Saturday, November 2, 2013

3 spoopy 5 u

so for halloween i hung out with some friends ^_^

i went to brookes house and dressed up as....idk kinda just put something together

and some of her friends that i didnt know too well were there but we all got along great

we took lots of pics :P

 i havent worn the shirt before even though i bought it in japan a year ago, thought its too dressy for normal occasions and i havent worn the tights since japan either lol

man i have no idea what happened to my visual kei vest. i think i left it at a friends house or something it wouldve looked perfect with the outfit

we decided to walk around at night cuz appearantly around the lake area its crazy or something but psssshhh there werent that many ppl all the kids are home so there were a couple groups of people around our age still out in the dark. we too kool for candy lol. idk we didnt trick or treat cuz like, honestly i NEVER finish the halloween candy so theres just no point really im not a big candy person, and the others didnt really care either

the gang!

later at the lake sarah and her bf showed up and came back to brookes house with us

they stilled til midnight then had to go ;(

zack left a while ago too so its just the girls that got to sleepover then we're watching reverse harems LOL

idk cuz i had my contacts in my eyes for a while n at night too, when i took them out my eyes were all tired n stuff so even though my mind was awake my eyes made me sleepy and brooke n jade were just watching these weird videos of ppl that i didnt care for but then anime came and i  sorta woke up haha

then i got sleepy but around 2 am we started looking up voice actors of our fav guys to ruin the image lol you know u have no life when u look up voice actors ahahahhh
and it was that time when everythings funny to you and u just get weird and stuff then they started talking about ppl idk so i fell asleep but randomly woke up a couple hours later and couldnt really go back to bed n they were still talking so i asked wat time it was and its like 5 in the morning then everyone went to bed

then i guess jade had to leave early in the morning but i was passed out and didnt notice then i woke up at 11 and kept bugging brooke to get up then we went to the otomate website and looking up more bishies and going to the official websites im so glad i got her into this

when i got home later i had a checkup with the doctors and i have another cyst T_T
prob gonna have to have another surgery why must i be cursed with this

yeah i edited a photo to make me look vampire-ish
i guess this site had some red eye detection thing cuz on my computer the eyes are red but once i upload it here its gone :/ dont look as cool
made my hair white too heehee

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