Wednesday, May 1, 2013


no pics again

on monday i had my first surgery >_<

i had to leave my house at 5 am and i was pretty nervous cuz ive been lucky enough to never have broken a bone or get anything removed n stuff. i was ok until they put the IV in then i was freaking out. then my mom came in and held my hand and i felt a bit more relaxed. shortly afterwards the doctors told me whats up then my mom had to leave and they put the sleepy drug in my IV and strolled me to the operation room. 

that drug works FAST like omg it only took less than a minute to get to the other room but i was already blacking out. idk if this was a dream or if it happened, but the doctors told me to move myself to another bed but idk if that happened or not. i remember seeing 3 bright lights then the last thing i remember was a doctor pulled my arm up and was about to put more drugs in then the next thing i know i'm in a room similar to the one i started in(it was literally the other side of the room) and a nurse is besides me doing something on the computer n im like 'is the operation over?' and she said yes but i was sooo sleepy. i think i asked her about the bed changing thing but i dont really remember her answer -__-"

then my mom got to come in again. the surgery only took less than an hour. my arm didnt hurt, my IV hurt more cuz plastic tubes are in my arm. the sticker things that are placed on to track ur heartbeat, man the nurse left 3 of them on o.o she prob didnt see it cuz my clothes. when it was time to leave, i could barely walk it felt so weird cuz my body was basically half asleep, but i barely got any sleep the night before anyways.

when i got home i took a nap on the couch, but since i was tossing n turning i guess the cut opened a bit cuz my armpit felt wet for some reason n i see dried bloodstains on my shirt. then i notice my whole upper arm is orange n im like wtf i guess its bloodstains that the doctors didnt wipe up well. yeah after a couple hours i was able to walk better but my body still felt weak. like u know that feeling when u wake up really early so ur body is still asleep n u try opening something but u cant cuz ur hands r all weak n stuff? well thats how i was.

anyways i got 2 days off of skool so during that time i got caught up in playing hakuouki and watched reverse harems omg i cant get enough of that stuff. yeah thats basically all i did haha!

when i had to shower today, its really difficult doing that with one arm, and changing too. and now my wound stings from the water T_T and i have to go to skool tommorow ugh have to get up early

thats all 4 now!

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