Monday, September 30, 2013

no homo

 today i had brooke come over my house and we played dress up as girl and senpai LOL we cant stop doing this im so sorry

aint i kawaii like an anime girl ^_^
so i put my black wig on brooke and tried doing man cosplay makeup on her i think it turned out pretty good actually but in these pictures u cant really see cuz im only uploading the webcam ones not the camera ones sorreh

my senpai with glasses hurhur

dude we were being so dumb like we would edit our pictures in anime skool backgrounds n whatnot lol wat r we doing with our lives?

and we would look up yaoi manga covers for pose references LOL
i really need to style that wig so it looks cool and less female hahaha

shes getting a skool uniform n 2 wigs soon so we'll both dress up as magical girls or something idk but it'll be fun!!!!

Saturday, September 28, 2013


ok soooooo since im currently not doing anything with my life i got to catch up kinda on stuff

been crafty again and made stufffff

been catching up on sdr2 and just finished it and OMG wtf just happened is all i can really say. and komaeda man i srsly dont know wat to think of him anymore(i wanna like him but at the same time hes such a freak)
 anyways since dangan ronpa has been my life again i made a monobear necklace lol i bought beads for it too i wanted to make it half white/black but the only white the stores had were pearly n i didnt like that

and i make these hair clip things yako wears from majin tantei nougami neuro but its not really a well known anime even though its one of my absolute favourites!

then today i hung out with sarah and forced her to take beautiful pictures of me
idk its hard getting other ppl to take good pics of me. i hate my chubby cheeks cuz they make me look fat(my clothes r baggy just sayin) so gotta find the right angles

i like dis pic. its nice how she has all the professional equipment teehee

i liked another pic but uploads as sideways for some reason so guess u cant see it oh well

oh and i bought the shoes im wearing for $25 im very happy with them wheee!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

baka adventures

before i talk about my stressful 2 days, i will review some circle lens wheee

so on fb i entered some contest where all i had to do was comment and share a pic and i won yay. and every day in august someone won so my chances were pretty high

its from circlelens2u(i think) ANYWAYS i ordered some grey lens cuz i havent had any i believe the one iwanted were estactic grey or something and they had a purple-y ring so itd be a greyish purple lens

BUT whaddya know they arent the ones in the picture!!

but i kinda figured cuz some f the pictures dont match up with the lens brand so im like hmmm
but was absolutely FREE so no complaints
 so heres my mystery lens which i dont know really if estatic grey is really the name but anyways i'm just happy that they are pretty vibrant. i just dont want grey lens that end up looking really dark on my eyes but these def show up well

kinda looks blue at times, but hey i dont got blue lens anymore so these work too

the only thing i dont like is how big the pupil area is. maybe im just not used to it but its a lot bigger than my other lens

then at night i was goofing off and attempted 'cosplay' looking makeup. im getting this down with more practice. finally getting the hang of covering my eyebrows yuuussss
yeah i wasnt wearing face makeup so had to edit luckily the flash helps

OK anyways so yesterday morning went to LA cuz i had to take my state board today but i'll get to that

my mom went to some immigration citizenship thing and yadda yadda asked about info if i wanna live in japan n stuff
then went to this tiny market thing i was just following her around and some guy prob like 25 or something is like 'i like ur nails' n im like thnx then he asks if he can see them(prob an excuse to touch my hand) and he takes a pic of them lol then asks for my number o__o and my mom is like right there and im like 'i dont have a phone' which i dont then hes like u gotta have a fb or something im like 'yeah but i dont even know u' and hes saying how he has a nice job and car and im thinking 'poor guy thinking thatd make women want him more' then my moms all like noo and hes like 'well i tried' and idk he wasnt like ugly or anything but still not my type either way

anyways heres some random pic i took in los angelas mmhmm
i really wanted to pick up my kit for state board but it was closed so had to pick it up the day of, which i really did not want to do

 then went to the motel were staying at and omg it was this little tiny dirty one room motel def not worth the $70 and it stunk too. i was nervous for state board so didnt really sleep well, plus i just can not sleep with just one pillow. gotta at least have 2

anyways woke up at 5:45 ate a banana then left around 6:15 cuz i wanted to have a look at my kit to get an idea. my mom said we'd be there by 6:30 but NOOO

she got lost and didnt know how to get to the place from the motel and omg i was freaking out it was already like 7:10 when we got to the place n the kit ppl are like 'this isnt us, the kit company u need moved long ago' but it was in the same building as the test but still!!

