Monday, November 29, 2010

Lost @ Sea

not like the title has anything do to with what im about to write, but couldnt think of anything else
well, lots has gone on i guess(?)
i dyed mah hair. same colour, at least the roots arent black anymore, but thy are kinda darker than the rest of my hair...BUT WHATEVER
and noez, i dont got grey contacts, i edited my eyes XD but i do want these one grey contacts
but im afraid that they'll look weird on me cuz they are a lot bigger than the ones i have now so it might look freaky or somethin...
oh yeah and psssshhh school. it wasnt that hard to get up this morning but by wednesday i'll be so tired i bet.

i do my deco den every now and then. not as much as i used to. but since i got stuff to make jewelry, thats what ive been doing
heres a cupcake ring

and a ghost necklace

i made another necklace but the clay was still too soft so idk. one of these day i'll re-bake it and show you(cuz its sooooo awesome lookin)

and i also put up the christmas tree already ^_^

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