trouble putting down the emergency break and my hand hurts now and i bet its because of that.

and today i went to san diego but nothng happened.

isabel BETTER do my roots on monday or tuesday cuz theyre grown out baaaaddd

Saturday, March 15, 2014


ok its 1:40 a.m. so ima make a pointless post

Earlier this month(maybe the 5th or 6th too lazy to check) was my 5th year running this blog!!!!
not that ppl actually read this lol

but i cant believe i kept up with this. all my other friends i tried getting them into blogging gave up after a month. its really not that hard -__- but idc if ppl read these or not cuz i read them. its fun looking back at the things i did a few years ago

and ommmggggg like you can tell how different i was back in the day. my posts sounded so immature and lame and id post about dumb stuff too. plz dont ever read my posts from 2009, i was still in my emo phase but just discovered gyaru at that time....but still....

i was looking through some of my old posts and read the one in junior year for the fetal pig dissection. ok idk if this makes me sounds creepy or not....but i actually LIKED dissecting things. i thought it was really interesting n cool. but yeah the stuff we dissected were preserved and yadda yadda not real 'living' looking. no blood. i could never be a surgeon id pass out.

and now for some lame love stuff:

I want to have a crush on someone. i havent had a crush since 11th grade(so 3 years ago)
but everyone is ugly or just not my type. so sad. i still havent had a bf/held hands/had my first kiss yet n im 20 wat is this?! but i dont go for just ANY boy. only those worthy lol. but im still young(i guess) i'll meet my prince soon or later

lol one part of me wants a man, but the other dominating part is like 'im a strong independent black women who dont need no man!'

this post....please....its late n im bored and write pointless things im sorry.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


so lets seeee

been studying more japanese and omg thank goodness i made a friend that actually talks back all the time and helps me out ^-^

and hakuouki im learning a lot too!!

today, i had my first job interview for great clips!
I think it went ok. I should know in a week if i got the job or not

that is all!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Today I decided to dress up all kawaii just cuz i felt like it lol
heres my makeup today. drew on bottom lashes cuz didnt feel like putting some on

I wanted to look more japanese LOL idk trying to look like some kawaii school girl but not really gyaru but kinda at the same time cuz the makeup??

w/o the cardigan i look like some AKB girl lol
and this pic is 100% unedited cuz i think it looks fine as is :)
and even when i do edit my pics, is usually just contrast stuff and make my skin look nicer

heres a dumb video
idk when i upload videos on here it turns all crappy n blurry


omg i have been playing that game for like 7 hours or something and im not even done with chapter 1 yet and i havent even met everyone either holy crappppp this is gonna take WAY longer than i expected

I fnished the prolugue in like an hour n a half but aughhh.
thank god ive seen the anime so i know whats going on(until i get someones route then ima be lost)
sometimes i use my japanese coach to help translate kanjis if im too lazy to get out of my room to ask my mom for help
DDOOOODDD ive learned like 20 new kanjis already. by the time i get one route i'll prob know at least 50 new ones. this is taking long cuz i gotta read it all slowly n try to figure out what its saying. but when i hear ppl talk its kinda easier. but yeah at least i can ask my mom for stuff if i need help :P

before i got this game i was confused cuz its an otome game but ur a guy instead of a girl and in the other ones its all romance-y but its not like that in the anime so how do u get routes n stuff? but its "friendship" points instead so i can be bffs with my fav guys

and ZOMG KAMIJO"S NEW ALBUM IS OUT i need to watch the PV where the heck is it??!! i have been literally counting down the days to watch it but the song omgggg love it!

Monday, March 3, 2014


ok nerd time

when i went to book off in san diego today OMG they ACTUALLY HAD AN ISSUE OF B's LOG!!
and for $1!!!!!! GYAAAHHHH
its from 2009 but whatever. and it featured tokimeki memorial aahhhhhh! it also came with some CD rom that has wallpapers and demo games/movies but i havent checked it out yet


its only $30 like if i bought it online itd prob be like $60 or something. yeah its in japanese but watever i have been preparing myself for this moment ahahahah. gah theres gonna be so much kanji that i have to try and guess wat it is by listening to them speak. i bet by the time i finish the game ima memorize like 50 more kanjis XD dooood its gonna take FOREVER to get just one route done cuz when i read just one page of a manga in japanese depending on how much writing it takes 5-10 per page cuz i gotta translate what its saying in my brain n stuff but omg this is gonna be ridiculous. BUT ITS WORTH ITTT

so happy ^_^

and other stuff:

i hung out with julian a couple days ago. we played videos games n went to the mall

then earlier last week i went to skool to see the job lady and theres 2 things im prob gonna apply for. either great clips or some pedicure place. idk cuz for great clips like im scared of doing guy haircuts i get really nervous around men and feel awkward touching their head(unless its someone i know then idc) and its minimum wage but you get tips so...
and the pedicure place like i guess you get better pay but its ONLY feet. i dont mind, but i'd want to do hands more you know? plus the owners are like feet doctors too so they'll prob send their clients there and prob have gross feet so ahhhh

i'm prob gonna try to get an interview with both n see which i like better