Monday, May 27, 2013


 today i went to the mall with elizabeth. we didnt buy anything lol. afterwards went to harveston lake again and saw carl there so hung out with him. then just started taking random pics so yeah thats pretty much it :P

 lol pretending to point at whatever omg so lame but funny. cant even see my arm. i need to rebleach my roots x.x

then we took a picture while jumping!

lol poor carl being our photographer hahahaha

and like last week i did my friends nail, acrylic and art, so heres a pic waaah im so happy with how it turned out!!!
night and day themed :D

and also on sunday i had a skype sleepover with paul again and we stayed up til 5 i wanted to fall asleep around 3-ish but he kept forcing me awake then i'm just like 'i cant do this anymore' so hung up lol. then i woke up at 12. i wouldve slept more but i had skool the next day n didnt wanna ruin my sleeping pattern plus  my moms all like 'elizabeth has been calling u' so i got up and when i called her back i was still half asleep cuz i couldnt think and process my thoughts so i took forever to answer her questions n stuff

haha good times

Monday, May 20, 2013


earlier this week i got acrylic nails for the first time in my LIFE!
actually its sculptured nails but pretty much the same thing. i love long nails. i remember back in the day my real nails were this long. yeah no joke but i had to cut them cuz i couldnt take my circle lens out. but i watched videos on how to take contacts out with long nails and tried it. omg it was SOOO easy!!! way easier than what ive been doing so decided to get nails again!!!

my friend did the acrylic and i painted it ^_^
everyones like 'how do u do anything with them?!" but idk, after a while u get used to it

then i did my friends acrylic nails n painted them a 'night & day' theme but didnt take a pic. turn out pretty cool though :P but the acrylic process. she spilled my nail glue then the table started smoking somehow and her fingers were stuck in a weird position and shes like 'i'm gonna get shot for making gangster signs' omg i was dyingggg

also, like a month ago i won a makeup contest in GalVIP which is an online gaijin gyaru magazine so i finally go my prize which is diamond beauty cream blush and a BB cream sample wheeee
i'll try it out later. i really wanted the nose contouring powder though T_T
ima try to enter again but idk the deadline so wateverrrr! 

i went to get my armpit checked up again today and hopefully it'll be fully closed by next week then i can finally shave @_@ and wear tank tops

when i got home i felt like dressing up and wearing tons of makeup cuz i havent really taken any good pics blonde. idk his batch of pics was ok. idk i just cant take good pics anymore wats wrong with me!?

omg i really need to go shopping for short sleeve shirts i have all this winter clothes from japan and its getting too hot for that

anyways heres my eye makeup for today

ya know, mostly just fake eyelashes but i was trying to be just like my magazine peeps. *cries* augh i wanna go back to japan so badly!!! i tell my mom that every single day then i can become a model n stuff *tear*

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


 on sunday i went to san diego and bought some old anime mags lol. i love how the only ones i get have either gundam 00 or code geass on the cover watever i bought them cuz it had free stuff

yeah got 3 mags and it came with CDs, booklet things, and a card

i was bored so was cutting up the stuff inside of other freebies like bookmarks, postcards, and present boxes
 gundam 00 present boxes! prob will never use them lol. and code geass bookmarks!! but i dont read -__-"

and postcards!!!

of um, flaming something(too lazy to look it up) and gundam

and today im a senior at skool wheeeeee!!!!!!!

Friday, May 10, 2013

heres whats up

 i like how blonde my hair looks in webcam pictures XD

okaay so heres a pic of that bump i got surgically removed before lol
 [ignore some pit hair i wasnt allowed to shave 2 day prior to operation]
yeah so u can see the bump. i havent taken a pic of the scar yet, but i tell u it aint pretty. there like a dent where the cyst used to be i hope its not permanent :/

anyways heres some paintings i did a while ago but decided to take pics of them and maybe post them on DA one day
 a new scary person wheeeeeee! man i know i have white acrylic paint but i couldnt find any in my house so i used poster paint and it looks kinda weird. and no shading cuz i dont have supplies
darn AP art had all the supplies i needed

and to go with the card series i drew a joker
i believe i did this....over summer last year lol

i think i mentioned this in an earlier post idk but i made devil horn clips cuz theyre expensive online when i can just make them -__-
 i wore them to school and got lots of compliments!

and a while ago i bought tattoo tights on ebay and got them a week ago. 
dude they were $3 with free shipping!!! i paid SO much more for mine in japan psshhh now i'm looking up all those little things from japan i want on ebay
i havent really worn them yet. i prob will tommorow
yeah tis all

Saturday, May 4, 2013

funny story

Once upon a time, there was a rich man pulling along a cart full of treasure.
His cart had broken down in the woods, but there came a passing hunter and his dog. The rich man pleaded to the hunter to keep a close eye on his cart, to which the hunter agreed.
The rich man went to get a new cart.
Meanwhile, the hunter kept watch. Night soon fell, and the hunter grew worried for his elder mother still at home. So the hunter told the dog to watch the cart and went home to check on his mother.

When the man returned, he saw the dog on guard.

So he gave the dog a reward for his master, a silver coin, to carry in his mouth. The dog ran all the way home and brought his master the coin.

   …But the hunter flew into a rage.

‘I told you to watch the cart, and what did you do? You stole from it!’

 So the master killed the dog.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


no pics again

on monday i had my first surgery >_<

i had to leave my house at 5 am and i was pretty nervous cuz ive been lucky enough to never have broken a bone or get anything removed n stuff. i was ok until they put the IV in then i was freaking out. then my mom came in and held my hand and i felt a bit more relaxed. shortly afterwards the doctors told me whats up then my mom had to leave and they put the sleepy drug in my IV and strolled me to the operation room. 

that drug works FAST like omg it only took less than a minute to get to the other room but i was already blacking out. idk if this was a dream or if it happened, but the doctors told me to move myself to another bed but idk if that happened or not. i remember seeing 3 bright lights then the last thing i remember was a doctor pulled my arm up and was about to put more drugs in then the next thing i know i'm in a room similar to the one i started in(it was literally the other side of the room) and a nurse is besides me doing something on the computer n im like 'is the operation over?' and she said yes but i was sooo sleepy. i think i asked her about the bed changing thing but i dont really remember her answer -__-"

then my mom got to come in again. the surgery only took less than an hour. my arm didnt hurt, my IV hurt more cuz plastic tubes are in my arm. the sticker things that are placed on to track ur heartbeat, man the nurse left 3 of them on o.o she prob didnt see it cuz my clothes. when it was time to leave, i could barely walk it felt so weird cuz my body was basically half asleep, but i barely got any sleep the night before anyways.

when i got home i took a nap on the couch, but since i was tossing n turning i guess the cut opened a bit cuz my armpit felt wet for some reason n i see dried bloodstains on my shirt. then i notice my whole upper arm is orange n im like wtf i guess its bloodstains that the doctors didnt wipe up well. yeah after a couple hours i was able to walk better but my body still felt weak. like u know that feeling when u wake up really early so ur body is still asleep n u try opening something but u cant cuz ur hands r all weak n stuff? well thats how i was.

anyways i got 2 days off of skool so during that time i got caught up in playing hakuouki and watched reverse harems omg i cant get enough of that stuff. yeah thats basically all i did haha!

when i had to shower today, its really difficult doing that with one arm, and changing too. and now my wound stings from the water T_T and i have to go to skool tommorow ugh have to get up early

thats all 4 now!