Saturday, September 18, 2010

my back hurts

Today i decided to post a pic of me from 9th grade or somethin when i still had my natural hair.

I mean geez......i looked SOOOOOO different. but yeah. i DID edit the pic cuz i was just too butt ugly. just tried to make my eyees sorta bigger and my face thinner, so now it looks deformed but better than the original pic XD i still remember the day this was taken too!!! i was at sarah & rebekah's house ^_^

but yeah, good times~ this week, everyone beens getting sick. not me tho(cuz im cool jk) but my stomach ha been feeling strange so yeah. started sneezing more often too. so ive washing my hands like 20 times a day and staying awake from sick pplz.

and on friday we had to make a human flag. i wore red(well white but put on a red jacket). i bet the picture doesnt even look like a flag -_-"

and lol, anyone reading this prob doesnt care BUUUT, im on the last mission for DMC 3 and i cant beat it. i dont even know whats going on. so yeah, i'll prob not really play that game for a few months :P

anddd bought more clay the other day so will prob be into deco den again. except my silicon glue is all dried up so i cant make whipped cream anymore! and i dont feel like buying more so i'll just have to deal with it DX

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