so i'm hurrying as fast as possible(the building is like right next to it) and appearantly the doll head i brought i cant use cuz its presectioned so my poor mother had to spend $60 on a new dollhead for me that u can prob get for like $25 somewhere else and thankfully they let me in at the last second omg i srsly thought i wouldnt be able to take the test but i was so freaked out i had no idea wat to do(at that time) or wat was in my kit and AHHG such a mess

there was another girl from my school so i wasnt alone phew but yeah there were some points where im like 'oh wait i was suppose to do that before this' so tried to do it after idk they prob caught that

i just felt like everything i was doing was wrong(in the beginning) but after the break it was kinda better.
then after the practical i took the written test which i wasnt too worried aboout had to think about some questions n read them carefully

anyways my results were failed the practical passed the written. augh i did NOT want to retake the practical but got no choice. and the stuff i did the worst in was the nails, even though thats the stuff im best at. but i did good on the facial, that was the one thing i knew how to do perfectly

anyways it was an exhausting day i need to take a break from this stuff and relax

idk when i retake the test but yeah thats wats up

Friday, September 13, 2013

no more school!!!

today was my final day in beauty n now i graduated wheeee!!!
i only had to be there for 2 hours today basically just to get my hair curled XD
 my friends decorated my station ^_^

honestly i was like 'no ones gonna decorate it' but i guess some ppl do care u_u
and they got me sour candy which i love!!
 i clocked out at 3:30, but it was more like 4 watever
i gave my mom my camera, but shes horrible at taking pictures...they always end up blurry...

but this is a decent shot even though i look hideous
 but its some of my school chums so mind as well have a pic to remember forever

then a pic with isabel cuz i like this shot

yay no more school!!! IM FREEEEEE!!!!!

i get to sleep iiiiinnnnnnn!!!!!!

dude my right eye was burning. my contact or something was just irratating me so it may have looked like i was crying during the ceremony but pffft just got something in my eye
 this batch of pictures i took was actually pretty decent. guess my skills are coming back

last night i did my nails to match my dress kinda. idk i was lazy n used stickers

ahh and my state board is next thursday im really nervous but i hope i pass both tests and just get it over with!!!

ok stuff i did within the past week:

made more clay jewelry stuff cuz i owed my friend an eyeball ring and necklace like MONTHS ago n told her id give it to her before i graduate lol

also made a dangan ronpa monobear necklace but i want to buy black and white beads instead of chains so i'll post that later

yesterday i was like dying cuz of woman issues good thing i got to clock out at 2:30 thered be no way i'd survive until 5

i was cleaning my bookshelf full of all my comic books and for some reason decided to gather all my zatchbell stuff lol
this was my FAV anime growing up. the first series i was completely obsessed with. i even had a game for the GBA which was like the bestest game ever but i lost it T_T 

hmm now that im not in school once the last part of dangan ronpa 2 get outs, oh man my life is just gonna be about that game again ok bye

Sunday, September 8, 2013

being a weeb

dang it has been like the longest time since i posted >_<

yeah quick updates um...i graduate this week yaaay!!!!!! i get to sleep in again!!
and my friend started skool with me even if its just a short time

ok anyways last night i hung out with brooke and we were being the BIGGEST LOSERS ever

like i brought my school girl outfits n we dressed up n took pics n videos. i tried uploading the video but its not on my computer so doesnt work :/
but heres da link:

that glasses thing never gets old

 ohhhh and i won free circle lenses!! EEEEEPPP!!!
all i had to do was post and share a link gyaaahh i cant wait till i recieve them i needed some new ones too

back on topic

so me n brooke were editing out photos with anime stuff like hakuouki omg wat r we doing with our lives?
 blahg i look bad but watever its funneh

after we were done with that i made her watch the anime amnesia hahaha then i got tired and fell asleep

the next morning went on gaia in the towns roleplaying that 'i hope senpai notices me' thing omg such dorks but its fuuuunnnn then went home yuupp so tired

ohh check out my tattoooooo

appearantly my aunt in japan sent a lot a long time ago but i just found out about them like a week ago n stuck one on xD