Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Yeah so yesterday as u may know was halloween duuur
and i went with elizabeth and went to her house at like 5:30 we trick or treated at her hood cuz mine SUCKS. like no one has holiday spirit where i live.
i was a school girl(you know it!) and elizabeth was a cat lolz.
so i guess we had to meet some guy who was coming with us so as we were walking took some pictahs

trick or treat!
Add Glitter to Pictures

idk not the best shot of us but wateverr.

so this guy we meet up with ends up being a friend of jeff's and also rebekahs "date" when we watched horton hears a who back in the day.

but he seems cool i guess?

anyways we walked......a lot yesterday. my feet hurt SO bad by the time i got home
but yeah so that one guy has to go get his friend or somethin so he ditches us and we go trick or treating for a while and idk. appearantly a lot of ppl i know or kinda know saw me last night but i didnt see them @_@ creepers lol

but then that dude kept trying to find us and kept calling elizabeth but auugh it was so confusing. but we ended up meeting him eventually and had his friend along and we were all walking some more to some other neighborhood

and the guys, well, elizabeths friend at least, kept looking @ the way i walk. u no, the foot in front of the other thing. and i guess it was bothering him or something so everytime i did it he would be like 'shes doing it again!'

theres this one house i went to with that one other guy, cuz elizabeth and her friend were too chicken. but it was nightmare before christmas themed. it was pretty cool.

and continue trick or treating til 9 then we sat in front of the guys house and talked about random stuff. we WERE gonna to toilet paper ppl but it was getting too late so like 9:40ish i decided to go home cuz my dad gets all worried. so the guys friends house was the same direction as mine so he walked me home(well to my neighborhood) and when i gt home omg. my feet were soooooooo sore! like i couldnt walk anymore!

so i emptied my thing of candy. i got alot. more than most years. had a little and went straight to bed. i was TIRED.

plus u school today(which is FRICKIN RETARDED)

and yeah. thats it

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