Tuesday, February 25, 2014


 like a week ago i was laying in my backyard soaking up some sun since the weather has been hot. srsly even tho its winter its like 80 degrees wat is this??!!

like i have not come in human contact(besides my family) for like 2 weeks. everyone im suppose to hang out with ends up bailing on me wwhhhyyyy. i have been doing NOTHING. i gotta get out of this house its driving me crazy

so some lame things ive been doing by myself since i have NOTHING BETTER TO DO

draw. but i always draw so its nothing new
 but i made a more bloody person. its been a while since i drew gore. my pictures are clean nowadays

also i tried making another makeup tutorial but it was soooo dumb right when i was suppose to put my top lash on my camera died so i couldnt make a video but i guess i had enough power to take a pic so only have a pic tutorial. i wanted to make a video T_T but i guess ts for the best cuz i wasnt wearing makeup n it gets awkward holding the camrera in one hand and putting on makeup in the other and sometimes u can see part of my nose and my gross blackheads yuck so yeah.

i hope the job lady is at skool tommorow so i can call n start getting on with my life

Friday, February 21, 2014


sorry havent been posting. ive been doing NOTHING. ive been SO BORED. ive been stuck in my house all week with nothing to do.  want to see my friends T_T


ive been studying japanese again!!

omg im on this one site call www.lang-8.com AND OMG IVE BEEN LEARNING SO MUCH!!!!
you kinda have to be more advanced though cuz you gotta know how to form a couple sentences and know how to read/write. ok i SUCK at making sentences so i get lots of ppl to correct me(its mostly those connector words or i use wrong word order or something).
but its a really fun site cuz u can correct other ppls entries in english too! i feel like a teacher haha. I made a post today about how much i want to see the hakuouki movie(cuz i saw a preview thing and omg fangirling the whole time) and this person that corrected me also likes hakuouki aahhh!!!!!

and i wrote was boring tiday was and OMGGGG THERES LIKE 10 DIFFERENT WAYS TO SAY BORING WHHYYYY. man this is SO confusing idk which to use. why must japanese be so complex

Thursday, February 6, 2014



i'm SOOO happy n relived

i had to get up at 3:20 in the morning then i [sorta] slept in the car on the way there. the traffic was actually really smooth it seemed so arrived over an hour early and slept in the car in front of mcdonalds for like 30 minutes then ate breakfast and got dropped off at the state board building at 7:00!!

it wasnt as bad since ive already been here but i was still shaking a bit. i saw other girls hands shake too lol.

im SOOO glad i got a nice cheery examiner this time. last night i was praying that itd be good traffic, nice examiner, and i pass. and i DIIIDDD!!!!!!!!
going back to school and studying my butt off for the past week n a half paid off. yesterday i forced isabel to watch me doing everything while she looks at the answer packet and i barely had any mistake except maybe remove clamps before taking gloves off or something little like that. so i DEF felt more confident but aaahhgg so happy >_< at 12:30 for the results as i walked thro the front door some girl i kinda talked to earlier was crying and im like @_@ but idk then the lady is calling names n my heart is pounding like 'omg will my name be called? is this for ppl that passed?' and everyone in the room that had to retake it passed so thats good.

and in the elevator i was alone and my eyes got watery cuz i was so happy cuz i REALLY didnt want to retake it again this one lady i kinda talked to said it was her third time taking it oh man if i failed i'd be in DESPAIR

but i had friends supporting me saying they believe n me n isabel being a nerd like 'DONT DESPAIR ONLY HOPE CAN PREVAIL' im so glad shes my friend she really helped me study a lot i will do the same when its her time for state board

ahg but the way back since i only really got like 2 hours of sleep i was sooooooo tired once it became like 1 o'clock so im sleeping in the car then right when i get home put on pjs n take a nap til my dad gets home then eat and now just tumblring and stuff lol

aaaahhhh i can watch anime and goof off and sleep in again ^_^

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


ughhhh i dont wanna go to take my state board again!!!!! im so GAHHH. ive been having like nightmares everyday about it. i was studying for it in my DREAMS ok gosh one more day T_T

anyways, since valentines is coming up i thought itd be nice to do dangan ronpa nails of some OTPs n watnot

sonia x gundam

kuzuryuu x pekoyama

monobear x monomi
 ok these 2 arent really an otp but awww they look so cute

im suprised how good i am at using my left hand lol. ughhhh but doing my right thumb(monobear) was SO ANNOYING. i had to have it in some weird position and yeah i dont think i'll do anime art on that finger anymore(maybe)
yeah took a couple hours i dont even time myself anymore so idk. gotta be at least 5

and before that i was bored n felt like crossplaying again omg so sorry i like doing the makeup
 getting better at this "boy" makeup

man in the pic it looks like nothing but im packing on the eyeliner in person. this completely transforms my face or at least it does in person
 top of the morning

ok like i dont want to cut my wig cuz i wanna use it to look like a girl too and i dont wanna style it with hairspray cuz i dont wanna wash it so had to work with wat i got n try picking little pieces n adjusting them to look all perfect
i prob still look femine but im trying to be a PRETTY boy cuz those r the best kinds of boys so it works riiight

yesterday i saw the worst thing ever. a video of these baby chicks(or ducklings idk) being SHREDDED ALIVE. like at first i thought it was popcorn then in like 5 seconds its all gone and u see this shredder thing then the video goes back to the beginning image and its BIRDS and im like WHAT
then i start crying afterwards cuz thats so sad. why would you do that?? or VIDEO TAPE that???!!!
then i couldnt sleep at night cuz of that(and state board) so had a crappy night

i hope i never witness something like that ever again

Saturday, February 1, 2014


so since i got my state board date all this week ive been going to skool to practice in the mornings cuz ITS NEXT WEEK HOMG. like i feel -kinda- better now cuz im refreshing up my memory and at first i was uber slow but now im back to the speed im suppose to be ^_^ BUT im still not feeling confident T_T its the little things like when to sanitize n analyze i mostly gotta work on gah. its on thursday hurghh on wednesday its gonna be my last chance to study geh im praying i pass omg if i dont i prob will be one of those girls that start crying.def gotta study over the weekend nonstop so i can get this over with!!!

at skool today after practicing i forced isabel to put her circe ens in cuz shes had them for like 2 weeks but havent put them on cuz shes too scared -_- lol it was funny we spent like 30 minutes trying to get them on hahaha i was like 'nope nah yes right there press it' but itd stick to her finger or something. after she finally got them in i did her makeup all kawaii n gyaru-ish/dolly. i shouldve brought mine but didnt think of it

and i decided to start nurarihyon season 2 and omg why does this series have such attractive characters ugh i cant. i really like animes with yokai or like old time japan type stuff with samurais n ninjas. dude i learned a lot of japanese history watching anime hurhur

gonna do valentine themed dangan ronpa nails over ze weekend about those painful ships geh. i'll post pics soon!